Anti-Mormon bigots targeting Romney


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Anti-Mormon bigots are now targeting Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for his Mormon beliefs, which are now viewed by many “progressives” as a “transparent and recent fraud.”

A June 2012 study performed by American National Election Studies (ANES) found that 43 percent of liberals would be “less likely” to vote for a Mormon candidate for religious reasons. An essential point, given how often news outlets highlight Romney’s religion."

"In 1960, major media outlets refused to tolerate religious bigotry, characterizing it as “bilge” and calling its practitioners “small-minded and prejudiced persons … not representative of America.” In 2012, supposedly “mainstream” outlets have given opponents of Mormonism a platform to call the church the “Salt Lake City empire of corporate greed,” obsessively labeled Mitt Romney as Mormon, and even engaged in anti-Mormon bigotry themselves. These anti-Mormon voices have been amplified by the liberal echo chamber."

In a Sept. 9, 1960, editorial titled “Negative Thinking,” the Post observed of a group promoting religious bigotry: “It professes to be in favor of the separation of church and state; but it is doing its utmost to inject the consideration of religion into the politics of the Nation. It professes to be in favor of religious freedom; but it argues that if a man belongs to a particular Church he is not free to become President of the United States.”

Read more: JFK and Mitt: The Media
I am 100% likely not to vote for any active, practicing priest seeking the presidency.
Let him give up his position as a Mormon priest and I would be more likely to vote for him.
This is not Rome, we are not Romans, both ancient or present day.
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Evangelical Baptist Pastor: 'Mormonism Is a Cult, Mitt Romney Is Not a Christian'
Read more at Evangelical Baptist Pastor: 'Mormonism Is a Cult, Mitt Romney Is Not a Christian'

Robert Jeffress, the evangelical pastor of First Baptist Dallas, said Mitt Romney is not a Christian and Mormonism is a cult, after introducing Rick Perry at the Values Voter Summit Friday.

The Texas leader told The Christian Post Friday that Mormonism is not in line with the historical tenets of Christianity and is considered as a cult among mainstream Christians.
"Evangelical Christians should not vote for Mitt Romney because he’s a Mormon, therefore not a real Christian," Jeffress said.

“Historically, evangelical Christianity has never embraced Mormonism as a branch of Christianity. Mormonism has always been treated as a cult. In fact, the Southern Baptist Convention, which is the largest Protestant denomination in the world, officially labels Mormonism as a cult. It does not embrace the historic tenets of evangelical Christianity,” he said.

Statement by the Baptist Church

Rob Bowman with the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) says Christians need to be aware that the beliefs of the Mormon Church are inconsistent with biblical Christianity. As one Mormon candidate launches his White House bid, the Southern Baptist official is urging Christians to take advantage of materials his denomination offers that teach the truth about Mormonism.

As former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney officially announced his presidential candidacy this week, a cover story in USA Today looked at the beliefs of the Mormon Church, formally known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Rob Bowman, manager of the apologetics and interfaith evangelism department of the SBC’s North American Mission Board (NAMB), thinks Christians would be wise to take an even closer look at the Mormons, lest any be deceived about the nature and tenets of that religious group. He says although the Mormon Church wages an expensive public relations campaign, using terms familiar to appeal to evangelicals, the core teachings of the church do not line up with scripture and are inconsistent with evangelical Christianity.

For this reason, Bowman says the SBC has for decades offered, through its various entities, information resources focusing on the Mormon Church. Many of these resources detail the differences between Christian and Mormon beliefs — of which there are many, the NAMB official observes.
The largeset sector of bigotry is the Christians.

The debate over whether a largely Protestant nation is uneasy with a potential Mormon president was reignited this week after back-to-back attacks on Republican front-runner Mitt Romney's Mormonism at the high-profile Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C.

After prominent Texas megachurch pastor Rev. Robert Jeffress told audiences on Friday that Mormonism is a "cult" and conservative Christian activist Bryan Fischer took the stage the next day to echo similar views, a new survey released Saturday afternoon says that three out of four pastors agree, at the least, that Mormons are not Christians.

Mitt Romney's Mormonism: Pastors Say Mormons Not Christians, But Defend Candidate Against Attacks
I'd have a hard time voting for anyone who I believed would put his religious dogma ahead of public good in making policy. I don't believe that Romney would, since he's actually enacted a healthcare law that included abortion rights. Nope, it's not Romney's religion that I see as a problem (but I'm not a Southern Baptist), it's his flip flops, his offshore bank account, his claim that he's going to increase defense spending by a trillion dollars, his failure to fully disclose his holdings, his foreign policy idiotic ideas, etc..
Someone debunked this a few weeks ago.

Though I have to admit that Mitten has given mormons a bad name....sadly.
Mittens has even donated to Planned Parenthood,his wife did also.
This is not to judge their actions, cause later Mittens said his attitude evolved into being pro-life.No sin to change ones mind or convictions, but how can you be a Mormon, Catholic or baptist and be pro-choice in the first place.
I believe that Romney is like Bush jr was a liberal republican, which I can vote for liberals no matter whos team they play on.

Care has an anti-Mormon shit stirring thread going on right now.
Was this debunked, Ravi?

Fifty years later, the major news media have aided and abetted religious attacks on the faith of the presumptive Republican presidential candidate, and have even joined in making those attacks.
In a June 18, 2011, editorial ostensibly decrying prejudice against Mormons, The Washington Post expressed disdain for the Mormon church, complaining: “There’s plenty about Mormonism that might strike a non-believer as strange or objectionable. Is it literally true that an angel helped Joseph Smith find a sacred book made of golden plates in rural New York almost 200 years ago? It is not to the church’s credit that it fought same-sex marriage in California or that it banned African Americans from its clergy until 1978.”
Long past Mormon history was of particular interest to the Post. The paper’s Sandha Somashekhar went back 150 years to tell the story of a massacre committed by Mormons – in 1857. On Feb. 28, 2012, the Post’s Jason Horowitz raised the specter of Mormon racial history. On Feb. 16, 2012, Horowitz profiled “excommunicated Mormon” Helen Radkey and her quest to “expose” Mitt Romney’s Mormon ancestors and their posthumous polygamist marriages.
The New York Times also encouraged anti-Mormon bigotry. Times columnist Maureen Dowd’s March 17, 2012, op-ed, headlined “Is Elvis A Mormon?” criticized Mitt Romney for not personally condemning the practice of baptism of the dead. Dowd also attacked Romney’s Mormonism in an Oct. 18, 2011, op-ed titled “Anne Frank, A Mormon?,” citing vulgar liberal comedian and Obama funder Bill Maher: “Bill Maher bounded into territory that the news media have been gingerly tiptoeing around. Magic underwear. Baptizing dead people. Celestial marriages. Private planets. Racism. Polygamy.”

Read more: JFK and Mitt: The Media"
Let's get this hypocrisy shit straight shall we? Nip it in the bud..

Conservatives aren't allowed to question obummer's religion but it's okay for libtards to attack Romney's religion. Have we got that about right.

dick tuck needs to go fuck his cabbage.
I'd have a hard time voting for anyone who I believed would put his religious dogma ahead of public good in making policy. I don't believe that Romney would, since he's actually enacted a healthcare law that included abortion rights. Nope, it's not Romney's religion that I see as a problem (but I'm not a Southern Baptist), it's his flip flops, his offshore bank account, his claim that he's going to increase defense spending by a trillion dollars, his failure to fully disclose his holdings, his foreign policy idiotic ideas, etc..

Wow you are so reasonal and you're a partisan hack....I am a Southern Baptist and I have ZERO problem with Romney's dont toss those stones.....and they are not flip flops...they are evolutions......I know how much liberals love euphamisms!!!!!!!!!!

But the reason you're voting for Obama is he is a democrat and you're a homo loving commie........lets be honest about it.
I am 100% likely not to vote for any active, practicing priest seeking the presidency.
Let him give up his position as a Mormon priest and I would be more likely to vote for him.
This is not Rome, we are not Romans, both ancient or present day.

He's a bishop..not a priest.

And yeah..I would never knowningly put an active cleric into office.

That's the problem with Mormonism..they are pretty secretive.

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