Anti-Prostitution Taxis????


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Here we go again!

The nanny-government of NYC is in the process of requiring all taxi drivers to take a course on how to convince prostitutes to return to the straight and narrow.

At least $2.2 million in taxpayer funds are earmarked for this boondoggle.

1. "The first proposed item of legislation, Intro 725, addresses promotion of
prostitution in the City’s for-hire vehicle industry. The proposal sets out new civil
penalties for drivers that knowingly allow a for-hire vehicle to be used in the promotion
of prostitution and it also requires a new education component for all TLC licensees.
While the agency supports the Council’s efforts in this regard, without sufficient external
funding for this initiative, the cost of this program will be borne by drivers. blah-blah-blah....."

2. "Council members on the Committee on Women's Issues and the Committee on Transportation introduced two bills aimed at chipping away at the sex trafficking industry. One bill proposes a $10,000 penalty for drivers who knowingly participate in sex trafficking and asks the Taxi and Limousine Commission to institute an education program on sex trafficking for all drivers. The other bill raises penalties for driving an unlicensed vehicle for hire.

David Yassky, commissioner of the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission, said he supports the idea of tougher penalties for unlicensed activity and for those who participate in prostitution. But, he said the education program included in the bill is too costly. He said that, without external funding, the cost would be borne by drivers. The agency suggested creating an information packet or pamphlet that could be distributed to drivers instead."
Debate Over How to Stop Sex Trafficking Puts Focus on Car Services - WNYC

3. So, before anyone suggests that this is a capitalist society, one might peer into exactly what type and how much regulation of business should be proper.

a. Or...if one agrees with the impending about reading tests given to each and every cab-rider?

b. We might extend the idea to all shop-owners instructing passers-by on first-aid procedures...

c. Fashion Avenue vendors could citizens-arrest over-weight strollers in tight fitting clothes....

After all, the NY motto is:
Onward and upward!!!
Truly inspiring! What if we started a rule that every elected official who proposes a stupid new rule has to pay a fine of 10,000 dollars? Could be a way to do something about the deficit.
If Bloomberg wants to stop prostitution, he needs to ban the internet
Legalize it...........

I tend to agree. Only the excesses like sexual exploitation of minors, trafficking in people, etc. should be illegal and be combatted.

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