Another Obama Foreign Policy DISASTER: There is NO Iran Deal / Treaty...& Iran Got What They Wanted


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The State Department says Iran didn’t sign the nuclear deal and it isn’t legally binding


The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document,” wrote Julia Frifield, the State Department assistant secretary for legislative affairs, in the November 19 letter.


International trade HAS OPENED UP with Iran.

ALL of the sanctions have been lifted from Iran.


HOW? Because this administration / President, that is supposed to monitor and ensure Iran does not develop nuclear weapons could not even monitor and ensure they signed the treaty before giving Iran everything it wanted.

Will Iran sign it? WHY WOULD THEY? Again, they have already been given everything they want.

Meanwhile, with thousands of Iranian centrifuges continuing to spin, the Middle East is gearing up for a nuclear arms race.....

This is just one of the many failures on Obama’s LONG list of Foreign Policy failures! Way to go, Barry!
We don't need a treaty, now that Obama has shown his love they will return the love back to us. Peace in our time.
so who are you girls going to run and hide from first, Irans Nukes or Syrian refugees..

The State Department says Iran didn’t sign the nuclear deal and it isn’t legally binding


The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document,” wrote Julia Frifield, the State Department assistant secretary for legislative affairs, in the November 19 letter.


International trade HAS OPENED UP with Iran.

ALL of the sanctions have been lifted from Iran.


HOW? Because this administration / President, that is supposed to monitor and ensure Iran does not develop nuclear weapons could not even monitor and ensure they signed the treaty before giving Iran everything it wanted.

Will Iran sign it? WHY WOULD THEY? Again, they have already been given everything they want.

Meanwhile, with thousands of Iranian centrifuges continuing to spin, the Middle East is gearing up for a nuclear arms race.....

This is just one of the many failures on Obama’s LONG list of Foreign Policy failures! Way to go, Barry!

so who are you girls going to run and hide from first, Irans Nukes or Syrian refugees..


It is not who/whom we are going to run from, it is who/whom we are going to run to; along with the majority of American voters. It is called the GOP, and at that time, you can come on here 3 times a day and laugh as we will be busy fixing all your left screw ups-)
The State Department says Iran didn’t sign the nuclear deal and it isn’t legally binding


The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document,” wrote Julia Frifield, the State Department assistant secretary for legislative affairs, in the November 19 letter.


International trade HAS OPENED UP with Iran.

ALL of the sanctions have been lifted from Iran.


HOW? Because this administration / President, that is supposed to monitor and ensure Iran does not develop nuclear weapons could not even monitor and ensure they signed the treaty before giving Iran everything it wanted.

Will Iran sign it? WHY WOULD THEY? Again, they have already been given everything they want.

Meanwhile, with thousands of Iranian centrifuges continuing to spin, the Middle East is gearing up for a nuclear arms race.....

This is just one of the many failures on Obama’s LONG list of Foreign Policy failures! Way to go, Barry!

so who are you girls going to run and hide from first, Irans Nukes or Syrian refugees..


It is not who/whom we are going to run from, it is who/whom we are going to run to; along with the majority of American voters. It is called the GOP, and at that time, you can come on here 3 times a day and laugh as we will be busy fixing all your left screw ups-)

with who/whom Trump ?


so who are you girls going to run and hide from first, Irans Nukes or Syrian refugees..

How unamerican of you. Supporting another failure america has let happen.

You got a problem with Kumbya diplomacy?
Second thread where I have seen this supposedly rough tough lib response where concern for effing up the world and homefront and the inevitable disasters to follow makes you a chicken.........unless of course it was Bush doing the handing out of nukes like candy then it would be treason
Very funny .

Most of these ridiculous threads point to ubsurd websites to justify their silly claims . It's all bullshit .
Very funny .

Most of these ridiculous threads point to ubsurd websites to justify their silly claims . It's all bullshit .

Whenever someone posts something I think is questionable, I Google it. Here is what I discovered------------> if RW sites say it is so, I query the LW sites about it. Usually what I discover is............most supposed news sites are telling the truth to some degree, it is just the counterparts on the other side of the aisle do not want to talk about it, so they say nothing so as they are not lying.

This is true for both left and right sites.

The only time you get both sides commenting on something, is when the story becomes so big they have to. When that happens, it is easy to figure out who is telling the truth. How? Because the truth side gives you facts, the other side gives you opinion pieces!
The only time you get both sides commenting on something, is when the story becomes so big they have to. When that happens, it is easy to figure out who is telling the truth. How? Because the truth side gives you facts, the other side gives you opinion pieces!


EVERY media source has their own bias, their own slant, their own agenda....EVERY single one of them. If you don't research what you hear and find out the truth by going to several different you end up being one of the 'low information voters'.

Not to pick on the Liberals on the board, but I have been challenged and actually told so many times that CNN is one of the 'only reliable sources' out there..... then something happens, like the recent news of how a CNN reporter was working with the Clintons in 2013 to go after Ron Paul..... Yeah, so much for CNN's credibility.

If you take any 1 source's 'news' as 'gospel', you don't have the full story! Again, great point!
Calm down republicans. I know you don't know jack shit about the deal so here's a summary: if Iran doesn't do exactly as outlined in the deal sanctions go right back into place. Stop wetting yourselves over a signature.

And nothing happens until January.

Speaking of Low Information Voters.....

1. There is no deal. Obama by-passed Congress - the US didn't sign off on it. IRAN DIDN'T sign it or approve it. Obama is about the only one who claims there is a deal.

2. Iran keeps thousands of centrifuges, keeps their own uranium, gets to approve the inspections with over a month prior notice that one is coming, they 'inspect' themselves the rest of the time, they get to keep their deep-underground fortified military facility where they have several thousand centrifuges working, and inspections of military facilities - such as the underground military site just mentioned - are 'off-limits'...oh, and for good measure the US can't be part of the inspections.

3. The Sanctions were 'hard-fought sanctions. Trying to get them back in place, with the world so divided, will be nest to impossible! Putin and Iran are buddies not, for example. They are both in Syria protecting Assad. With 1 vote Putin can block any new sanctions, and you REALLY think he is going to sanction an ally who is sitting right there at the table with him in Syria? Besides, Iran and Syria are swapping stories, debating who 'screwed' Obama better, and laughing their asses off.

As soon as the sanctions were lifter nations rushed to begin trading with them (legally and in the open) again. Putin was one of the 1st, selling Iran a NASTY missile defense system which will help them in the future protect their non-existent developing nuclear program. What is more probable - all these countries abandoning their new, lucrative trade deals ($$cha-ching$$) because America comes out and points out the obvious - that Iran played Obama like a fiddle - and we must now all come together to put all the sanctions back into place ..... OR they hem, haw, delay, and do what is best for THEM?

Oh, and there's no way to put the financial genie back in the bottle. Iran has already received billions in funds freed up once Obama declared the 'deal' was done. With that money, Iraq has bought that shiny new Missile Defense System, has been funding terrorists / terrorism and proxy groups to raise hell without being connected back to them....damage done, my friend.

EVEN IF the 'deal' had been much more 'iron clad', contained EVERY precaution we could think you really trust IRAN to adhere to any of it? They murder homosexuals, oppress women, oppress their own people, murder political / insider threats, they STILL have American hostages (because Obama was afraid doing so might jeopardize his awesome deal)...they were chanting 'Death to America - their own nation's LEADER was leading them in the chants, practicing bombing mock US carriers, declaring we must be destroyed....WHILE the negotiations were going on. Does that REALLY seem like a people we can respect and trust regarding Thermonuclear missiles and dirty bombs?
Calm down republicans. I know you don't know jack shit about the deal so here's a summary: if Iran doesn't do exactly as outlined in the deal sanctions go right back into place. Stop wetting yourselves over a signature.

And nothing happens until January.

Speaking of Low Information Voters.....

1. There is no deal. Obama by-passed Congress - the US didn't sign off on it. IRAN DIDN'T sign it or approve it. Obama is about the only one who claims there is a deal.

2. Iran keeps thousands of centrifuges, keeps their own uranium, gets to approve the inspections with over a month prior notice that one is coming, they 'inspect' themselves the rest of the time, they get to keep their deep-underground fortified military facility where they have several thousand centrifuges working, and inspections of military facilities - such as the underground military site just mentioned - are 'off-limits'...oh, and for good measure the US can't be part of the inspections.

3. The Sanctions were 'hard-fought sanctions. Trying to get them back in place, with the world so divided, will be nest to impossible! Putin and Iran are buddies not, for example. They are both in Syria protecting Assad. With 1 vote Putin can block any new sanctions, and you REALLY think he is going to sanction an ally who is sitting right there at the table with him in Syria? Besides, Iran and Syria are swapping stories, debating who 'screwed' Obama better, and laughing their asses off.

As soon as the sanctions were lifter nations rushed to begin trading with them (legally and in the open) again. Putin was one of the 1st, selling Iran a NASTY missile defense system which will help them in the future protect their non-existent developing nuclear program. What is more probable - all these countries abandoning their new, lucrative trade deals ($$cha-ching$$) because America comes out and points out the obvious - that Iran played Obama like a fiddle - and we must now all come together to put all the sanctions back into place ..... OR they hem, haw, delay, and do what is best for THEM?

Oh, and there's no way to put the financial genie back in the bottle. Iran has already received billions in funds freed up once Obama declared the 'deal' was done. With that money, Iraq has bought that shiny new Missile Defense System, has been funding terrorists / terrorism and proxy groups to raise hell without being connected back to them....damage done, my friend.

EVEN IF the 'deal' had been much more 'iron clad', contained EVERY precaution we could think you really trust IRAN to adhere to any of it? They murder homosexuals, oppress women, oppress their own people, murder political / insider threats, they STILL have American hostages (because Obama was afraid doing so might jeopardize his awesome deal)...they were chanting 'Death to America - their own nation's LEADER was leading them in the chants, practicing bombing mock US carriers, declaring we must be destroyed....WHILE the negotiations were going on. Does that REALLY seem like a people we can respect and trust regarding Thermonuclear missiles and dirty bombs?
Points 1 and 2 are simply wrong. 3 is an opinion from a low info rube who clearly doesn't know anything about the deal.

Also, sanctions have not been lifted yet and right-wing hero Putin has been selling things to Iran forever.
Calm down republicans. I know you don't know jack shit about the deal so here's a summary: if Iran doesn't do exactly as outlined in the deal sanctions go right back into place. Stop wetting yourselves over a signature.

And nothing happens until January.

Speaking of Low Information Voters.....

1. There is no deal. Obama by-passed Congress - the US didn't sign off on it. IRAN DIDN'T sign it or approve it. Obama is about the only one who claims there is a deal.

2. Iran keeps thousands of centrifuges, keeps their own uranium, gets to approve the inspections with over a month prior notice that one is coming, they 'inspect' themselves the rest of the time, they get to keep their deep-underground fortified military facility where they have several thousand centrifuges working, and inspections of military facilities - such as the underground military site just mentioned - are 'off-limits'...oh, and for good measure the US can't be part of the inspections.

3. The Sanctions were 'hard-fought sanctions. Trying to get them back in place, with the world so divided, will be nest to impossible! Putin and Iran are buddies not, for example. They are both in Syria protecting Assad. With 1 vote Putin can block any new sanctions, and you REALLY think he is going to sanction an ally who is sitting right there at the table with him in Syria? Besides, Iran and Syria are swapping stories, debating who 'screwed' Obama better, and laughing their asses off.

As soon as the sanctions were lifter nations rushed to begin trading with them (legally and in the open) again. Putin was one of the 1st, selling Iran a NASTY missile defense system which will help them in the future protect their non-existent developing nuclear program. What is more probable - all these countries abandoning their new, lucrative trade deals ($$cha-ching$$) because America comes out and points out the obvious - that Iran played Obama like a fiddle - and we must now all come together to put all the sanctions back into place ..... OR they hem, haw, delay, and do what is best for THEM?

Oh, and there's no way to put the financial genie back in the bottle. Iran has already received billions in funds freed up once Obama declared the 'deal' was done. With that money, Iraq has bought that shiny new Missile Defense System, has been funding terrorists / terrorism and proxy groups to raise hell without being connected back to them....damage done, my friend.

EVEN IF the 'deal' had been much more 'iron clad', contained EVERY precaution we could think you really trust IRAN to adhere to any of it? They murder homosexuals, oppress women, oppress their own people, murder political / insider threats, they STILL have American hostages (because Obama was afraid doing so might jeopardize his awesome deal)...they were chanting 'Death to America - their own nation's LEADER was leading them in the chants, practicing bombing mock US carriers, declaring we must be destroyed....WHILE the negotiations were going on. Does that REALLY seem like a people we can respect and trust regarding Thermonuclear missiles and dirty bombs?
Points 1 and 2 are simply wrong. 3 is an opinion from a low info rube who clearly doesn't know anything about the deal.

Also, sanctions have not been lifted yet and right-wing hero Putin has been selling things to Iran forever.

1. Iran never signed the deal, not legally binding...
- "Points 1 and 2 are simply wrong"

State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not 'legally binding' as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama's 'political commitments'
LINK: State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding

****BY THE WAY......'OBAMA'S political commitments?! Obama can make all the 'political commitments' between HIM and Iran he wants, but when he starts trying to sign something up between Iran and THE UNITED STATES THAT is called a 'TREATY', and he does NOT have the Constitutional authority to make any treaty between the US and another country without Congress ratifying it. So the State Dept needs to STFU and OBEY THE CONSTITUTION!

2. Iran keeps thousands of centrifuges...
- "Points 1 and 2 are simply wrong"


AP confirms: U.S. nuke deal to allow Iran 6,000 centrifuges for continued uranium enrichment
LINK: AP confirms: U.S. nuke deal to allow Iran 6,000 centrifuges for continued uranium enrichment « Hot Air

3. Trying to get the Sanctions put back in place will be hard
- "3 is an opinion from a low info rube who clearly doesn't know anything about the deal"

This was an opinion, based on information, logic, common sense, and based on the opinions of people a whole lot smarter than you:
LINK: 'Snap-back' sanctions problems in Iran deal - Business Insider

...and it is coming from someone who just PROVED they know a helluva lot more about this deal than YOU do.
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Calm down republicans. I know you don't know jack shit about the deal so here's a summary: if Iran doesn't do exactly as outlined in the deal sanctions go right back into place. Stop wetting yourselves over a signature.

And nothing happens until January.

Speaking of Low Information Voters.....

1. There is no deal. Obama by-passed Congress - the US didn't sign off on it. IRAN DIDN'T sign it or approve it. Obama is about the only one who claims there is a deal.

2. Iran keeps thousands of centrifuges, keeps their own uranium, gets to approve the inspections with over a month prior notice that one is coming, they 'inspect' themselves the rest of the time, they get to keep their deep-underground fortified military facility where they have several thousand centrifuges working, and inspections of military facilities - such as the underground military site just mentioned - are 'off-limits'...oh, and for good measure the US can't be part of the inspections.

3. The Sanctions were 'hard-fought sanctions. Trying to get them back in place, with the world so divided, will be nest to impossible! Putin and Iran are buddies not, for example. They are both in Syria protecting Assad. With 1 vote Putin can block any new sanctions, and you REALLY think he is going to sanction an ally who is sitting right there at the table with him in Syria? Besides, Iran and Syria are swapping stories, debating who 'screwed' Obama better, and laughing their asses off.

As soon as the sanctions were lifter nations rushed to begin trading with them (legally and in the open) again. Putin was one of the 1st, selling Iran a NASTY missile defense system which will help them in the future protect their non-existent developing nuclear program. What is more probable - all these countries abandoning their new, lucrative trade deals ($$cha-ching$$) because America comes out and points out the obvious - that Iran played Obama like a fiddle - and we must now all come together to put all the sanctions back into place ..... OR they hem, haw, delay, and do what is best for THEM?

Oh, and there's no way to put the financial genie back in the bottle. Iran has already received billions in funds freed up once Obama declared the 'deal' was done. With that money, Iraq has bought that shiny new Missile Defense System, has been funding terrorists / terrorism and proxy groups to raise hell without being connected back to them....damage done, my friend.

EVEN IF the 'deal' had been much more 'iron clad', contained EVERY precaution we could think you really trust IRAN to adhere to any of it? They murder homosexuals, oppress women, oppress their own people, murder political / insider threats, they STILL have American hostages (because Obama was afraid doing so might jeopardize his awesome deal)...they were chanting 'Death to America - their own nation's LEADER was leading them in the chants, practicing bombing mock US carriers, declaring we must be destroyed....WHILE the negotiations were going on. Does that REALLY seem like a people we can respect and trust regarding Thermonuclear missiles and dirty bombs?
Points 1 and 2 are simply wrong. 3 is an opinion from a low info rube who clearly doesn't know anything about the deal.

Also, sanctions have not been lifted yet and right-wing hero Putin has been selling things to Iran forever.

1. Iran never signed the deal, not legally binding...
- "Points 1 and 2 are simply wrong"

State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not 'legally binding' as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama's 'political commitments'
LINK: State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding

****BY THE WAY......'OBAMA'S political commitments?! Obama can make all the 'political commitments' between HIM and Iran he wants, but when he starts trying to sign something up between Iran and THE UNITED STATES THAT is called a 'TREATY', and he does NOT have the Constitutional authority to make any treaty between the US and another country without Congress ratifying it. So the State Dept needs to STFU and OBEY THE CONSTITUTION!

2. Iran keeps thousands of centrifuges...
- "Points 1 and 2 are simply wrong"


AP confirms: U.S. nuke deal to allow Iran 6,000 centrifuges for continued uranium enrichment
LINK: AP confirms: U.S. nuke deal to allow Iran 6,000 centrifuges for continued uranium enrichment « Hot Air

3. Trying to get the Sanctions put back in place will be hard
- "3 is an opinion from a low info rube who clearly doesn't know anything about the deal"

This was an opinion, based on information, logic, common sense, and based on the opinions of people a whole lot smarter than you:
LINK: 'Snap-back' sanctions problems in Iran deal - Business Insider

...and it is coming from someone who just PROVED they know a helluva lot more about this deal than YOU do.
1. It doesn't need to be signed.

2. 6,000 is a fraction of what they had. And they lose all high tech centrifuges.

3. Still an opinion.

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