anti-gravity tech might be seriously simple to achieve after all.


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands

i see no reason this tech can't be scaled up for use in aircraft and space craft landing / takeoff systems, although there might be a weight problem that prevents it's practical use (do check if hollowed out copper has the same antigrav properties as solid copper).

definitely worth looking into by militaries, space agencies, VTOL aircraft designers and drone designers around the world.

note : it might be possible to power these things from the ground, using microwave energy transfer.
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i see no reason this tech can't be scaled up for use in aircraft and space craft landing / takeoff systems, although there might be a weight problem that prevents it's practical use.

definitely worth looking into by militaries, space agencies, VTOL aircraft designers and drone designers around the world.

note : it might be possible to power these things from the ground, using microwave energy transfer.

This technique requires that the "craft" be suspended between 2 magnets. It would be hard to do when the "craft" is moving.

There is, however, a use that has been trying to get funding. And that is the use of the magnetic repelling force on trains. The trains would ride on that force, making the friction at or almost zero. Making higher speeds possible with lower costs of whatever fuel they use.
When I was a machinist before I retired we took an 18 x 6 piece of copper round stock with a 4 inch hole through it and dropped various sized magnets through it.
Pretty cool stuff!! It took a good 10 seconds for the magnet to drop through it.

i see no reason this tech can't be scaled up for use in aircraft and space craft landing / takeoff systems, although there might be a weight problem that prevents it's practical use (do check if hollowed out copper has the same antigrav properties as solid copper).

definitely worth looking into by militaries, space agencies, VTOL aircraft designers and drone designers around the world.

note : it might be possible to power these things from the ground, using microwave energy transfer.

Let me know when you discover how to eliminate gravity. Science and physics would be interested also.
You must be kidding.
My 6th grade science project, I showed how two magnets. with a copper strip between the could turn on a light bulb. And suspended a nail between two magnates demonstrating gravity. And how it can be used in deep space travel by humans. Interesting stuff.
i see no reason this tech can't be scaled up for use in aircraft and space craft landing / takeoff systems, although there might be a weight problem that prevents it's practical use (do check if hollowed out copper has the same antigrav properties as solid copper).
No, hollowing out the copper will simply reduce the available electrons and so the available counter EMF.

note : it might be possible to power these things from the ground, using microwave energy transfer.
No. It doesn't work that way. The copper generates its own magnetic fields as a dynamic response from the movement of other fields through it, you cannot just "send" it power by transmitted energy.

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