Another Isolated Incident

Not to mention it's paid for... I can't believe all these kool-aid drinking liars who claim the CBO made a $138 billion dollar mistake.

Who funds health care reform? - Video - Business News

You think so?

Do you realize that as costs go up... and they will... Congress will have the power to modify the tax basis of this plan and well, there will be no way for us to stop them from increasing say the Medicare tax on all of us, say from 1.45% to 5% or adding other taxes to cover it.

The Democrats have been talking about doing this for years in order to save Social Security and now they have created another monster that they are going to have the right to nurture in just that manner.

We will have no recourse to stop it... as it is evident that the ballot box does not worry Congress one damned bit.

Who funds health care reform? - Video - Business News

Today it is the "wealthy" tomorrow it will be you.


Well Immie, how do you recommend we rectify the Medicare crisis? In another thread you just linked me to potential $30T in future liabilities. This is not because of the evil fascist democrats or any of that noise, it's simply because of johnny-live-a-lots who are living far longer than expected at the programs inception.

When Medicare and SS were conceived, it was expected that most people would never draw from it, or draw from it for a short time only. Now we've got beneficiaries living 10, 20, 30 years or more into their benefit period. That's why it's in deep shit (Worth mentioning, these programs are not losing money yet, but it's easy to see where it's going).

So, we must raise the taxes, increase the benefit age (which I support), or some combination of the two. There's no other way to change it, without breaking the promise to the people who have paid into it their entire lives.

The plan aims to slow the increase in healthcare costs in a variety of ways, most notably getting people seen by a doctor faster. Waiting it out turns a $15 antibiotic into a week in the hospital; A huge part of our problem is realized right there.

Maybe it will work, maybe not, but we know that continuing as we were prior would eventually collapse the system.

First of all, I am not opposed to paying higher taxes to help those who are in need.

However, I am of the firm belief that if this country is going to survive we must cut expenses as well as raise taxes.

Social Security needs to be revamped. Not simply because it is "failing" which it won't because when things get bad, the government WILL increase taxes and make it work, but, moreso, because it does not provide the poor and middle class with fair returns on their money that is put into the hands of the government. Note: we cannot wipe out SS in one fell swoop. We have obligations to citizens who have paid into it all their lives. We will have to wean ourselves out of it.

Medicare too needs to be reformed, but I profess to not being as familiar with its problems as I am with SS.

The Health Care Reform Bill has many very good provisions that were definitely needed. Although, I am concerned about many of the provisions I have read about so far, but we needed to reform health care and this bill addresses some of those concerns.

Again, I'm okay with increased taxes to help the needy. On the other hand, I see the mandate and things that the bill does to small businesses as far outweighing the benefits this bill provides to the needy. I would have preferred simply moving anyone who was uninsured into the Medicare system and paying for it in increased taxes and then working to solve the problems in the Health Insurance industry rather than what we have done.

Weren't you all INSISTING that this bill was wanted by everyone and that no bad things would come from passing it? Sounds to me like a LOT of people are beyond mad.

If the Courts do not fix this I am not going to say they will stay peaceful.

No, we weren't insisting that.

Put that strawman out into the field where it belongs, k?

When one party pisses off the majority of American by ignoring their voice, some of those Americans are gonna react badly. I suggest that the left learn to live with it. You reap what you sow and all that.

A person living where there is FREE NHS whining about what happens in a country where she doesn't even live... YOU don't have a say.... however, that you PRESUME to speak for people and this statement that the majority does not want this is just plain STUPID, because it just is not so... The real truth is that the MAJORITY believes that this does not go far enough, and that there should have been a PUBLIC OPTION.

It would be great if your ilk could, for one minute, STOP LYING, but I suppose wanting that from your sort, those who condone violence when you don't get your way, is just too much to expect. What is a real shame is that the scum are not jailed. They certainly should be. The sewage would find its own level their.

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