Gay benifits in the military?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina

Another reason NOT to lift the ban. Further since only a few States recognize gay marriage why should the Military? As for them not wanting to join cause of it? GOOD, told you they are NOT interested in being military, they see this as a cause to bleat their pie holes about.

The military needs to be cohesive and close, these people that want to make DEMANDS are neither of those things. They are all about self.
So gay people can't serve their country is that it? Who are you to say that they can't serve their country? I think the army already went over similar changes, first it was "black", then "female", now it is "gay", ... what next?

Let me ask you this: are you also against women/blacks/"coloured people in general" in the army? As they also make the army less cohesive (according to your reasoning).

How does being gay affect how well they perform in the military? Do you really think an expert marksman that happens to be gay should be excluded from the US military, just because of his sexuality? Do you think that sexuality is more imporant than skill?
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Would partners of gay troops get benefits, too? - Yahoo! News

Another reason NOT to lift the ban. Further since only a few States recognize gay marriage why should the Military? As for them not wanting to join cause of it? GOOD, told you they are NOT interested in being military, they see this as a cause to bleat their pie holes about.

The military needs to be cohesive and close, these people that want to make DEMANDS are neither of those things. They are all about self.
If they are legally married in their state then they should get the same benefits as straight couples.
Would partners of gay troops get benefits, too? - Yahoo! News

Another reason NOT to lift the ban. Further since only a few States recognize gay marriage why should the Military? As for them not wanting to join cause of it? GOOD, told you they are NOT interested in being military, they see this as a cause to bleat their pie holes about.

The military needs to be cohesive and close, these people that want to make DEMANDS are neither of those things. They are all about self.


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