Another Tea Bagger arrested

Ron Paul supporter arrested at Louisiana Republican convention - Chicago Tribune

(Reuters) - Police said a Ron Paul supporter was arrested and complained of injury after refusing to leave the Louisiana Republican State Convention on Saturday, a boisterous event where backers of the Texas congressman argued for a greater voice.
I thought you said T.E.A. party member? This is just a Ron Paul supporter.

Just silly details...
Ron Paul supporter arrested at Louisiana Republican convention - Chicago Tribune

(Reuters) - Police said a Ron Paul supporter was arrested and complained of injury after refusing to leave the Louisiana Republican State Convention on Saturday, a boisterous event where backers of the Texas congressman argued for a greater voice.
I thought you said T.E.A. party member? This is just a Ron Paul supporter.

Ron Paul is the "intellectual godfather" of the Tea Party movement.

Ron Paul is the "intellectual godfather" of the Tea Party movement.

This is true in the sense that the original tea party protests/re-enactments were done by Paul supporters but the movement as it stands today is pretty far removed from Ron Paul's ideas. They are for the most part interventionists and social conservatives. This is evidenced by the vote on NDAA. No Paul supporter would ever vote for that legislation period, yet only a handful of tea partiers in congress didn't. The current tea party has been assimilated or is at least in the process.
First things first I have no idea what a tea bagger is perhaps the Op was trying to say Tea Party and misspelled it this would not be a great stretch since the words Tea Party were not in the article they gave the link to.

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