Another failed Obama policy


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Even in this demoralizing regulatory landscape, Americans are still innovating in energy production. Residents of Tioga, North Dakota, are showing the rest of the country how profitable domestic energy could be--if the federal government doesn't halt the town's economic boom.

Thanks to fracking--a process where rock is fractured to tap oil-rich underground resources--the Tioga area is flourishing. So many people are moving to the area that it hasn't been able to build enough houses to keep up with demand.

North Dakota is proving that the U.S. can develop its resources efficiently and in an environmentally sensible manner. Oil production has quadrupled since 2005--North Dakota is now the second-largest oil producer in the U.S. behind Texas--and state regulators have effectively balanced economic growth and environmental protection.

North Dakota is only one of many states that are beginning to reap the economic benefits of fracking and other advances in drilling technology to harvest previously inaccessible oil deposits. But these leaps forward are only possible because regulations haven't crushed these efforts--yet.

When Congress has put up roadblocks to the Obama Administration's agenda, the President has swerved around the legislative process and issued orders through regulation. His EPA has pursued a host of regulations that will kill millions of jobs, challenging Congress to try and stop it. Today, the Senate could take one step in that direction, but it will take a serious fight to maintain the level of economic freedom needed to create jobs and meet the country's energy needs.

Morning Bell: Obama's War on Domestic Energy Production
[ame=]Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube[/ame]

this is the founder of the hertiage foundation you just posted an article from
Paul Weyrich - "I don't want everybody to vote" (Goo Goo) - YouTube

this is the founder of the hertiage foundation you just posted an article from

[ame=]Michelle Obama wants to change our history - YouTube[/ame]

And this is the first lady admitting her husband was going to lie and destroy the US with Marxist propaganda.

You can't change history - it already happened - unless you lie about it! Which is all the Obama's do...
the heritage foundation is a right wing trash site

You've never even heard of the Heritage Foundation until 5 minutes ago, stupid. You're just pissed that it's an organization which promotes Constitutional government and is crushing your beloved Communist movement.
I heard of it years ago when your idiot cohorts tried to pretend they were some trustable source.

they have never been trustable
I heard of it years ago when your idiot cohorts tried to pretend they were some trustable source.

they have never been trustable

Actually they have TM. They do much valuable work, as a matter of fact. Just curious why you don't just start your own thread, instead of trashing this one?
Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

We believe the principles and ideas of the American Founding are worth conserving and renewing. As policy entrepreneurs, we believe the most effective solutions are consistent with those ideas and principles. Our vision is to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish.

Heritage’s staff pursues this mission by performing timely, accurate research on key policy issues and effectively marketing these findings to our primary audiences: members of Congress, key congressional staff members, policymakers in the executive branch, the nation’s news media, and the academic and policy communities.

Governed by an independent Board of Trustees, The Heritage Foundation is an independent, tax-exempt institution. Heritage relies on the private financial support of the general public—individuals, foundations, and corporations—for its income, and accepts no government funds and performs no contract work. Heritage is one of the nation’s largest public policy research organizations. More than 710,000 individual members make it the most broadly supported think tank in America.

Heritage's policy centers include: Asian Studies Center, B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics, Center for Data Analysis, Center for Health Policy Studies, Center for International Trade and Economics, Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, Center for Media and Public Policy, Center for Policy Innovation, DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society, Domestic Policy Studies, Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, The Kathryn and Shelby Collum Davis Institute for International Studies, The Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, and Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies.

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Consider this Equal Time.
Just ONCE -- before I die at the keyboard logged on to USMB -- I'd like to see a partisian use their KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS to pick apart a link to a site they don't like. Rather than IMMEDIATELY dismiss it and try to indict the source.. Think of how much more mileage and satisfaction you can get by PROVING something is a biased load of crap..

Anyway -- I've been REAL interested in the way that "alternative" energy has been pushed, nudged and fondled by the lefties. All the while attempting to derail all current forms of energy. It's one thing to ENCOURAGE your favorite industry. It's quite another to mount an open attack on it's competitors.

I remember in the beginning arguing with the eco-nauts about their "alternatives". And most ALL of them believed that wind and solar would be small, local, cute and cuddly "cottage industries". While I was telling them that HUGE companies like Siemens, BP Oil, Fujitsu and GE would be the primary benefactors of govt GREEN largess and sheparding. They really never believed that it would turn into Big Wind and Big Solar. But here we are -- the govt is stepping up the race fixing and the taxpayers are gonna get screwed big time..
It's very frustrating how the left simply ignores reality for fantasy. Every single human on the planet would love clean, safe energy. But the fact is, we are light years away from that happening. The solar and wind "solutions" cost billions and provide about as much energy as a AA battery. The ROI will crush us and the energy production is pure suicide. And lets not even mention the jobs it destroys.

We should be fracking, creating nuclear plants, harvesting coal, etc. all while the private sector invests on the break through "green energy" solutions. This solves ALL our problems, but it also requires us to accept reality - something the ideological liberal is incapable of.

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