Another Clinton advisor committed “suicide”…by drowning herself with concrete block tied to her.

It’s a conspiracy that these two people were murdered?
Good question.

It’s a retarded right-wing conspiracy theory whenever you morons suggest that Hillary Clinton is having people killed.

Does that answer your question? I sure hope so.
How many suicides surrounding Hillary Clinton now? Is it up to 100 yet?

My official count is now up to 131 people. 132 if we count that person who was killed in DC who had been investigating them. Doesn't everyone know 131 people who have all committed suicide or offed themselves under highly suspicious, even impossible circumstances? :smoke:

Happens every day. Nothing to see here. :uhh:
Good question. It’s a retarded right-wing conspiracy theory whenever you morons suggest that Hillary Clinton is having people killed.
Does that answer your question? I sure hope so.

No, it does not because that is neither our claim nor what we are asking. You can live in your own fantasy, but the murders of Seth Rich, Andrew Breitbart and Monica Peterson are not just of passing interest. I will also always remain puzzled why there was no autopsy on Supreme Court Scalia’s sudden death in bed and why his family shut down their investigation.

The same with Seth Rich who was two days away from testifying about the democrats (of which he was one) and their claims their servers were tampered all having to do with the damaging emails found on the Wikileaks Julian Assange released to the internet. Of course the FBI, et al. never gave a satisfactory answer as to how it could be a random robbery and yet nothing was taken from Rich. And of course, their family decided weeks later (read "forced) to shut down their private investigation. And media slinked away from it.

Andrew Breitbart, the creator of Breitbart News ( a year of more before pizzagate) had a twitter confrontation with John Podesta, Hillary’s eventual campaign manager. Breitbart boasted you will be taken down Podesta with all your child trafficking and sexual matters, et al. Two days later 42 year old Breitbart walking his dog mysteriously dropped dead. The coroner’s report said heart attack, but of course.

Then there is Monica Peterson, a 30 something upcoming journalist and investigator, days after Trump was elected went down to Haiti to look into the claims of corruption dealing with the Clinton Foundation and aid to Haitian hurricane victims and child sex trafficking. For some reason she thought it was a good time to commit “suicide.” Some of our "honorable" media reported it as a suicide and left it at that. Most others did not dare file any report.

You can play dumb since nothing resembles a smoking gun to you, that we cannot help. I, myself, do not think the Clintons are even close to those in control and calling most all the shots for this wayward leftist govt and ideology in this nation, so don’t act as though we believe Hillary or Bill or even 0bama (LOL) are in charge in any way.
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No, it does not because that is neither our claim nor what we are asking. You can live in your own fantasy, but the murders of Seth Rich, Andrew Breitbart and Monica Peterson are not just of passing interest. I will also always remain puzzled why there was no autopsy on Supreme Court Scalia’s sudden death in bed and why his family shut down their investigation.

The same with Seth Rich who was two days away from testifying about the democrats (of which he was one) and their claims their servers were tampered all having to do with the damaging emails found on the Wikileaks Julian Assange released to the internet.

The creator of Breitbart News ( a year of more before pizzagate) had a twitter confrontation with John Podesta, Hillary’s eventual campaign manager. Breitbart boasted you will be taken down Podesta with all your child trafficking and sexual matters, et al. Two days later 42 year old Breitbart walking his dog mysteriously dropped dead. The coroner’s report said heart attack, no doubt.

Then there is Monica Peterson, a 30 something upcoming journalist and investigator, days after Trump was elected went down to Haiti to look into the claims of corruption dealing with the Clinton Foundation and aid to Haitian hurricane victims and child sex trafficking. For some reason she thought it was a good time to commit “suicide.” Some of our honorable media reported it as a suicide and left it at that. Most others did not dare file any report.

You can play dumb since nothing resembles a smoking gun to you, that we cannot help. I, myself, do not think the Clintons are even close to those in control and calling most all the shots for this wayward leftist govt and ideology in this nation, so don’t act as though we believe Hillary or Bill or even 0bama (LOL) are in charge in any way.
Are you claiming that Hillary Clinton had this person murdered? Yes or no.
"According to Radar Online, Ashley Haynes, 47, was found drowned in the Arkansas River with an extension cord knotted to her ankle and attached to a concrete block –just months before businessman Mark Middleton’s body was discovered hanging from a tree with the same style electrical cord wrapped around his neck and a close-range shotgun blast through his chest.

“It didn’t make any sense, she would never kill herself,” the Haynes source said. “When I heard she went missing I knew instantly it was foul play. I don’t believe she killed herself. How could she water paddle down the river with a concrete block!” The source said."

Any sheep who does not by now know that we are run by a genocidal, murderous cabal will be enslaved and their children and grandchildren will become playthings for the elite.
I know these murders are being conducted by a dark deep state
'deep state'?
I didn't know that.
Are you sure?
Will you give us names? Titles? Locations?
How do you know?
Will you provide the forum some sourcing?

Any sheep who does not by now know that we are run by a genocidal, murderous cabal will be enslaved

Well I, for one, did not know.
Which is alarming. No surprise.
'Genocidal, murderous' sounds pretty damn ominous.

So, help us out if you would.
WHO would be the members of this murderous cabal?
And how do you know?
We need to know what you know so that we can be better prepared.
'deep state'?
I didn't know that.
Are you sure?
Will you give us names? Titles? Locations?
How do you know?
Will you provide the forum some sourcing?

Well for someone like you who does even believe the devil is real, I consider you very much ill-prepared to be able to follow along with more earthly criminal malevolence. So much easier to mock and act oblivious at the same time.
Well for someone like you who does even believe the devil is real, I consider you very much ill-prepared to be able to follow along with more earthly criminal malevolence. So much easier to mock and act oblivious at the same time.
Really? Seems to me that hiding behind that security blanket of religion is much, much easier than challenging it for some folks. Hanging from that secure hook of piousness, offering 'thoughts and prayers' (ie. Doing fuck all) to those they feel are unworthy seems a cake walk in comparison.
I consider you very much ill-prepared to be able to follow along with more earthly criminal malevolence.

Well, I understand.
But give it a shot.
I may not be able to comprehend the complexities you describe, but.......
But surely there must be forum members here who would understand what you wish to describe about the names and titles of the people in this ominous 'deep state'.

So, batter up, poster jehanne.
Tell the forum what you know, so the rest of us can be as vigilant and prepared as you.
Well, I understand.
But give it a shot.
I may not be able to comprehend the complexities you describe, but.......
But surely there must be forum members here who would understand what you wish to describe about the names and titles of the people in this ominous 'deep state'.

So, batter up, poster jehanne.
Tell the forum what you know, so the rest of us can be as vigilant and prepared as you.
Oh, lets just forget it all and call you the victor here, ok? ...Besides, the Illuminati (1776) and Freemasonry were just made up of the kindest old rolly polly white men who just so happened to be vile haters of Christianity.
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Good question.

It’s a retarded right-wing conspiracy theory whenever you morons suggest that Hillary Clinton is having people killed.

Does that answer your question? I sure hope so.
And it's a retarded left-wing conspiracy theory whenever you morons suggest that Trump colluded with "The Russians" to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

The gate swings both ways.
And it's a retarded left-wing conspiracy theory whenever you morons suggest that Trump colluded with "The Russians" to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

The gate swings both ways.
No, it doesn’t. The events regarding Russia are well-documented in the Mueller report. Whether they were appropriate or not largely fell along partisan lines.

Hillary Clinton isn’t murdering people. There’s a difference.
More suicides.

The woman that introduced BJ Clinton to Epstein was found dead, drowned with a concrete block tied to her ankle.

She had met with a business man who also has died recently. Found hanged on a tree, with the same type of electric cord and a shotgun blast to his chest as well.

Who knew that women liked to commit suicide in such creative ways?
A woman would never use construction equipment for a suicide. women don't think extension cord is for tying----
Are you claiming that Hillary Clinton had this person murdered? Yes or no.
Clinton is from a mob family--beitch has had a lot of people killed off.

They need to look for other "suicides" that involve electrical cord tied drownings. This is a signature for payment.