Another Apology from Democrats


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Man, these guys are apologizing more than Romney's screwups.....

DCCC apologizes to Adelson - The Washington Post

DCCC made unsubstantiated allegations that attacked Sheldon Adelson, a supporter of the opposing party

Who knew????????????

Liberals on this board, thrown under the bus by their party again. Keep believing and posting all the crap that you do.....
Thats an apology? don't shit yourself. and never turn your back on a liberal...

"Another" apology?
Hell, I'd always thought the only thing more rare than an apology from the political left is an apology from a wife. :)
Funny how the media focused on little things they thought were major gaffes by Romney and skipped the good stuff. Typical.

Most liberals do not apologize. They know they can come out the next day and say the opposite and their supporters will still believe them, or pretend to.

Pretty sad. They are bashing people on a daily basis as their desperation reaches a fever pitch. They know they'll get away with it, at least with the state controlled media and ignorant sheeple. Obama's ads are a joke and even some Dems have criticized them. Face it, as long as the check shows up each month, most Obama voters could care less what is really going on in the country. Doesn't affect them.
Funny how the media focused on little things they thought were major gaffes by Romney and skipped the good stuff. Typical.

Most liberals do not apologize. They know they can come out the next day and say the opposite and their supporters will still believe them, or pretend to.

Pretty sad. They are bashing people on a daily basis as their desperation reaches a fever pitch. They know they'll get away with it, at least with the state controlled media and ignorant sheeple. Obama's ads are a joke and even some Dems have criticized them. Face it, as long as the check shows up each month, most Obama voters could care less what is really going on in the country. Doesn't affect them.

Perfect way to put it! baaaaaah, baaaaaah, liberal sheep are fun

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