Anti-Keystone WANT another Exxon Valdez..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Need more proof that the Anti-Keystone pipeline crowd are INSANE?

The Official position of the Natural Resources Defense Council..

"The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil right through the American heartland — from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas — and threatens to wreak environmental havoc on both sides of the border.The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil right through the American heartland — from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas — and threatens to wreak environmental havoc on both sides of the border.

SO THIS IS the MAIN reason apparently is the transporting oil!

ARE THESE anti Keystone people CRAZY???

A) Canada will NOT stop producing TAR SANDS OIL!
B) Canada will sell 1 million barrels per day to CHINA!

So if Canada is going to sell and China will transport by ship 1 million barrels a day...
WE will be at MORE risk to MORE people from another Exxon Valdez then from 325 barrels that will be traveling in ONE mile of pipeline!
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That would be the logical conclusion, but I wouldn't say that another Valdez is wanted by anyone.

Sad state of affairs, the no-pipeline crowd.

Well that's why I said they are crazy!
I mean first of all protect the environment I would think is the credo!
And if you can't stop the shipment of oil.. then the lesser of two evils is the
transport that risks 325 barrels in one mile versus 1 million barrels in a ship every day!

So if they protest the movement of oil at 325 barrels worst case in one mile versus
1 million barrels each in a ship... come on.. they are crazy!
Crazy yes, surprising- no.
What is sad, such fear and nonsense perpetrated by the enviro-crowd carries more weight than facts and logic.
More weight, because the public in general is ignorant and the ignorant vote.
Granny says, "Dat's right - its all dem do-nothin' politicians fault...
Politics sank Keystone XL, Exxon says
March 12,`12 (UPI) -- A decision to delay a permit for TransCanada's Keystone XL oil pipeline was based largely on U.S. politics, an energy executive said.
U.S. President Barack Obama in January denied a permit for TransCanada to build the billion-dollar Keystone XL oil pipeline. Republican leaders had tried to push the permit through by including the pipeline in a bill that extended payroll tax benefits. Obama rejected the permit because of an "arbitrary" deadline proposed in the legislation.

Exxon Mobil Chief Executive Officer Rex Tillerson told a major energy conference in Houston that industry leaders were practicing due diligence with the project but it was the U.S. political system that was getting in the way of development. The decision to deny the initial permit for TransCanada, Tillerson said, was because of "political calculations" in Washington.

"In the end, it was also a disservice to public employees who are charged with overseeing this process and who met their obligations," he was quoted by the Platts news service as saying. "We must continue to engage elected officials of the public to communicate the consequences of failing to move forward with such strategic opportunities."

Backers of the pipeline describe it as a "shovel-ready" project that would shield the U.S. market from the effects that Middle East tensions have on the oil market. Critics say crude oil from Canada, designated for Keystone XL, is one of the dirtiest types of crude oil. TransCanada can reapply after it settles on a route through Nebraska.

Read more: Politics sank Keystone XL, Exxon says -

See also:

Exxon calls for fracking transparency
March 12,`12 (UPI) -- A disclosure program regarding shale natural gas development in Europe will give policymakers confidence about their resource potential, an executive said.
Exxon Mobil Chief Executive Officer Rex Tillerson made a case for more transparency regarding hydraulic fracturing fluid in Europe. "Natural gas from shale holds tremendous promise in many places in Europe due to its lower carbon intensity and suitability for power generation but we want policymakers and the public to be confident that it can be produced safely and responsibly," he said at an energy meeting in Houston.

Exxon Mobil has a deal with Ukraine's state-run energy company Naftogaz and another tender is scheduled by April. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates Ukraine has as much as 42 trillion cubic feet of shale natural gas. Some European countries rich in shale natural gas deposits placed a moratorium on extraction because of concerns about the environmental impact of hydraulic fracturing fluid.

"Exxon Mobil believes that a comprehensive disclosure program allows citizens and communities to consider this technology with a strong factual foundation," said Tillerson. "We believe that will lead to open discussion about environmental protection and risk management, and the potential benefits of shale development in Europe."

Just three years ago the State Department described another similar pipeline project as "shovel ready".
It was approved with fanfare. The Alberta Clipper pipeline.

Sad that so many in this country are willing to shovel Obama's shit. Then eat it.
What a screwball.
Need more proof that the Anti-Keystone pipeline crowd are INSANE?

The Official position of the Natural Resources Defense Council..

"The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil right through the American heartland — from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas — and threatens to wreak environmental havoc on both sides of the border.The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil right through the American heartland — from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas — and threatens to wreak environmental havoc on both sides of the border.

SO THIS IS the MAIN reason apparently is the transporting oil!

ARE THESE anti Keystone people CRAZY???

A) Canada will NOT stop producing TAR SANDS OIL!
B) Canada will sell 1 million barrels per day to CHINA!

So if Canada is going to sell and China will transport by ship 1 million barrels a day...
WE will be at MORE risk to MORE people from another Exxon Valdez then from 325 barrels that will be traveling in ONE mile of pipeline!

The American voter will punish the Left, again.

We are not amused.
So if Canada is going to sell and China will transport by ship 1 million barrels a day...WE will be at MORE risk to MORE people from another Exxon Valdez then from 325 barrels that will be traveling in ONE mile of pipeline!

Yep. Logic and reason left the building some time ago for these tree huggers. Clearly, it's not about the planet.
Need more proof that the Anti-Keystone pipeline crowd are INSANE?

The Official position of the Natural Resources Defense Council..

"The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil right through the American heartland — from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas — and threatens to wreak environmental havoc on both sides of the border.The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil right through the American heartland — from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas — and threatens to wreak environmental havoc on both sides of the border.

SO THIS IS the MAIN reason apparently is the transporting oil!

ARE THESE anti Keystone people CRAZY???

A) Canada will NOT stop producing TAR SANDS OIL!
B) Canada will sell 1 million barrels per day to CHINA!

So if Canada is going to sell and China will transport by ship 1 million barrels a day...
WE will be at MORE risk to MORE people from another Exxon Valdez then from 325 barrels that will be traveling in ONE mile of pipeline!

The American voter will punish the Left, again.

We are not amused.
Never forget? The rabid enviro-whackaloons are Communists in tone and action while masking themselves to 'care about the planet'.

Thier sole purpose is to bring us down. Obama is on the same page as they are.
So if Canada is going to sell and China will transport by ship 1 million barrels a day...WE will be at MORE risk to MORE people from another Exxon Valdez then from 325 barrels that will be traveling in ONE mile of pipeline!

Yep. Logic and reason left the building some time ago for these tree huggers. Clearly, it's not about the planet.

Not in the least. It is taking this Republic down.
We are going to be living in the dark soon. Incandescent bulbs are bad, mercury-filled flourescent are good? Next is LED @ $25 a bulb. The LEDs I saw this weekend use exactly the same wattage as the new flourscents. Crazy.
Need more proof that the Anti-Keystone pipeline crowd are INSANE?

The Official position of the Natural Resources Defense Council..

"The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil right through the American heartland — from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas — and threatens to wreak environmental havoc on both sides of the border.The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would transport raw, toxic tar sands oil right through the American heartland — from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Texas — and threatens to wreak environmental havoc on both sides of the border.

SO THIS IS the MAIN reason apparently is the transporting oil!

ARE THESE anti Keystone people CRAZY???

A) Canada will NOT stop producing TAR SANDS OIL!
B) Canada will sell 1 million barrels per day to CHINA!

So if Canada is going to sell and China will transport by ship 1 million barrels a day...
WE will be at MORE risk to MORE people from another Exxon Valdez then from 325 barrels that will be traveling in ONE mile of pipeline!

The American voter will punish the Left, again.

We are not amused.
Never forget? The rabid enviro-whackaloons are Communists in tone and action while masking themselves to 'care about the planet'.

Thier sole purpose is to bring us down. Obama is on the same page as they are.

Communists are in firm control of the media as well. Notice the Stalinist attacks on Limbaugh and Palin this week, for example.
The American voter will punish the Left, again.

We are not amused.
Never forget? The rabid enviro-whackaloons are Communists in tone and action while masking themselves to 'care about the planet'.

Thier sole purpose is to bring us down. Obama is on the same page as they are.

Communists are in firm control of the media as well. Notice the Stalinist attacks on Limbaugh and Palin this week, for example.

The Marxist/ Communists in this country as are these people are active and on the move.

People need to pay attention.

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