Anti-Islamic Candidate May Win Tunisian Election


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This headline caught me by surprise. Isn't Tunisia a predominantly Muslim dominanated country? So I did some searching. This guy was the prime minister for awhile and set up what is called a “secular” coalition to run things. I can't find a party platform but it appears they want something similar to Turkey where the Islamic leaders don't have a say-so in government.

And the people voted for this?

There are two links. First from albawaba news @ Tunisia election polls indicate victory for anti-Islamist Beji Caid Essebsi Al Bawaba and the second from alakhbar English @ Essebsi wins Tunisian presidential elections with 55.68 percent of votes Al Akhbar English
Tunisia is very westernized. They had a large population of Italians and also some French colonists that lived there. Claudia Cardinale, the famous "Italian" actress was born there.
This headline caught me by surprise. Isn't Tunisia a predominantly Muslim dominanated country? So I did some searching. This guy was the prime minister for awhile and set up what is called a “secular” coalition to run things. I can't find a party platform but it appears they want something similar to Turkey where the Islamic leaders don't have a say-so in government.

And the people voted for this?

There are two links. First from albawaba news @ Tunisia election polls indicate victory for anti-Islamist Beji Caid Essebsi Al Bawaba and the second from alakhbar English @ Essebsi wins Tunisian presidential elections with 55.68 percent of votes Al Akhbar English

The youth were probably glad to see the Secularists win since it was the youth who were all for the Arab Spring in Tunisia, hoping that a change would bring them jobs and a better life. However, there are still those in Tunisia who would rather the Islamists be the ones running the country. No doubt there will be more protests such like the one in this article. After all, many Muslims claim that democracy and Islam aren't compatible.

Essebsi elected Tunisia president - Veteran anti-Islamist wins first free elections Clashes break out - Kuwait Times Kuwait Times?

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