Bush is responsible but Obama isnt? Logic?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
The economy collapsed at the end of Bush's two terms which was preceeded by two years of democratic controlled congress. A time during which red flags were raised about the elephant in the room (housing) but democrats denied and the GOP was too spineless to push forward with reforms.

Obama had two more years of that same congress and even managed to pass HCA with 0 republican votes. Yet the faltering economy nearly four years later is not his fault. He never mentions Reid won't do his job in the senate. Reid and Obama bare the brunt of the responsibility for our current situation in my opinion.
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If a Romney led congress focuses on what needs repealed or overturned and doesn't get bogged down on some stupid shit like Obama did then it should be done in 6 months. The necessary govt work that is. It will then be up to us to our part. Do you agree warrior?
No one person can clean up the mess created by the greed of 'Wall Street'. Anyone who believes Romney is the panacea for what ails our country will be sorely disappointed.

Our robust economy during the Clinton years was a direct result of new technology. Until we as a nation begin to plan for a future not tied to fossil fuels and begin an open dialog on real solutions not tied to ideology are future will be unsettled, and other nations, India, China, Brazil or example, will forge ahead.
No one person can clean up the mess created by the greed of 'Wall Street'. Anyone who believes Romney is the panacea for what ails our country will be sorely disappointed.

Our robust economy during the Clinton years was a direct result of new technology. Until we as a nation begin to plan for a future not tied to fossil fuels and begin an open dialog on real solutions not tied to ideology are future will be unsettled, and other nations, India, China, Brazil or example, will forge ahead.

Oh - so Obama's mess is now the "Greed of Wallstreet?"

Is that what you left-winged morons are going to affix blame to once Romney is elected?
The economy collapsed at the end of Bush's two terms which was preceeded by two years of democratic controlled congress. A time during which red flags were raised about the elephant in the room (housing) but democrats denied and the GOP was too spineless to push forward with reforms.

Obama had two more years of that same congress and even managed to pass HCA with 0 republican votes. Yet the faltering economy nearly four years later is not his fault. He never mentions Reid won't do his job in the senate. Reid and Obama bare the brunt of the responsibility for our current situation in my opinion.

Start by explaining to us in detail what the Democratic Congress starting in 2007 could have done to avert the recession that began in December of that year,

or how they could have reversed the real estate meltdown that was already beginning.
The economy collapsed at the end of Bush's two terms which was preceeded by two years of democratic controlled congress. A time during which red flags were raised about the elephant in the room (housing) but democrats denied and the GOP was too spineless to push forward with reforms.

Obama had two more years of that same congress and even managed to pass HCA with 0 republican votes. Yet the faltering economy nearly four years later is not his fault. He never mentions Reid won't do his job in the senate. Reid and Obama bare the brunt of the responsibility for our current situation in my opinion.

Start by explaining to us in detail what the Democratic Congress starting in 2007 could have done to avert the recession that began in December of that year,

or how they could have reversed the real estate meltdown that was already beginning.

Get ready to laugh.
The economy collapsed at the end of Bush's two terms which was preceeded by two years of democratic controlled congress. A time during which red flags were raised about the elephant in the room (housing) but democrats denied and the GOP was too spineless to push forward with reforms.

Obama had two more years of that same congress and even managed to pass HCA with 0 republican votes. Yet the faltering economy nearly four years later is not his fault. He never mentions Reid won't do his job in the senate. Reid and Obama bare the brunt of the responsibility for our current situation in my opinion.

Start by explaining to us in detail what the Democratic Congress starting in 2007 could have done to avert the recession that began in December of that year,

or how they could have reversed the real estate meltdown that was already beginning.

Get ready to laugh.

People laugh at what they don't understand. You do a lot of laughing around here.

Congress could have acted to make Freddie mac and Fannie mae more transparent and accountable. There were editorials running in the Wall St Journal for years before the melt down, arguing basically that everythingthat actually happened was going to happen. They could have allowed the Fed to raise interest rates to a reasonable level, instead of pressuring for lower rates. They could have resisted the urge to spend spend spend. They could have reformed congressional earmarks, which Pelosi in fact pledged but failed to do. They could have refused to bail out the auto makers and establish the moral hazard we see unfolding in front of us.
No one person can clean up the mess created by the greed of 'Wall Street'. Anyone who believes Romney is the panacea for what ails our country will be sorely disappointed.

Our robust economy during the Clinton years was a direct result of new technology. Until we as a nation begin to plan for a future not tied to fossil fuels and begin an open dialog on real solutions not tied to ideology are future will be unsettled, and other nations, India, China, Brazil or example, will forge ahead.

Oh - so Obama's mess is now the "Greed of Wallstreet?"

Is that what you left-winged morons are going to affix blame to once Romney is elected?

I'm sure you don't understand but let me be blunt. The more you post the dumber you seem. Better to keep your hands of the keyboard, why prove to everyone you have nothing intelligent to offer?
No one person can clean up the mess created by the greed of 'Wall Street'. Anyone who believes Romney is the panacea for what ails our country will be sorely disappointed.

Our robust economy during the Clinton years was a direct result of new technology. Until we as a nation begin to plan for a future not tied to fossil fuels and begin an open dialog on real solutions not tied to ideology are future will be unsettled, and other nations, India, China, Brazil or example, will forge ahead.

Oh - so Obama's mess is now the "Greed of Wallstreet?"

Is that what you left-winged morons are going to affix blame to once Romney is elected?

I'm sure you don't understand but let me be blunt. The more you post the dumber you seem. Better to keep your hands of the keyboard, why prove to everyone you have nothing intelligent to offer?
Was that a monologue addressed to yourself?
Bush will be given the responsibility he deserves.

He pruposely fucked this country.

He will NEVER live down the history he directed
No one person can clean up the mess created by the greed of 'Wall Street'. Anyone who believes Romney is the panacea for what ails our country will be sorely disappointed.

Our robust economy during the Clinton years was a direct result of new technology. Until we as a nation begin to plan for a future not tied to fossil fuels and begin an open dialog on real solutions not tied to ideology are future will be unsettled, and other nations, India, China, Brazil or example, will forge ahead.

Oh - so Obama's mess is now the "Greed of Wallstreet?"

Is that what you left-winged morons are going to affix blame to once Romney is elected?

I'm sure you don't understand but let me be blunt. The more you post the dumber you seem. Better to keep your hands of the keyboard, why prove to everyone you have nothing intelligent to offer?

Let me be blunt. Remove your mouth from Obama's asshole for a moment - and come up for some fresh air.
The economy collapsed at the end of Bush's two terms which was preceeded by two years of democratic controlled congress. A time during which red flags were raised about the elephant in the room (housing) but democrats denied and the GOP was too spineless to push forward with reforms.

Obama had two more years of that same congress and even managed to pass HCA with 0 republican votes. Yet the faltering economy nearly four years later is not his fault. He never mentions Reid won't do his job in the senate. Reid and Obama bare the brunt of the responsibility for our current situation in my opinion.

Start by explaining to us in detail what the Democratic Congress starting in 2007 could have done to avert the recession that began in December of that year,

or how they could have reversed the real estate meltdown that was already beginning.

Get ready to laugh.

It won't make you laugh but it might make some cry.

Housing like many other things in our economy belong in only the private sector. F&F should have been abolished years ago.
Oh - so Obama's mess is now the "Greed of Wallstreet?"

Is that what you left-winged morons are going to affix blame to once Romney is elected?

I'm sure you don't understand but let me be blunt. The more you post the dumber you seem. Better to keep your hands of the keyboard, why prove to everyone you have nothing intelligent to offer?
Was that a monologue addressed to yourself?

No, to the other right wing partisan hack. But thanks for asking.

BTW, had the auto industry collapsed, what impact might that have had on the overall economy? How much greater would the unemployed figures be if all the suppliers for GM and Chrysler went out of business; if all the dealerships closed their doors? How would that have impacted local government dependent on sales tax revenue of new cars? How many more public employees would have lost jobs? And what of the jobs in the private sector which provided food and entertainment and clothes and such for the newly unemployed? Explain that if you can Rabbi.
Start by explaining to us in detail what the Democratic Congress starting in 2007 could have done to avert the recession that began in December of that year,

or how they could have reversed the real estate meltdown that was already beginning.

The housing bubble broke in 2006. The recession was in full swing in 2007. How on earth did the democratic congress "cause" a recession well underway? The Republicans had been in control for the previous 6 years... what did they do about it? That's right... NOTHING.
Start by explaining to us in detail what the Democratic Congress starting in 2007 could have done to avert the recession that began in December of that year,

or how they could have reversed the real estate meltdown that was already beginning.

Get ready to laugh.

People laugh at what they don't understand. You do a lot of laughing around here.

Congress could have acted to make Freddie mac and Fannie mae more transparent and accountable. There were editorials running in the Wall St Journal for years before the melt down, arguing basically that everythingthat actually happened was going to happen. They could have allowed the Fed to raise interest rates to a reasonable level, instead of pressuring for lower rates. They could have resisted the urge to spend spend spend. They could have reformed congressional earmarks, which Pelosi in fact pledged but failed to do. They could have refused to bail out the auto makers and establish the moral hazard we see unfolding in front of us.

You're right. I don't understand. I don't understand how you people can be so dumb to support people who's stated goal is to make things easier for the wealthy while putting more of a strain on the poor and middle class. THAT'S YOU!!! You're right, I don't understand.

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