Another Massive Ransomware Outbreak is going Global Fast

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I heard a blogger had stopped the first Ransomware Outbreak. Where is he? Maybe he can stop this one too!

Another Massive Ransomware Outbreak Is Going Global Fast

‘We are seeing infections from many different countries’
Thomas Fox-Brewster | Forbes - June 27, 2017

Ukraine’s government, National Bank and biggest power companies all warned of cyberattacks Tuesday. Airports and metro services in the country were also reportedly affected, though it appears they’re victims of another massive ransomware outbreak that’s spreading across the world fast and hitting a significant number of critical infrastructure providers.

Whispers of WannaCry abound, though security experts said a different breed, named Petya, is to blame. “[We’re seeing] several thousands of infection attempts at the moment, comparable in size to WannaCry’s first hours,” said Kaspersky Lab’s Costin Raiu. “We are seeing infections from many different countries.” One firm, BitDefender, said it believed a similar strain called GoldenEye was actually responsible.

This morning saw major Danish shipping and energy company Maersk report a cyber attack, noting on its website: “We can confirm that Maersk IT systems are down across multiple sites and business units due to a cyber attack.”
Reuters is now reporting this Ransomware attack is hitting Russian oil company, major shipping co. Maersck, Britain's WPP, Deutsch Post, Metro, banks, airports and power grid and Norway is now experiencing a Ransomware cyberattack ...
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this still relies on an old patch microsoft provided many months ago. if people have not put it on and are not keeping their malware/ransomware/av software as current as possible they're fools.

companies offer virtual patching which can cover you with a "virtual patch" to give you time to put the real one on. with machine learning and behavior monitoring yes it takes tweaking but it will also warn you usually if *anything* starts going on an encrypting spree. see 3 files compressed in a row, flag it and get permission to carry on...

the person who stopped it last time did so by registering the domain and that was a "kill code" so to speak in wannacry. that likely is removed from future versions as it stopped wannacry dead in its tracks.

guess what? it will happen again. and again. and again.

it's the age we live in. you can go to many sites and simply contract a "hit" on someone and pay the $ for the level of sophistication of an attack you wish to give to a site. of course it will continue to happen cause it's easy money for criminals not to mention a revenge factor.
I read a news story last night that it also effected some companies in the US. Do you believe that our power grid could be endangered by these hackers? iceberg
Yeah this one is real and cutting a wide swath across the globe.

That the world's governments haven't figured out how to stop these things or hacking in general is cause for concern. Most importantly for banking. The world has to go back to a half virtual - half analog security protocol. Where some physical device requires a physical key to get into your files. No better firewall than a gap between this wire and that wire. Seriously, why haven't the governments of the world figured out how to stop this by now with unlimited resources and the most talented people.
Yeah this one is real and cutting a wide swath across the globe.

That the world's governments haven't figured out how to stop these things or hacking in general is cause for concern. Most importantly for banking. The world has to go back to a half virtual - half analog security protocol. Where some physical device requires a physical key to get into your files. No better firewall than a gap between this wire and that wire. Seriously, why haven't the governments of the world figured out how to stop this by now with unlimited resources and the most talented people.
Good question. Concerning the physical key device, etc. ....One more request for an opinion on what could happen if Ransomware hackers were to hack our power grid - therein even effecting our Nuclear sites - do we have a back up system for such sites that absolutely cannot be without electricity? To me this would seem to be the greatest concern because it could ultimately create a catastrophic event. Do these people have the ability to create such an event, IsaacNewton [USER=63397]iceberg ? Could they create a blackout that would shut down power to an entire city / State? Thank you in advance for your thoughts.[/USER]
Yeah this one is real and cutting a wide swath across the globe.

That the world's governments haven't figured out how to stop these things or hacking in general is cause for concern. Most importantly for banking. The world has to go back to a half virtual - half analog security protocol. Where some physical device requires a physical key to get into your files. No better firewall than a gap between this wire and that wire. Seriously, why haven't the governments of the world figured out how to stop this by now with unlimited resources and the most talented people.
Good question. Concerning the physical key device, etc. ....One more request for an opinion on what could happen if Ransomware hackers were to hack our power grid - therein even effecting our Nuclear sites - do we have a back up system for such sites that absolutely cannot be without electricity? To me this would seem to be the greatest concern because it could ultimately create a catastrophic event. Do these people have the ability to create such an event, IsaacNewton [USER=63397]iceberg ? Could they create a blackout that would shut down power to an entire city / State? Thank you in advance for your thoughts.[/USER]

It could conceivably knock down part or even a large part of the electric grid but it would be temporary and back up running quickly. Cyber attacks are most effective at denial of files or corruption of files. Even the current attack on Maersk for example will likely be quickly ended as they have backups for all their files. It is very hard to do physical damage to physical structures with a cyber attack. Stuxnet was an exception and it isn't impossible, but damage to physical entities is rare. The main goal of the current attack is to hold files hostage and get paid a ransom to release them. To make money.

Governments though have to get this cyber-attack garbage figured out and killed. I honestly think that because government's are run by older people they are slow to move on a computer problem and don't see it as the threat it is. So they drag their feet.
this still relies on an old patch microsoft provided many months ago. if people have not put it on and are not keeping their malware/ransomware/av software as current as possible they're fools.

companies offer virtual patching which can cover you with a "virtual patch" to give you time to put the real one on. with machine learning and behavior monitoring yes it takes tweaking but it will also warn you usually if *anything* starts going on an encrypting spree. see 3 files compressed in a row, flag it and get permission to carry on...

the person who stopped it last time did so by registering the domain and that was a "kill code" so to speak in wannacry. that likely is removed from future versions as it stopped wannacry dead in its tracks.

guess what? it will happen again. and again. and again.

it's the age we live in. you can go to many sites and simply contract a "hit" on someone and pay the $ for the level of sophistication of an attack you wish to give to a site. of course it will continue to happen cause it's easy money for criminals not to mention a revenge factor.
We had similar although not as serious problems when they first started putting computers in car engines. They couldn't fix the fucking things when they went wrong. I had such a car.
They will have to figure out how to identify and arrest these guys. They're no different than muggers. Or two bit robbers.
this still relies on an old patch microsoft provided many months ago. if people have not put it on and are not keeping their malware/ransomware/av software as current as possible they're fools.

companies offer virtual patching which can cover you with a "virtual patch" to give you time to put the real one on. with machine learning and behavior monitoring yes it takes tweaking but it will also warn you usually if *anything* starts going on an encrypting spree. see 3 files compressed in a row, flag it and get permission to carry on...

the person who stopped it last time did so by registering the domain and that was a "kill code" so to speak in wannacry. that likely is removed from future versions as it stopped wannacry dead in its tracks.

guess what? it will happen again. and again. and again.

it's the age we live in. you can go to many sites and simply contract a "hit" on someone and pay the $ for the level of sophistication of an attack you wish to give to a site. of course it will continue to happen cause it's easy money for criminals not to mention a revenge factor.
We had similar although not as serious problems when they first started putting computers in car engines. They couldn't fix the fucking things when they went wrong. I had such a car.
They will have to figure out how to identify and arrest these guys. They're no different than muggers. Or two bit robbers.
the UK is now saying a cyber attack may as well be a physical one cause that how they will come back at you.

just something else to add to todays tension in the world. :)
Yeah this one is real and cutting a wide swath across the globe.

That the world's governments haven't figured out how to stop these things or hacking in general is cause for concern. Most importantly for banking. The world has to go back to a half virtual - half analog security protocol. Where some physical device requires a physical key to get into your files. No better firewall than a gap between this wire and that wire. Seriously, why haven't the governments of the world figured out how to stop this by now with unlimited resources and the most talented people.
The best defense have felonies..

I vote for Miss Cegeny!

(Okay, I heard Grandpa Munster say that when he saw a hot black girl)
I heard a blogger had stopped the first Ransomware Outbreak. Where is he? Maybe he can stop this one too!

Another Massive Ransomware Outbreak Is Going Global Fast

‘We are seeing infections from many different countries’
Thomas Fox-Brewster | Forbes - June 27, 2017

Ukraine’s government, National Bank and biggest power companies all warned of cyberattacks Tuesday. Airports and metro services in the country were also reportedly affected, though it appears they’re victims of another massive ransomware outbreak that’s spreading across the world fast and hitting a significant number of critical infrastructure providers.

Whispers of WannaCry abound, though security experts said a different breed, named Petya, is to blame. “[We’re seeing] several thousands of infection attempts at the moment, comparable in size to WannaCry’s first hours,” said Kaspersky Lab’s Costin Raiu. “We are seeing infections from many different countries.” One firm, BitDefender, said it believed a similar strain called GoldenEye was actually responsible.

This morning saw major Danish shipping and energy company Maersk report a cyber attack, noting on its website: “We can confirm that Maersk IT systems are down across multiple sites and business units due to a cyber attack.”
Reuters is now reporting this Ransomware attack is hitting Russian oil company, major shipping co. Maersck, Britain's WPP, Deutsch Post, Metro, banks, airports and power grid and Norway is now experiencing a Ransomware cyberattack ...
Experts say this wasn't ransomware, and Russia is the main suspect:

Ukraine’s ransomware attack was a ruse to hide culprit’s identity, researchers say
Yeah this one is real and cutting a wide swath across the globe.

That the world's governments haven't figured out how to stop these things or hacking in general is cause for concern. Most importantly for banking. The world has to go back to a half virtual - half analog security protocol. Where some physical device requires a physical key to get into your files. No better firewall than a gap between this wire and that wire. Seriously, why haven't the governments of the world figured out how to stop this by now with unlimited resources and the most talented people.
More than half the infected ccomputers were in Ukraine. Russia made the attack global in order to distract attention from the Russian nature of the attack. Ukraine’s ransomware attack was a ruse to hide culprit’s identity, researchers say
They are calling the man who stopped the first Ransomware attack "the accidental hero." He predicted that this could happen again. Maybe someone needs to give this young man a job? 'Accidental hero' halts ransomware attack and warns: this is not over
It didn't happen again. This wasn't ransonware Ukraine’s ransomware attack was a ruse to hide culprit’s identity, researchers say
What researchers? I'm reading headlines that still read like this one:
'Petya' Ransomware Hits At Least 65 Countries; Microsoft Traces It To Tax Software
"We saw the first infections in Ukraine — more than 12,500 machines encountered the threat," Microsoft says. "We then observed infections in another 64 countries, including Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Russia, and the United States."

The complexity of the attack has fueled debate over whether the malware is a new threat or a more sophisticated version of the Petya malware that was used in an attack last spring.

But Microsoft says the ransomware is "a new variant" of Petya, adding that it has issued new security updates to protect computers running its Windows software. Other anti-virus companies have also updated their software, in an attempt to limit the damage.

The initial infection can be traced to tax accounting software from a Ukrainian company called M.E.Doc, Microsoft says. That connection was the subject of speculation Tuesday, but Microsoft now says it "has evidence that a few active infections of the ransomware initially started from the legitimate MEDoc updater process."

Petya is still affecting airports and ATMs in Ukraine and hampering international businesses from the shipping giant Maersk to the drug company Merck. Its victims also include hospitals in Pennsylvania's Heritage Valley Health System.
Where is your evidence, Ted? Do you have a link? Please post your source. Thanks.
They are calling the man who stopped the first Ransomware attack "the accidental hero." He predicted that this could happen again. Maybe someone needs to give this young man a job? 'Accidental hero' halts ransomware attack and warns: this is not over
It didn't happen again. This wasn't ransonware Ukraine’s ransomware attack was a ruse to hide culprit’s identity, researchers say
What researchers? I'm reading headlines that still read like this one:
'Petya' Ransomware Hits At Least 65 Countries; Microsoft Traces It To Tax Software
"We saw the first infections in Ukraine — more than 12,500 machines encountered the threat," Microsoft says. "We then observed infections in another 64 countries, including Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Russia, and the United States."

The complexity of the attack has fueled debate over whether the malware is a new threat or a more sophisticated version of the Petya malware that was used in an attack last spring.

But Microsoft says the ransomware is "a new variant" of Petya, adding that it has issued new security updates to protect computers running its Windows software. Other anti-virus companies have also updated their software, in an attempt to limit the damage.

The initial infection can be traced to tax accounting software from a Ukrainian company called M.E.Doc, Microsoft says. That connection was the subject of speculation Tuesday, but Microsoft now says it "has evidence that a few active infections of the ransomware initially started from the legitimate MEDoc updater process."

Petya is still affecting airports and ATMs in Ukraine and hampering international businesses from the shipping giant Maersk to the drug company Merck. Its victims also include hospitals in Pennsylvania's Heritage Valley Health System.
Where is your evidence, Ted? Do you have a link? Please post your source. Thanks.
I posted a comment with a link, yet you still asked me for a link. It's as if I gave you a gladss of water, and you replied, "can I have some water"? Are you unable to read?

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