
Mar 21, 2017
What I have is a very long story, with many years work and many lessons learned, that may be helpful when studying past events...
This is another version, through my research... [It is not my intention to offend or upset, only to correct a great amount of misunderstood science and lost history, and so,] I am here looking for collaboration to fill in the many missing pieces...

My research concerns terrestrial impact cratering processes...
What I have discovered so far-
The entire Mississippi emnayment shows the shockwave pattern of an enormous astrobleme, from a meteor impact which occurred on December 16, 1811 and has been mistaken for an earthquake... see- "An extraterrestrial origin for the upland formation of the Mississippi embayment" at Research Publish Journals

Understanding the topography throughout the valley to be from a meteor leads to further investigation into what had formed the tomography... Noticing the deep crease in the plate, to the west are the Ozarks [limestone] and to the east the Appalachias [piled up, full of coal...] and looking further to the east, across the Atlantic, is the Mediterranean, the only area where the limestone could have come from... How could this be? [It is my belief...] The Moon impacted where the Mediterranean sea is to end the Pleistocene...
[Yes, I know!] During the era of the Pleistocene, Pangaea was intact. There was a great amount of diversity, megafauna, megaflora, highly intelligent civilizations, dinosaurs,... Plants and animals grew much larger and lived much longer in a much better environment... Please see- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/phau...-mechanics-devolution-tony-hood?trk=prof-post [read the discussions, go over every detail...]

When the Moon impacted it slowed the outer plates and mantle further, in relation to the faster spinning, crystallized inner core, increasing electromagnetism, gravity and the length of Earth's day, making it impossible for plants and animals to grow as large or live as long, causing devolution...

The proof for this impact are the pyramids and temples buried in caves on the Yucatan, the spherules containing nanodiamonds from an ejecta blanket covering over four continents, all the geological features surrounding and emanating out from the Mediterranean sea, a layer of platinum and iridium, and the thousands of larger spherules, the large round boulders found around the globe, in Costa Rica, the coasts of new Zealand, Bolivia,... [ they are not man-made or sedimentary] There is an overwhelming amount of evidence for all three of these impacts...

Then, after the continents had drifted to about where the are, a comet struck the Hudson bay 10.5kya, emptying out lake Agassiz and ending the Clovis culture... Causing further loss of technologies and history, even more devolution and is the reason there is so little information of the past...

Anyone is free to believe what they want to believe, but there is really only one truth and this truth has been lost, distorted and has been reshaped to fit into assumption... "Individuals are entitled to belief, scientists are obligated to determine the percentage of possibility"
[As this may end up in "conspiracy theories" or be looked at as "fringe"] I will hope that you will take the time to go through and determine for yourself, as the evidence is written in the geography of this planet and within the historical accounts, this, combined with all the scientific and observational data gives the overwhelming proof...
Please, I am interested in your opinion. What is the real history?


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there is no argument that the earth endured two ice ages in relatively recent geological times and the so-called "experts" in climate weather can't or won't account for it. It's possible that a meteor so powerful to alter the tilt of the earth on it's axis is responsible. The other scenario is that the big nuclear reactor in the sky is a rather fickle beast.
What I have is a very long story, with many years work and many lessons learned, that may be helpful when studying past events...
This is another version, through my research... [It is not my intention to offend or upset, only to correct a great amount of misunderstood science and lost history, and so,] I am here looking for collaboration to fill in the many missing pieces...

My research concerns terrestrial impact cratering processes...
What I have discovered so far-
The entire Mississippi emnayment shows the shockwave pattern of an enormous astrobleme, from a meteor impact which occurred on December 16, 1811 and has been mistaken for an earthquake... see- "An extraterrestrial origin for the upland formation of the Mississippi embayment" at Research Publish Journals

Understanding the topography throughout the valley to be from a meteor leads to further investigation into what had formed the tomography... Noticing the deep crease in the plate, to the west are the Ozarks [limestone] and to the east the Appalachias [piled up, full of coal...] and looking further to the east, across the Atlantic, is the Mediterranean, the only area where the limestone could have come from... How could this be? [It is my belief...] The Moon impacted where the Mediterranean sea is to end the Pleistocene...
[Yes, I know!] During the era of the Pleistocene, Pangaea was intact. There was a great amount of diversity, megafauna, megaflora, highly intelligent civilizations, dinosaurs,... Plants and animals grew much larger and lived much longer in a much better environment... Please see- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/phau...-mechanics-devolution-tony-hood?trk=prof-post [read the discussions, go over every detail...]

When the Moon impacted it slowed the outer plates and mantle further, in relation to the faster spinning, crystallized inner core, increasing electromagnetism, gravity and the length of Earth's day, making it impossible for plants and animals to grow as large or live as long, causing devolution...

The proof for this impact are the pyramids and temples buried in caves on the Yucatan, the spherules containing nanodiamonds from an ejecta blanket covering over four continents, all the geological features surrounding and emanating out from the Mediterranean sea, a layer of platinum and iridium, and the thousands of larger spherules, the large round boulders found around the globe, in Costa Rica, the coasts of new Zealand, Bolivia,... [ they are not man-made or sedimentary] There is an overwhelming amount of evidence for all three of these impacts...

Then, after the continents had drifted to about where the are, a comet struck the Hudson bay 10.5kya, emptying out lake Agassiz and ending the Clovis culture... Causing further loss of technologies and history, even more devolution and is the reason there is so little information of the past...

Anyone is free to believe what they want to believe, but there is really only one truth and this truth has been lost, distorted and has been reshaped to fit into assumption... "Individuals are entitled to belief, scientists are obligated to determine the percentage of possibility"
[As this may end up in "conspiracy theories" or be looked at as "fringe"] I will hope that you will take the time to go through and determine for yourself, as the evidence is written in the geography of this planet and within the historical accounts, this, combined with all the scientific and observational data gives the overwhelming proof...
Please, I am interested in your opinion. What is the real history?
So a meteor hit in 1811.

So what?

It happens.

You may want to edit your story and give it a bit more intellectual appeal.

Right now it just looks like a long rant.

So your organization is bad.

Your content is amateurish too.

You must not have taken your technical writing class in college yet.
there is no argument that the earth endured two ice ages in relatively recent geological times and the so-called "experts" in climate weather can't or won't account for it. It's possible that a meteor so powerful to alter the tilt of the earth on it's axis is responsible. The other scenario is that the big nuclear reactor in the sky is a rather fickle beast.
I did not get that the O/P was arguing for a multiple ice age.

Of course a big meteor impact could cause a "nuclear winter" same as fallout.

But I could not get past the poor organization and low quality of writing skill.

there is no argument that the earth endured two ice ages in relatively recent geological times and the so-called "experts" in climate weather can't or won't account for it. It's possible that a meteor so powerful to alter the tilt of the earth on it's axis is responsible. The other scenario is that the big nuclear reactor in the sky is a rather fickle beast.

Thanks, yes, agreed, CME's and flares have been the cause of many downturns... What is strange, to me, is, after going through the evidence, how each one of these impacts has enough for proof, but, I feel, is receiving little investigation...

Concerning the mini-ice age from 1811-1817, I believe this to be a good read- 1811-1817: When the Earth had a Brush with the Devil There are so many accounts of the comet, meteoric activity and the quakes at the same moment...

Here is some of the latest from the YDB impact- Widespread platinum anomaly documented at the Younger Dryas onset in North American sedimentary sequences : Scientific Reports
"...We document discovery of a distinct Pt anomaly spread widely across North America and dating to the Younger Dryas (YD) onset..."

This is more strong evidence for a massive impact, such as I am suggesting...
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A meteor hit where exactly, in 1811? Such an event would have been well documented at the time; the coastal regions of the U.S. were settled and lots of shipping going back and forth, same for the Yucatan and Central American coasts. It wouldn't have been a mystery.
A meteor hit where exactly, in 1811? Such an event would have been well documented at the time; the coastal regions of the U.S. were settled and lots of shipping going back and forth, same for the Yucatan and Central American coasts. It wouldn't have been a mystery.


-right here...
Here's one discussion with more detail- Archaeologica.org • View topic - Tecumseh crater and the lost Great Chickasaw [peer reviewed]

The first steamboat to go down the Mississippi was stuck in the frozen waters of the Ohio until the impact freed them from the ice...

Everyone was scared of the Chickasaw, for what they had done to DeSoto and the fact that they were warriors much larger in stature ... [...direct descendants of the Mississippians...] In 1809 they had threatened "open war". In 1810 and 1811 they forced the U.S. cavalry to remove more than five thousand squatters from their lands...
So there really were no Europeans on site and the nearest town was mostly French at the time, a very convincing people [the natives?not so much] who were mostly asleep, as it occurred at two-thirty a.m. They saw the smoke, smelled the sulfur and felt the ground shake from the impact...and so, it was misunderstood as an earthquake ever since...
[Though there were many reports of meteoric activity and the comet passing at this same moment...]

After the impact, because the tribes were instantly decimated and so much had completely changed, the land was considered to be cursed and haunted... This is the reason the land was so easily ceded and the people sent out on the "trail of tears" soon afterward... Otherwise, why wouldn't the Chickasaw have fought?
The impact was directed almost directly toward the town of New Madrid. Draw a line down the middle of the new Madrid bend straight to north Slayden. This will show the angle, direction and force of the meteor...
[...most of the general public, at the time, put full blame on the comet, as they should have. The natives have many stories of how the comet caused the quake. Superstition and misinterpretation by the so-called scientists and historians has led to this outcome...]

The YDB occurred 13kya and if it was the Moon impacting the Mediterranean sea, I would think this to be such a catastrophic blow that there may not be much information left?, especially because it was just part of many more disastrous events.
There were many impacts and catastrophes on different scale...
Judging by the evidence, once the continents had drifted to almost where they are currently, a comet struck the Hudson bay. This ended the much more primitive Clovis culture that was brought on by the Holocene impact event [YDB]... All this is recorded in the geography, history, sedimentary layers, ice cores, satellite views, impactites,... and there is more than enough to give proof to each scenario...

Once you go through the evidence, I believe you will be amazed...
...but look how big a change...look how much is being taught, out of assumption, as if it were proven, that will have to be revised... How long would this take?, [if ever?!...]
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