Anti-Semitism Codified By Elites; Merged with 'Double Standards'.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
Why can christians be accused of Theocracy all day long and they shrug it off, but they just get all crazy when anyone accuses the jews of the same, AND it's in their literature AND you can go to message boards and see actual jews discussing the finer points of it.

Who beat you people? Oh wait. I know.
rtwngAvngr said:
Why can christians be accused of Theocracy all day long and they shrug it off, but they just get all crazy when anyone accuses the jews of the same, AND it's in their literature AND you can go to message boards and see actual jews discussing the finer points of it.

Who beat you people? Oh wait. I know.

It's not nice to pick on the little guys, RW. Americans always go for the underdog.
rtwngAvngr said:
Why can christians be accused of Theocracy all day long and they shrug it off, but they just get all crazy when anyone accuses the jews of the same, AND it's in their literature AND you can go to message boards and see actual jews discussing the finer points of it.

Who beat you people? Oh wait. I know.

Watch out! Z.O.G. has a key stroke logger on your pc...And they're reading your mind with microwaves! :tinfoil:
Originally Posted by rtwngAvngr
Extortion? Blackmail? Payoffs? Browbeating? Guilt-tripping? All of the above?

No idea. Havent heard an answer. Americans give Israelis roughly $500 EACH every year. What in the hell are they doing with it ?

President Bush’s fiscal year 2007 budget request to Congress contains $2.46 billion in aid to Israel, including $2.34 billion in military aid and $120 million in economic assistance. An additional $40 million is requested to assist Israeli absorption of refugees. In the coming weeks, both the House and Senate will consider U.S. assistance to Israel as part of the annual foreign aid appropriations process. Please urge your Senators and Representatives to support the full aid package to Israel.

Buffett Buys Stake in Israeli Economy

In a sign of the strength of Israel's economy, U.S. investment magnate Warren Buffett—the world's second-richest man—recently purchased an 80 percent stake in Iscar, an Israeli metalwork company based in the Galilee, The New York Times reported. "I plan further acquisitions of Israeli companies in the future," Buffett said recently. "I believe in the Israeli market and the Israeli economy and I think now is a good time to invest here."The Israeli economy has recently seen a tremendous upsurge—it has grown at an annual rate of about 4 to 5 percent over the last several years and jumped 6.6 percent in the first quarter of 2006—after experiencing rough times during the wave of Palestinian terrorism that began in 2000
Dr Grump said:
You get Hisadic Jews trying to turn their holy books into the law of any land and I'll be on them like shit on a blanket too..Thing is they don't...

Why? What's wrong with that? Doesn't Israel belong to them too?
rtwngAvngr said:
Why can christians be accused of Theocracy all day long and they shrug it off, but they just get all crazy when anyone accuses the jews of the same, AND it's in their literature AND you can go to message boards and see actual jews discussing the finer points of it.

Who beat you people? Oh wait. I know.

I'm tired of wasting good debating time talking to a brick wall. Go ahead and think that the Jews are one step away from executing you because you didn't have kosher cheese with all that wine. Mazel tov!
Dr Grump said:
You get Hisadic Jews trying to turn their holy books into the law of any land and I'll be on them like shit on a blanket too..Thing is they don't...

interesting.......shit on a blanket.....i gottat hear that story:poop:
dilloduck said:
Why? What's wrong with that? Doesn't Israel belong to them too?

Israel is a secular country though certain concessions are made for the orthodox, such as recognition of holidays (like we do here for Christian holidays and national holidays) and laws similar to our blue laws except that the sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday.

So it's not Jewish "holy books" which are the law of the land. Rather the law of the land comes out of the Knesset, not the Temples. Perhaps your confusion arises from the fact that, unlike Christians, Jews are considered both "ethnic group" and religion. So Grump's point was a valid one.
jillian said:
Israel is a secular country though certain concessions are made for the orthodox, such as recognition of holidays (like we do here for Christian holidays and national holidays) and laws similar to our blue laws except that the sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday.

So it's not Jewish "holy books" which are the law of the land. Rather the law of the land comes out of the Knesset, not the Temples. Perhaps your confusion arises from the fact that, unlike Christians, Jews are considered both "ethnic group" and religion. So Grump's point was a valid one.

Secular but isn't it totally dedicated to maintaining a Jewish majority? Are Hassids considered to be a "sect".
jillian said:
An ethnically/culturally Jewish majority, yes. But that is in keeping with the reasons Israel was established in the first place.

So jews can ensure a racial state for themselves, but whites may not even be proud, and a cross on public property must be taken down. That's a double standard. Hence, the title of the thread, "Double standards". Thanks for your support, jillian.
rtwngAvngr said:
So jews can ensure a racial state for themselves, but whites may not even be proud, and a cross on public property must be taken down. That's a double standard. Hence, the title of the thread, "Double standards". Thanks for your support, jillian.

Judaism is a school of religious though, not a race. It encompasses many races...Unless you've not heard of Ethiopian Jews, or are you just ignoring that fact? Don't forget, Z.O.G. is watching you. :tinfoil:
Bullypulpit said:
Judaism is a school of religious though, not a race. It encompasses many races...Unless you've not heard of Ethiopian Jews, or are you just ignoring that fact? Don't forget, Z.O.G. is watching you. :tinfoil:

Yeah. Right. That's why you're considered jewish if your mother's jewish. And when moses said god would multiply the jews like stars in the sky, he meant through conversion. I call Bullyshit.
rtwngAvngr said:
Yeah. Right. That's why you're considered jewish if your mother's jewish. And when moses said god would multiply the jews like stars in the sky, he meant through conversion. I call Bullyshit.

Since I don't believe in God, your argument is irrelevant. Besides, wasn't Jesus a Jew?
Bullypulpit said:
Since I don't believe in God, your argument is irrelevant. Besides, wasn't Jesus a Jew?

Jews consider themselve a race, fucknut.
rtwngAvngr said:
Jews consider themselve a race, fucknut.
Not true. Just search under jews + race + religion domain of .edu., you'll find untrue.

Second, same search, .org and you'll find that only organizations such as Stormfront will back you up, hardly a 'jewish' group. By your definition, converts would be switching 'races', which is simply not possible.

Jews consider that they have a unique culture, that crosses racial, nationalistic lines, then again so do Christians.

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