Another Census

SFC Ollie

Still Marching
Oct 21, 2009
Extreme East Ohio
Yes you read it right. Here we are 14 trillion dollars in debt and our beloved government has a second census in 2 years.

Now the money isn't the worst part of this, I understand the need for the 10 year census, and I filled it out and mailed it in answering each question. But this one? They have got to be shitting me...

I'm going to write my congressman and both Senators over the stupidity of this one.

It's called "The American Community Survey"
And it was sent out by the US Census Bureau.
Sample questions: ( And I am not changing a word.)

In the past 12 months, what were the actual sales of all agricultural products from this property? (to be fair this question is only if you own more than one acre.)

About when was this building first built?

When did person 1 (listed on page 2) move into this house, apartment, or mobile home?

How many separate rooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home?

How many of these rooms are bed rooms?

(Are they planning on moving in here?)

Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have-

a. hot and cold running water?
b. a flush toilet?
c. a bathtub or shower?
d. a sink with a faucet?
e. a stove or range?
f. a refrigerator?

Why the fuck do they need to know all this BS. Isn't this America? Don't most homes have all these things? I'd be willing to bet they all do in my ZIP code

Last month what was the cost of electricity for this house, apartment, mobile home?

Last month what was the cost of gas for this house, apartment, mobile home?

In the past 12 months, what was the cost of water and sewer for this house, apartment, mobile home?

In the past 12 months did anyone in this household receive food stamps or a food stamp benefit card.

About how much do you think this house and lot, apartment, mobile home (and lot if owned) would sell for if it were for sale?

What is the annual Real Estate taxes on this property? (Shouldn't the government know this already?)

Any way, it goes on about insurance costs and how much my mortgage payment is. Which I don't see why the Government needs to be concerned about.

Then they get personal, Where we were born, about our education levels, do we speak any other languages at home, Ancestry or ethnic origin? WTF do they need that for? And they list choices....

(for example Italian, Jamaican, African Am. Cambodian, Cape Verdean, Norwegian, Dominican, French Canadian, Haitian, Korean, Lebanese, Polish, Nigerian, Mexican, Taiwanese, Ukrainian, and so on) (this was an exact quote)

I'm not so certain I want to even waste my 38 minutes(that's how long they guess it will take to fill it out) even dealing with this BS.

Someone's got some explaining to do........
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The American Community Survey is not new. It's been around for more than a decade now.
This does look like way more than anybody's right to know. If we get one of these I'll be calling my Congressman, Senator, a letter to the editor will be published, and all area and national talk shows can expect a call.

Unless it is voluntary. If it is mandatory it is way over the top.
Well, maybe it's busy work to keep bodies busy or busy bodies.

And the way politics are going, information is ammo.
This does look like way more than anybody's right to know. If we get one of these I'll be calling my Congressman, Senator, a letter to the editor will be published, and all area and national talk shows can expect a call.

Unless it is voluntary. If it is mandatory it is way over the top.

From their FAQ

Do I have to answer the questions on the American Community Survey?

Yes, Your response to this survey is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code Sections 141 and 193) Title 13 as changed by Title 18, imposes a penalty for not responding. We estimate this survey will take about 38 minutes to complete.
This does look like way more than anybody's right to know. If we get one of these I'll be calling my Congressman, Senator, a letter to the editor will be published, and all area and national talk shows can expect a call.

Unless it is voluntary. If it is mandatory it is way over the top.

From their FAQ

Do I have to answer the questions on the American Community Survey?

Yes, Your response to this survey is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code Sections 141 and 193) Title 13 as changed by Title 18, imposes a penalty for not responding. We estimate this survey will take about 38 minutes to complete.

So everyone is required by law to tell the government whether or not you own a damn refrigerator? That's whacked, and sounds a whole lot like impeding on my right to privacy... or what privacy I thought we were supposed to have.

So I'd fill out their stinking, invasive, unconstitutional survey, shove it back in it's return envelope, and then throw in a bunch of cigarette butts and ash in with it and seal it. Let them open that.
Yep, Steve answered this earlier in the coffee shop. They will fine you 1,000.00 if you don't answer it.
And I bet you that they will take it out of your wages if your refuse to pay it.
They will get the information one way or the other.
This is COMMUNISM at it's finest.
My research shows that there are members of congress who say this is unconstitutional. Ron Paul being one of them. I'll be firing off a letter to my congressman (as worthless as he is) and to both Senators (as about worthless as they are) And I'll fill out their survey.

But they will have to call or come to the house to get all the straight answers..... If they want to waste money to get in my personal business then they need to make it worth while.....

I'll be looking for any groups who are working against this thing and starting one if there aren't any.... This could take a long time....
Well I fired off the following email through facebook. And it sent it twice.

Dear Representative Ryan
Senator Brown
Senator Portman
President Obama,

I received the American Community Survey in the mail today. I question
first the constitutionality of some of the questions, and then the cost of
doing such a survey just a year after the 10 year census called for in the

If you haven't read some of these questions I suggest and request that you
obtain a copy of the survey/census and read it.

I don't know why the government needs to know my opinion of what my home
might sell for, if it were for sale. This is only one of many portions of
this survey that simply do not set right in my mind.

Looks like it would be illegal for me not to fill it out, but instead of
choosing an ancestry like the survey asks; I think I would rather just be
an American.


E W Oliver, SFC, US Army, Retired
I'm sending something similar to my Senators.
I don't have House Representation, Gabby Gifford is still out.
This is so not right at all.
Another way for the government to take control of how much energy we use, to regulate us into oblivion?

I am NOT answering anymore of their questions. Seems to me this would violate the Constitution, if in fact it is mandatory.
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I filled out my Census and sent it in but that didn't stop a little Census worker from knocking on my door and telling me they never received it. I just said "Well go talk to the Post Office then!"

The Constitution says a Census will be performed every 10 years to determine the number of people in the US, that's all.

When the little Census worker asked me how long I'd been living there I told her to get the hell off my property. No one has contacted me since and no one will.

You gotta' tell these gov't workers where to get off else they'll just run roughshod over us all.
Yep! Another way to micro manage us.
The American Community Survey started in the 90's by President Clinton
Along with the UN Article 21 also done in the 90's
Agenda 21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And then add the Presidents new Rural Communities Council.

I watched one of the committee meetings last night on rural farming and management.
The Guy from the Government Natural Resources Conservation Department actually said "Well with this congress, we hope to manage as much land and new environmental sanctuaries as possible with the limited funding that I know you will be allocating to us".
In other words, they won't be able to get as much land as they had hoped.
You bet that they will try to get as much as they can through the UN to micro manage our Rural areas.
Or as PixieStix says regulate us into oblivion.
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Next thing the government will want to know is your penis length if you are a male. I hear they plan on putting a tax on it so they can help pay off the debt.

It sounds like the government is looking for a value to use us as collateral. Maybe, they’re planning on selling us to China. Oh, wait they already did that!
Who really cares?

If you don't want to answer....don't answer

Nothing in there to get worked up about

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