ANOTHER pubpot says the unthinkable

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Jon Hubbard, Arkansas Legislator, Defends Pro-Slavery Comments

“Slavery was cruel, but as a result of slavery, we have African-Americans living in this country today who are living here in situations that are probably much better to endure than if they were living in Sub-Saharan Africa. If you had the choice knowing the lifestyle of people living in Africa and knowing the lifestyle of people living in the United States, which would you choose? Pure and simple.”

Where do you even begin in analyzing this quote? While he doesn’t say it directly in the above quote, he is once again basically stating that slavery was a “blessing in disguise.”

Another quote along the same line:

“But I think the end result -- that they [African-Americans] did get to live in America, although the means for getting here were terrible -- I think the end result was better than it would have been if they had to live in Africa themselves.”

We all know that Mittens' "religion" teaches lying and being dishonest but WTH is the excuse for other pubpots? Are they all this backward and ignernt?

I'm sure rw's will make their useless lame ass excuses for this asshole but crimeny, WHAT is WRONG with the GObP/pubpots that every friggin day, one of them says something utterly indefensible?
Jon Hubbard, Arkansas Legislator, Defends Pro-Slavery Comments

“Slavery was cruel, but as a result of slavery, we have African-Americans living in this country today who are living here in situations that are probably much better to endure than if they were living in Sub-Saharan Africa. If you had the choice knowing the lifestyle of people living in Africa and knowing the lifestyle of people living in the United States, which would you choose? Pure and simple.”

Where do you even begin in analyzing this quote? While he doesn’t say it directly in the above quote, he is once again basically stating that slavery was a “blessing in disguise.”

Another quote along the same line:

“But I think the end result -- that they [African-Americans] did get to live in America, although the means for getting here were terrible -- I think the end result was better than it would have been if they had to live in Africa themselves.”

We all know that Mittens' "religion" teaches lying and being dishonest but WTH is the excuse for other pubpots? Are they all this backward and ignernt?

I'm sure rw's will make their useless lame ass excuses for this asshole but crimeny, WHAT is WRONG with the GObP/pubpots that every friggin day, one of them says something utterly indefensible?

you trying to get in some threads before they make you go back to your room?.........go for it Indy.....make them drag you away.....:lol:

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