Another FBI Lie Falls Apart: The Jan. 6 Pipe Bombs

The pipe bombs were left around 8:00 the previous night.....They had only 1 hour mechanical kitchen timers on them.

100% hoax.

Excellent point!


Careful not to wake up Lush....He still thinks this shit is real. :laugh2:
More on you great point about it being a 60-min timer planted 17 hours before found....

The first pipe bomb was found at 12:40 p.m., with 20 minutes left on the timer (it was not functioning), perfectly matching the exact timing needed both to “divert” police as the breach began at 12:50 p.m., and to convince police the bomb was timed to the 1 p.m. Congressional vote.

Smells fishy!
Two days ago, Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie released to the public new footage of the law enforcement response to the non-functional pipe bomb found at DNC headquarters on Jan 6th 2021, after the DOJ sat on it for 900 days...

Some observations:

In the beginning of the video, you can see an occupied police cruiser and reportedly a Secret Service SUV which was part of Kamala Harris' detail parked less than 20 feet from the pipe bomb...


After the bomb is reported to law enforcement, the surveillance camera zooms in to take a closer look, directly at the bench where the pipe bomb was located (4:10 in the video)...


At this point, it's clear that law enforcement knew exactly where it was.

Seconds later, law enforcement exists the two vehicles...


Seconds later, law enforcement lets school children walk right on by...

Less than a minute after zooming in on the bomb, a cop drives by with emergency lights on...


And the place is swarmed by law enforcement...


90 seconds after being found (zoomed), Kamala's vehicle drives away...

There was no immediate attempt to keep innocent members of the public away.

There was no visible concern for the officers in the vicinity who could have been harmed if the device was functional.

Seems fishy.

It makes me wonder if the DOJ knew in advance the device was there, that it was non-functional and no threat to anyone, and they put Kamala's vehicle there intentionally as if to give the impression that the "insurrectionists" were attempting to physically harm the new administration.
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That what folks that are brainwashed and in a cult always claim, innit?


You make sure to get your forth booster now, :113:

No, people who are brainwashed and in a cult believe the man who’s policies and pandemic response, and the belief in conspiracy theories resulted in the worst amount of death, disease, and economic collapse in the world.

The people in a cult are the ones who believe that Trump isn’t the worst President in American history, and that he is a successful businessman.

Or that the election was stolen.
No, people who are brainwashed and in a cult believe the man who’s policies and pandemic response, and the belief in conspiracy theories resulted in the worst amount of death, disease, and economic collapse in the world.

The people in a cult are the ones who believe that Trump isn’t the worst President in American history, and that he is a successful businessman.

Or that the election was stolen.
The statistics for Trump's responses, and Biden's responses to the engineered bio-weapon, were not really all that different.

. . . mostly it came down to how different institutions and corporations, were influenced by the lies of the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy, to this point, sadly, has the problem of regulatory capture, it is corrupt.
Everyone can see, at this point, both of these guys, and the parties that support them, are criminals, just like every government that the global institutions, and the global investment structure has constructed to enslave humanity.

And sadly, the vast majority, like you, still bleev those lies, even when given videos and statements directly from Pfizer executives itself.

It really, has nothing to do with politics. This whole dichotomy is being engineered. People have no choice in the nightmare that is coming. . .

Hell, Trump is all about the jab. Your argument is completely divorced from reality. :rolleyes:

. . . people are waking up. Hell, even this forum. It is completely a different place than when I joined here, a decade ago.
The statistics for Trump's responses, and Biden's responses to the engineered bio-weapon, were not really all that different.

. . . mostly it came down to how different institutions and corporations, were influenced by the lies of the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy, to this point, sadly, has the problem of regulatory capture, it is corrupt.
Everyone can see, at this point, both of these guys, and the parties that support them, are criminals, just like every government that the global institutions, and the global investment structure has constructed to enslave humanity.

And sadly, the vast majority, like you, still bleev those lies, even when given videos and statements directly from Pfizer executives itself.

It really, has nothing to do with politics. This whole dichotomy is being engineered. People have no choice in the nightmare that is coming. . .

Hell, Trump is all about the jab. Your argument is completely divorced from reality. :rolleyes:

. . . people are waking up. Hell, even this forum. It is completely a different place than when I joined here, a decade ago.

People aren’t “waking up”. The right wingers on this form have been radicalized to believe the most incredible bullshit that has never happened. Stuff that I would not have believed that any person with half a brain would ever buy into you’re spouting as absolute fact.

Even after Fox News admitted to having lied about the election, the Trump cult continues to post that Trump won the election and Democrats stole it. The majority of Republicans continue to believe that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected president.

Even after Fox News paid out a $875 million settlement and admitted that they lied repeatedly about the election, posters here continue to say that the election was stolen.

A poster here yesterday said that they were not “fake electors” they were “alternate electors”. I pointed out to him that 16 of these liars are being charged with fraud and signing fraudulent documents, which means they were in fact, “fake electors”.

The Supreme Court has declared Trumps entire “fake electors” scheme was not only “unconstitutional”, it was also “illegal”.

We won’t even get started on all of the lies and bullshit you’ve been led to believe about the treatment of trans children in foreign countries.

The British didn’t shut down the only trans treatment centre in great Britain because they didn’t want British children to get these treatments, they shut it down because they were opening two regional treatment centres to replace it.

Trump has five criminal and civil trials coming up starting this fall, include fraud and tax evasion in New York. And that doesn’t include future indictments which are anticipated in the attempted overthrow of the government and election interference in Georgia.

Have been stuck at home during lockdown throughout 2020 and 2021, and having watched the whole world deal with the pandemic, while Trump flailed uselessly about blaming everyone but himself for the mess he made of everything, I’m shocked anyone voted for the lying criminal at all.
I’m shocked anyone voted for the lying criminal at all.

So am I.

I stayed home.

Some folks, still believe in the process. Given the alternatives? I am not sure what they were supposed to do, TBH.

Your POV? IS informed by the lies of the corporate media, which, most folks know is bullshit as well.

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