Another White House lie: Dead Seals weren't part of security


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Now I knew this because I had profiled one of the ex Seals late last week and was really surprised when both Hillary and Susan Rice claimed that these men were part of the Ambassador's security detail.

One of the ex Seals was working in Libya specifically to attempt to locate where all the weapons that Qaddafi had went to during Obama's Arab Spring.

It appears no one knows their ass from a hole in the ground in this administration.

“Woods and Doherty weren’t part of the detail, nor were they personally responsible for the ambassador’s security, but they stepped into the breach when the attacks occurred and their actions saved others lives -- and they shouldn’t be lumped in with the security detail,” one senior official said, speaking only on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly about the State Department.

The administration has not fully described the two former Navy SEALs' activities, characterizing their work only vaguely as being security related. “Our embassies could not carry on our critical work around the world without the service and sacrifice of brave people like Tyrone and Glen," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said after the attacks.

As recently as Sunday, UN Ambassador Susan Rice gave a similar description. “Two of the four Americans who were killed were there providing security. That was their function. And indeed, there were many other colleagues who were doing the same with them,” Rice told ABC's This Week program.

In fact, officials said, the two men were personal service contractors whose official function was described as "embassy security," but whose work did not involve personal protection of the ambassador or perimeter security of the compound.

U.S. officials clarify administration description of two heroes in Libya attack | WashingtonGuardian

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