Another Ethnic Group in Iraq Takes Up Arms


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Is there the slimmest chance of trying to put the make-shift nation of Iraq back together again? And we haven't even heard from the Delta Arabs, those who live where the major river enters the sea. Europeans pasted it together, like most Middle East nations, without consideration of the ethnic makeup of the region. We are now seeing the result.

Read more @ Turkmen in Iraq: Group says it could join conflict.
Have you ever heard of "Balkanization"? How the hell do you form overlapping mini area's borders split along ethnic, racial and religious groups? Monday morning quarterbacking is great, but even that would have never been a solution. It seems that these things have to play themselves out in blood. One of the most catastrophic and yet successful gambits was the Treaty of Lausanne which once and for all split up the Greeks and Turks, except of course in Cyprus, which proves the point.
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