Another Good Cop Fired

The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He probably didn't want to go back to jail.
Running from a cop is not a shootable offense
Nobody sentenced him to be shot you retard!
unless you're carrying a pressure cooker bomb or something. So instead you strike him with a car? WTF? Is this cop stealing a page from the terrorists or something? Using his vehicle as a weapon? The young man could have been hurt.
Too bad he didn't die.
I think that's going a bit far for a probation violation. Just sayin'
1st post
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?

Run him over, shoot him, stab him; I don’t care which. Get these wastes of flesh and oxygen out of the gene pool permanently.
I don't know this perp's story, but in general I have worked with guys in prison who REFUSED probation because it is such hell to cope with
I'm not surprised the negroes in prison are lazy wastes of flesh who refuse to cope with daily life.
and so easy to violate. They'd rather finish their bid in jail. That's not just my anecdote, either. It is well known in the cj community. It is supposed to give inmates guard rails so they learn to live clean, but with the complete lack of support and resources they leave prison with can make it super hard to fulfill all the requirements, which are much stricter than anything you or I is expected to do in daily life.

It's possible the violation was for committing a crime, but if it was, wouldn't there be a warrant for that, as well?
The kid was wanted on a violation of probation warrant. A warrant. So you run the kid over? What is wrong with you guys?
Didn’t run him over. Stopped him. What was the warrant for? Even if it was a FTA, he should have just surrendered himself. How hard would that have been?
He probably didn't want to go back to jail.
Running from a cop is not a shootable offense
Nobody sentenced him to be shot you retard!
unless you're carrying a pressure cooker bomb or something. So instead you strike him with a car? WTF? Is this cop stealing a page from the terrorists or something? Using his vehicle as a weapon? The young man could have been hurt.
Too bad he didn't die.
I think that's going a bit far for a probation violation. Just sayin'
He went just far enough to stop him you clown! WTF do you recommend? Ask him nicely?
I don't know this perp's story, but in general I have worked with guys in prison who REFUSED probation because it is such hell to cope with and so easy to violate. They'd rather finish their bid in jail. That's not just my anecdote, either. It is well known in the cj community. It is supposed to give inmates guard rails so they learn to live clean, but with the complete lack of support and resources they leave prison with can make it super hard to fulfill all the requirements, which are much stricter than anything you or I is expected to do in daily life.

I don’t care what his story is. I believe in probation or parole. Misdemeanor offenders go to jail for life. Felons get executed. Very simple.

The future of policing is that the police hide until the crime is over then they take a report and pick up the bodies.
5th post
Why aren't cops policing their own? Why does it take good citizens with video to expose the bad cops?
Sadly the good people, whether they have a badge or not, can not watch anyone who is bad 24-7. Isn't there a saying that goes like this: "It takes a village..." I believe that when a person has the ability to fill in an empty space, they should. Also what would it take for you to "guard" someone that you thought was bad? If I had to watch over someone that I couldn't stand, I definitely wouldn't do it for free. I remember hearing that Shania Twain would pick for security guards people who hate her music because they would then be focused on doing their job and would not drool all over her like her fans would be doing, but because they didn't like her, maybe they agreed to be her security any way because the offered pay was good enough.

God bless you and her always!!!


P.S. Those who expose the bad, I wonder if anything is done for them or to them in return when they could've looked the other way instead and just kept to themselves.
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10th post
If the sonofabitch didn’t want to get thumped...he should not have committed the crime and fled. Momma raised another thug.
Georgia cop fired after hitting suspect fleeing on foot with his patrol car

You have to admit, it worked.
So does cutting off their head.

True, but dry cleaning is much more expensive than a car wash. City employees should be frugal with taxpayer's money.
And drip dry is very fashionable.
If the sonofabitch didn’t want to get thumped...he should not have committed the crime and fled. Momma raised another thug.
Georgia cop fired after hitting suspect fleeing on foot with his patrol car

You have to admit, it worked.
So does cutting off their head.

True, but dry cleaning is much more expensive than a car wash. City employees should be frugal with taxpayer's money.
And drip dry is very fashionable.

Blood and viscera is REALLY hard to get out of polyester blends ... trusty me, I know.
Law enforcement should be by star chamber. On duty, the police let the criminals go. Then later, return and visit justice.
If the sonofabitch didn’t want to get thumped...he should not have committed the crime and fled. Momma raised another thug.
Georgia cop fired after hitting suspect fleeing on foot with his patrol car

You have to admit, it worked.
So does cutting off their head.
You have to pretty much have someone in custody to cut off his head, so cutting of his head would have served no purpose in helping to place him in custody. Hitting him with the car did.
Law enforcement should be by star chamber. On duty, the police let the criminals go. Then later, return and visit justice.

It's not the job of police to dispense justice. The obligation of police is to deliver suspected offenders before the court where their cases can be heard. The police have certain legal powers to do this, they cannot exceed those legal powers in order to bring suspected offenders to the court.
Law enforcement should be by star chamber. On duty, the police let the criminals go. Then later, return and visit justice.

It's not the job of police to dispense justice. The obligation of police is to deliver suspected offenders before the court where their cases can be heard. The police have certain legal powers to do this, they cannot exceed those legal powers in order to bring suspected offenders to the court.
Very true. But that's not what a star chamber is and that's what we need.
Law enforcement should be by star chamber. On duty, the police let the criminals go. Then later, return and visit justice.

It's not the job of police to dispense justice. The obligation of police is to deliver suspected offenders before the court where their cases can be heard. The police have certain legal powers to do this, they cannot exceed those legal powers in order to bring suspected offenders to the court.
Very true. But that's not what a star chamber is and that's what we need.

I would disagree. People like to say that the system is broken because criminal get away. But, as frustrated as that can be, by far the larger percentage of offenders are caught and brought before the court (what the court does is another matter).

I have discovered a certain truth in that criminals are, above all other things, really stupid. It was a shock to find out just how stupid they are. In my previous career I worked with people who I considered stupid but were in fact actually quite smart compared to the general population. Recidivist criminals however, are a weapons-grade variety of stupid. I don't know how they are able to convert Oxygen to CO2. These are people who wake up every day and say to themselves, 'Yea, my life is messed up. What can I do today to mess it up even more'.

The reason I bring up their stupidity is that when they manage to get away, it's a ironclad guarantee that they will, very soon, come to the attention of police again so they can get caught. They actually can't help themselves.

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