Anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist, anti-Israel, anti-Likud


May 10, 2015
Four different things, in my book, but often conflated in the heat of argument.

Anti-Semitic is more-or-less the same as anti-Jewish. Always wrong, to my way of thinking; to be against a religion or a culture as a whole is disgusting.

But even some Jews are anti-Zionist, notably many Orthodox Jews in Europe who were opposed to the (mostly) British-based Zionism in the first half of the 20th century.

Anti-Israel might mean that, while you're a Zionist, you object to Israel's government. (I think this is a very small category, absent a combination with one of the others.)

Anti-Likud means simply that you're opposed to Likud specifically, or perhaps to all of the right-wing parties in Israel, and the right-wing thinking that goes with them.

Anyway, my point is that many Israelis are anti-Likud, but in the US any such talk is quickly attacked as anti-Israel or anti-Semitic. Discussion would be much more informative and intelligent if such a knee-jerk response could be avoided.

(As an aside, recently someone who disagreed with something I said called me anti-Semitic. I corrected him, telling him that the proper insult was self-hating-Jew. Really, he should keep these things straight! ;-))
My only bitch is with the ZIONISTS in Israel. What kind of people actually make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & grant Palestinians their own land to keep them in Israel to fuel this endless conflict? And then those ZIONISTS complain about how they are rewarded with hatred, jihads & rocket missiles. Face if you ZIONISTS, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like those ZIONISTS in Israel do. Want peace? First this entire ZIONIST agenda has to go. Then those ZIONISTS have to learn from king Hussein how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
I'm anti mass murder, so against Hamas and the Israeli government.
Sadly, the foolish assume I'm pro Hamas because I'm against the Israeli government's mass murder.
Of course, they may realise this, but their bootless attempts to justify their mass murder forces them to post lies.
You seem to be about the only Israel supporter in the Israel section that is objective and understanding on all this. I see you are new here so now I understand,glad to see someone here who is a supporter of Israel but understands the difference in anti-semitic and anti-zionism for a change.:thup:

anytime someone comes on here and says ZIONISM the GOVERNMENT of Israel is evil,the apologists of Israel go into meltdown mode and call you anti semitic,a jew hater and the like when in fact,I have nothing against jewish people at all. mater of fact I refrain from using the word jew and say jewish all the time to make the point clear.

Take a look at this thread here for instance,I said these jewish people are good people,people that see the atrocities of the zionists in the government of Israel.

Juduism jewish people are very people,zionists jewish people are NOT.

nobody could counter these facts in this thread and went into hate mode seeing how how the truth was exposed how their OWN people have called out the government zionists of Israel evil.

Thousands of good Jewish folks protest Netanyahu and the state of Isreal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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Four different things, in my book...
My, my, my...

Just joined today, and two whole posts under your belt, and you're already opening-up threads?

And one that is designed to slowly but steadily rachet-up into yet another Bash-Israel thread?


Welcome, Achmed.

Let 'er rip.

Let's see what you've got, boy.
As for Jews in general, why would I hate them?
I have met few, some I liked, some I did not.
The religious extremists in north London were unpleasant, but they were racist twits and that is unacceptable to me.
I met some Israeli Jews, all but one were nice people.
The members of my family that are still Jewish seem reasonable people, but I don't know them at all well.
To hate Jews in general would be to self hate as we were Jewish up to little over 100 years ago.
Perhaps the more extreme forum members could consider that before assuming I do as they do - hate all for the actions of a few.
You seem to be about the only Israel supporter in the Israel section that is objective and understanding on all this.

anytime someone comes on here and says ZIONISM the GOVERNMENT of Israel is evil,the apologists of Israel go into meltdown mode and call you anti semitic,a jew hater and the like when in fact,I have nothing against jewish people at all. mater of fact I refrain from using the word jew and say jewish all the time to make the point clear.

Take a look at this thread here for instance,I said these jewish people are good people,people that see the atrocities of the zionists in the government of Israel.

Juduism jewsih people are very good folks,zionists jewish people are NOT.

nobody could counter these facts in this thread and went into hate mode seeing how how the truth was exposed how their OWN people have called out the government zionists of Israel evil.

Thousands of good Jewish folks protest Netanyahu and the state of Isreal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I sure oppose Nutandyahoo because he is a typical modern day Israeli ZIONIST. Just look what ZIONISM has become under his leadership. A safe haven for Palestinian terrorists despised by their own Arab brothers in the surrounding Arab countries.
And one that is designed to slowly but steadily rachet-up into yet another Bash-Israel thread?

And you?
Almost 14,000 posts but still assuming the worst because it suits your political ideals, not the facts you have.
Why not wait to see if the OP has intent, instead of assuming he has, then attacking him based on your assumptions and hate.
And one that is designed to slowly but steadily rachet-up into yet another Bash-Israel thread?

And you?
Almost 14,000 posts but still assuming the worst because it suits your political ideals, not the facts you have.
Why not wait to see if the OP has intent, instead of assuming he has, then attacking him based on your assumptions and hate.
When you've seen your hundredth sock-puppet do exactly the same thing, you are reasonably safe in making such assumptions; your input to the contrary notwithstanding.
My only bitch is with the ZIONISTS in Israel. What kind of people actually make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & grant Palestinians their own land to keep them in Israel to fuel this endless conflict? And then those ZIONISTS complain about how they are rewarded with hatred, jihads & rocket missiles. Face if you ZIONISTS, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like those ZIONISTS in Israel do. Want peace? First this entire ZIONIST agenda has to go. Then those ZIONISTS have to learn from king Hussein how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

What peace offerings? They routinely murder thousands of Palestinian women and children on a bi-annual basis. The Zionists are behaving just like their former oppressors, the Nazis. Since they don't have the power that Germany had they have a Nazi-light policy, kind of like Coke-light.

And old MJ never ceases to amaze with his constant call for genocide and murder. What a guy, I'd like to meet him in person to shake his hand.
You seem to be about the only Israel supporter in the Israel section that is objective and understanding on all this. I see you are new here so now I understand,glad to see someone here who is a supporter of Israel but understands the difference in anti-semitic and anti-zionism for a change.:thup:

anytime someone comes on here and says ZIONISM the GOVERNMENT of Israel is evil,the apologists of Israel go into meltdown mode and call you anti semitic,a jew hater and the like when in fact,I have nothing against jewish people at all. mater of fact I refrain from using the word jew and say jewish all the time to make the point clear.

Take a look at this thread here for instance,I said these jewish people are good people,people that see the atrocities of the zionists in the government of Israel.

Juduism jewish people are very people,zionists jewish people are NOT.

nobody could counter these facts in this thread and went into hate mode seeing how how the truth was exposed how their OWN people have called out the government zionists of Israel evil.

Thousands of good Jewish folks protest Netanyahu and the state of Isreal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Anti-Semitic = Anti-Zionism.And vice versa. Period. No ifs, ands or buts.
...They routinely murder thousands of Palestinian women and children on a bi-annual basis...

They routinely kill scores or hundreds of Hamas scumbags each year as part of legitimate military targeting operations in retaliation for missile and suicide attacks by Palestinians, and they routinely albeit unintentionally kill hundreds of Palestinian civilians during the course of those legitimate operations because Hamas choosees to position their war assets (rocket launchers, tunnel access-ways, operations bunkers, arms and munitions caches and commando staging areas) embedded within their civilian population centers and schools and mosques and hospitals in violation of the Geneva Convention and like the pussies and lowlife scumbag chickenshits that Hamas et al truly are.

There... all fixed.
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And one that is designed to slowly but steadily rachet-up into yet another Bash-Israel thread?

And you?
Almost 14,000 posts but still assuming the worst because it suits your political ideals, not the facts you have.
Why not wait to see if the OP has intent, instead of assuming he has, then attacking him based on your assumptions and hate.
When you've seen your hundredth sock-puppet do exactly the same thing, you are reasonably safe in making such assumptions; your input to the contrary notwithstanding.
Come on Kondy,the above posts have been,very open,sensible and pragmatic(your dissing of Charleneg is to say the least regrettable)....Most in the world do not want an end to Israel but a fair and lasting peace between these two peoples.
What most don't like is the ZIONISTS....this corrupt Terrorist Group who's Mantra is DESTRUCTIVE to Jews and Palestinians.....Their attempt to assume that Zionism equates to Jueadism sic is one of the most REVOLTING claims they have ever uttered......AND COMPLETE BULLSHIT...this 100 odd year old Terrorist Group for that is what they are,in my opinion are just as bad as ISIS.....they even collaborated with Hitler and the Nazis to Squirrel out the Elite Jews from Nazilands whilst knowingly helping to EXTINGUISH Millions of innocent Jews,this and their like treatment of the Palestinians for the past 70 years or so...together and with the Assassination of Prime Minister Rabin......Have condemned this Filthy Terrorist Organization to the lowest depths of Hell.
You seem to be about the only Israel supporter in the Israel section that is objective and understanding on all this. I see you are new here so now I understand,glad to see someone here who is a supporter of Israel but understands the difference in anti-semitic and anti-zionism for a change.:thup:

anytime someone comes on here and says ZIONISM the GOVERNMENT of Israel is evil,the apologists of Israel go into meltdown mode and call you anti semitic,a jew hater and the like when in fact,I have nothing against jewish people at all. mater of fact I refrain from using the word jew and say jewish all the time to make the point clear.

Take a look at this thread here for instance,I said these jewish people are good people,people that see the atrocities of the zionists in the government of Israel.

Juduism jewish people are very people,zionists jewish people are NOT.

nobody could counter these facts in this thread and went into hate mode seeing how how the truth was exposed how their OWN people have called out the government zionists of Israel evil.

Thousands of good Jewish folks protest Netanyahu and the state of Isreal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Anti-Semitic = Anti-Zionism.And vice versa. Period. No ifs, ands or buts.
Well Hooray,Everyone should be ANTI-ZIONIST Hoss...BUT you like many other Twats have tried to entwine Zionism as Jueadism sic......You are a Fool my need to spend time with me to show you the way out of your delusionism regarding this matter..............Let Me help you Hoss..I trust you are well..steve
You seem to be about the only Israel supporter in the Israel section that is objective and understanding on all this. I see you are new here so now I understand,glad to see someone here who is a supporter of Israel but understands the difference in anti-semitic and anti-zionism for a change.:thup:

anytime someone comes on here and says ZIONISM the GOVERNMENT of Israel is evil,the apologists of Israel go into meltdown mode and call you anti semitic,a jew hater and the like when in fact,I have nothing against jewish people at all. mater of fact I refrain from using the word jew and say jewish all the time to make the point clear.

Take a look at this thread here for instance,I said these jewish people are good people,people that see the atrocities of the zionists in the government of Israel.

Juduism jewish people are very people,zionists jewish people are NOT.

nobody could counter these facts in this thread and went into hate mode seeing how how the truth was exposed how their OWN people have called out the government zionists of Israel evil.

Thousands of good Jewish folks protest Netanyahu and the state of Isreal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Anti-Semitic = Anti-Zionism.And vice versa. Period. No ifs, ands or buts.
Well Hooray,Everyone should be ANTI-ZIONIST Hoss...BUT you like many other Twats have tried to entwine Zionism as Jueadism sic......You are a Fool my need to spend time with me to show you the way out of your delusionism regarding this matter..............Let Me help you Hoss..I trust you are well..steve
Hoss do as I do when I meet a Rabid tell them to "FCUK OFF, YOU ARE AN IDIOT/S" It's the only thing the comprehend.
My only problem with Israel is that so many Americans want Israel's concerns to be a priority over America's concerns.
Doubtful. In all my years to date, I have never met nor do I remember any American who thinks and acts like that. Including every American Jew of my acquaintance.
You seem to be about the only Israel supporter in the Israel section that is objective and understanding on all this. I see you are new here so now I understand,glad to see someone here who is a supporter of Israel but understands the difference in anti-semitic and anti-zionism for a change.:thup:

anytime someone comes on here and says ZIONISM the GOVERNMENT of Israel is evil,the apologists of Israel go into meltdown mode and call you anti semitic,a jew hater and the like when in fact,I have nothing against jewish people at all. mater of fact I refrain from using the word jew and say jewish all the time to make the point clear.

Take a look at this thread here for instance,I said these jewish people are good people,people that see the atrocities of the zionists in the government of Israel.

Juduism jewish people are very people,zionists jewish people are NOT.

nobody could counter these facts in this thread and went into hate mode seeing how how the truth was exposed how their OWN people have called out the government zionists of Israel evil.

Thousands of good Jewish folks protest Netanyahu and the state of Isreal US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Anti-Semitic = Anti-Zionism.And vice versa. Period. No ifs, ands or buts.
Well Hooray,Everyone should be ANTI-ZIONIST Hoss...BUT you like many other Twats have tried to entwine Zionism as Jueadism sic......You are a Fool my need to spend time with me to show you the way out of your delusionism regarding this matter..............Let Me help you Hoss..I trust you are well..steve
Hoss do as I do when I meet a Rabid tell them to "FCUK OFF, YOU ARE AN IDIOT/S" It's the only thing the comprehend.
I tried that and got my ass kicked.
My only bitch is with the ZIONISTS in Israel. What kind of people actually make peace offerings to Palestinians, build a security fence & grant Palestinians their own land to keep them in Israel to fuel this endless conflict? And then those ZIONISTS complain about how they are rewarded with hatred, jihads & rocket missiles. Face if you ZIONISTS, no surrounding Arab country, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like those ZIONISTS in Israel do. Want peace? First this entire ZIONIST agenda has to go. Then those ZIONISTS have to learn from king Hussein how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

What peace offerings? They routinely murder thousands of Palestinian women and children on a bi-annual basis. The Zionists are behaving just like their former oppressors, the Nazis. Since they don't have the power that Germany had they have a Nazi-light policy, kind of like Coke-light.

And old MJ never ceases to amaze with his constant call for genocide and murder. What a guy, I'd like to meet him in person to shake his hand.

You have got to be the dumbest poster here Monti. Day after day I see you post lies and Jibberish because of your extreme hate.

Israel has no reason to 'murder' Palestinians. Israel has every right to attack scum that attack her. The only Nazis in this conflict are the ones that openly hope for Israel's destruction, and even have it in their charter. The only Nazis in this conflict are the ones that take the streets to cheer and celebrate upon hearing News that innocent people have been killed.
My only problem with Israel is that so many Americans want Israel's concerns to be a priority over America's concerns.
Doubtful. In all my years to date, I have never met nor do I remember any American who thinks and acts like that. Including every American Jew of my acquaintance.
According to anti Israelis, when an American supports Israel, it automatically means they want Israel's concerns to be priority over America's .

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