Another Islamic Center...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
So whose side do you take in this matter?

(CNN) -- A proposed mosque and Islamic center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, is dividing the city about 35 miles southeast of Nashville, Tennessee. Residents are battling about whether the center should exist, and if not, why not.

The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro currently resides in the southwest part of town. The center purchased a new 15-acre site just a few miles to the east in November for $320,000, according to its website, with plans to build on the property.

Proponents of the mosque allege the opponents are displaying religious intolerance, while people fighting the mosque say zoning concerns and worries about Islamic radicalism are their chief concerns.

Middle Tennessee city divided over proposed Islamic center -
If there are legitimate zoning issues fine, if not then they have no right to complain. This is ENTIRELY different than the NYC situation.
Begs the question why aren't muslims concerned about their religious intolerance?
Only in the USA would people permit terrorists to build a shrine to their bogus religion within view of the worst mass murder in US history, a murder committed by the people who are building the shrine. You people are laughable, a joke, comedic, and indeed pathetic. Those who died in the 9/11 attacks will turn in their graves. COWARDS. All of you are COWARDS.
Only in the USA would people permit terrorists to build a shrine to their bogus religion within view of the worst mass murder in US history, a murder committed by the people who are building the shrine. You people are laughable, a joke, comedic, and indeed pathetic. Those who died in the 9/11 attacks will turn in their graves. COWARDS. All of you are COWARDS.
Are you talking to me? I sure as hell hope not. I am one American speaking for myself only when I say that the mosque should NOT be built steps from where the twin towers once stood. No freakin' way!

But this thread isn't about the mosque in NY. Read the OP again.

Perhaps you should zone in on the members here who are FOR the mosque by calling them and them alone cowards and a joke and pathetic.
Ok, the part about burying bodies in the soil, without a casket or embalmed, that can get into the water supply is a valid concern. If they stop doing that, then I don't see a problem with it.
If there are legitimate zoning issues fine, if not then they have no right to complain. This is ENTIRELY different than the NYC situation.

Apparently not to a good number of people there.

I still don't get this 'distance from ground zero argument'.

Wasn't the attack on 9/11 an attack on AMERICA? If you're going to blame all of Islam for the attack why would you only not want a mosque near ground zero?

Isn't a mosque anywhere an affront to Americans?

I'm 400 miles from NYC, but I'm an American. Why shouldn't I have a rightful objection to a mosque being built in my hometown?
If there are legitimate zoning issues fine, if not then they have no right to complain. This is ENTIRELY different than the NYC situation.

Apparently not to a good number of people there.

I still don't get this 'distance from ground zero argument'.

Wasn't the attack on 9/11 an attack on AMERICA? If you're going to blame all of Islam for the attack why would you only not want a mosque near ground zero?

Isn't a mosque anywhere an affront to Americans?

I'm 400 miles from NYC, but I'm an American. Why shouldn't I have a rightful objection to a mosque being built in my hometown?

Yes, as Americans we have the right to complain/object about anything we want. Not everyone will view the sensitive nature from the same perspective.

I for one have no problem with a Mosque being built in America. There are many already here. The problem I have is the one in NYC, barely a block from the Twin Towers. No way.

I'm sure the survivors of the victims of 9-11 would have plenty to say on that score as well.

I think the Muslims even wanting to build there just smacks of their insensitivity. They could build somewhere else. I'm sure there are plenty of sites available. Totally insensitive.

A BIG NO WAY in my book. Jeeze.
This happened in the same country as the 9/11 attacks, no way man! :eusa_eh:

Seriously though, I see no problem with it.
I'm wondering why NOW isn't protesting these mosques. Sharia law allows for honor killings and marital rape - shouldn't NOW be actively lobbying to prevent its spread within the U.S.?
This happened in the same country as the 9/11 attacks, no way man! :eusa_eh:

Seriously though, I see no problem with it.

Of course you don't.

You just think what your Profs tell you to think.

Good Doggie, have a cookie.
Shame on you for thinking the Constitution is a Suicide Pact.
Shame on you for thinking the Constitution is a Suicide Pact.

Shame on you for thinking citizens and their religion being allowed to build a place of worship is a suicide pact.

Do you want to outlaw Islam, yes or no?
Seriously, most of you "OMG, THEYZ BE BUILDIN A MOSK" are dumb as hell. You silly bitches insist on tolerance when christians build anything yet cry like a bitch when a non-christian wants to build something.

too fucking bad, bigots.

In my town, Columbia Missouri, we HAVE a mosque and no problems whatsoever. They have a school much like you pedo-fucking catholics do AND an awesome an international store which sells the best feta cheese and olives this side of the Mississippi.

Also, members have opened a quaint little Mediterranean restaurant that is first class even if it doesn't sell a drop of alcohol and the wait staff wears shawls.

You silly fucking dogma junkies REALLY need to get over yourselves because, I promise you this, the first crack in the first amendment you apply to them is exactly the the broken damn I'll be applying to you in no time at all. You are not fucking special just because you think you are in a secular America, motherfuckers.

If there are legitimate zoning issues fine, if not then they have no right to complain. This is ENTIRELY different than the NYC situation.

Apparently not to a good number of people there.

I still don't get this 'distance from ground zero argument'.

Wasn't the attack on 9/11 an attack on AMERICA? If you're going to blame all of Islam for the attack why would you only not want a mosque near ground zero?

Isn't a mosque anywhere an affront to Americans?

I'm 400 miles from NYC, but I'm an American. Why shouldn't I have a rightful objection to a mosque being built in my hometown?

Yes, the attack was on all of America, but not in the physical sense that it was on New York. However , if 70% of the people in your town did not want a mosque built, I would support them in their cause. That doesn't mean I think they have a constitutional right to deny the building of a mosque, nor does it mean I think the government should step in and say no. B/c I don't believe either one of those things. I DO however think t hat the people of NYC have a legitimate complaint about that particular mosque being built in that particular location. In THIS instance, I think the building of a mosque is perfectly acceptable as long as they are willing to be good neighbors , just like anyone else would be required to do.

Tell you what Carbiner, there are idiots on BOTH sides of this issue. For example, Fitnah appears to want to outlaw Islam in the US and that is so far beyond stupid that it doesn't even register, but on the other hand Bert wants to act like it's just a huge fucking coincidence that the overwhelming majority of terror acts in the last 20 years have been committed by Islamacists and therefor it is stupid to blame Islam for terror. That idea is equally stupid and dangerous.

What's wrong with being in the middle and saying that although they do have the right to build the mosque in NYC they are proving themselves to be assholes for stating that they intend to do it? I would be willing to bet that at least a few of the people in this thread opposing this mosque are only doing so to further argue with those who are gleefully for building the one in NYC, and that if just a few lefties would say yes they should NOT build the NYC mosque then a few righties might say okay this one is a different situation.
Seriously, most of you "OMG, THEYZ BE BUILDIN A MOSK" are dumb as hell. You silly bitches insist on tolerance when christians build anything yet cry like a bitch when a non-christian wants to build something.

too fucking bad, bigots.

In my town, Columbia Missouri, we HAVE a mosque and no problems whatsoever. They have a school much like you pedo-fucking catholics do AND an awesome an international store which sells the best feta cheese and olives this side of the Mississippi.

Also, members have opened a quaint little Mediterranean restaurant that is first class even if it doesn't sell a drop of alcohol and the wait staff wears shawls.

You silly fucking dogma junkies REALLY need to get over yourselves because, I promise you this, the first crack in the first amendment you apply to them is exactly the the broken damn I'll be applying to you in no time at all. You are not fucking special just because you think you are in a secular America, motherfuckers.


Shut the fuck up, if there were a line to sign a petition to outlaw Christianity your ignorant ass would be first in line so don't fucking dare to lecture those who foolishly wish to outlaw another religion.
Shut the fuck up, if there were a line to sign a petition to outlaw Christianity your ignorant ass would be first in line so don't fucking dare to lecture those who foolishly wish to outlaw another religion.


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