Another Clinton advisor committed “suicide”…by drowning herself with concrete block tied to her.

Oh, lets just forget it all and call you the victor here, ok?

Well, poster jehanne, victory for me was most definitely NOT what my avatar was seeking.
'Victory' does nothing to mitigate the apparent peril all of us must be under with your cabals and deep states.

I don't want 'victory'.
I, we, want information so that we can be better prepared. To be as vigilant and prepared as we presume you are.

So, spill the beans. Help the forum members. Demonstrate your care and concern for America and Americans. If you know the information of this much feared 'deep state' that could help America, then it is upon you to be the responsible party, the patriot here and alert us all.
A question for mere curiosity: Are all of the following posters really just one lonely incel in a basement who utilizes a couple of old desktop screens to post on USMB using several avatar names?

That seems plausible. As they all seem to be cut from the same cloth. Travel in the same conspiracy circles, perhaps, Conspiracies ..... ???
Or QAnon's The Great Awakening ??
I struggle to tell when one begins and the other ends. Hence, are they are all just one sad sack living in fear while cleaning and re-cleaning their pistols and flying a F*CK BIDEN flags next to the elementary school?

But, having said that, it is still a hoot to read what animates the life they (or he? or she?) do have.

I love this bar.

  • My official count is now up to 131 people.
  • The Clintons think that by people dying the truth will be supressed. (sic)
  • They need to look for other "suicides" that involve electrical cord tied drownings. This is a signature for payment.
  • They want an unarmed public
  • Are you aware that Lyndon Johnson had 11 people murdered, including a presumptive Secretary of Agriculture and his own sister Josefa? Yes it's true. We even know who Lyndon's personal hit man was.
  • Didn't you ever wonder, why Nixon picked Ford? I know why.
  • Do you know why Ford chose Nelson Rockefeller to be his Vice President? I do.
  • The Deep State is alive and well.
  • I have no emotions. I calculate my target by ft pre

Really! Who couldn't love this bar? It is the Mos Eisley Cantina with an intergalactic collection of misfits, gun-grippers, dead-enders, and desperate incels. Or so it seems at times.

(Other times, less so.)
More suicides.

The woman that introduced BJ Clinton to Epstein was found dead, drowned with a concrete block tied to her ankle.

She had met with a business man who also has died recently. Found hanged on a tree, with the same type of electric cord and a shotgun blast to his chest as well.

Who knew that women liked to commit suicide in such creative ways?

It's strange so many people close to the Clintons off themselves. Very strange
And there you go. A right-wing conspiracy theory that you guys beliefs.

Are you a birther too?
See your dismissive conspiracy theory is merely an empty label because you can’t factually refute. It doesn’t work, it’s like cries of “racist” that got so overused incorrectly that the sting or effectiveness is now gone
So come up with a new trendy retort or provide some facts which disprove the factually correct unusual death count surrounding the Clintons.
See your dismissive conspiracy theory is merely an empty label because you can’t factually refute.
Failure to refute a baseless conspiracy theory doesn’t make it credible.

You can’t factually refute the existence of space unicorns that shit gold. Doesn’t make it reasonable to believe.

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