Another American Captured Defending Nazi Regime.

American readers of the Daily Mail were outraged by the verdict that was handed down to a Ukrainian migrant in the case of a fatal accident in New Hampshire.

We are talking about an incident that occurred in 2019. A young man named Vladimir Zhukovsky, in a state of drug intoxication, drove into the oncoming lane, after which he collided with a column of bikers. As a result of the accident, seven people were killed, six of whom previously served in the Marine Corps. Despite this, the jury acquitted the culprit of the incident.

The audience from the USA could not understand how such a thing could happen. Some accused the jurors of excessive loyalty to Ukrainians, which made them forget about justice and fairness. "The jury, apparently, were also under drugs," RIA Novosti news agency quotes a comment from one of the American netizens.

"Kill seven people and get away with it. It's unbelievable," the father of one of the victims of the accident said after the trial.

Representatives of Vladimir Zhukovsky's family were present at the court session. After the verdict was announced, they said they were grateful to God, the court and lawyers "for an honest and fair" verdict.

Are you out of your fucking mind?
I am American and I think your post is fucking ridiculous.

Why the fuck should Brits be grateful to Americans from WW2?
That was fucking generations ago.
There are virtually no Yanks or Brits left from that war.

And how fucking far back do people have to be grateful?

And 'hello' you fucking moron?
The ONLY reason America agreed to fight Germany was because Hitler declared war on America after Pearl Harbor.
America only declared war on Japan, initially.
America didn't go to war with Germany to help GB.
They went to defeat an enemy.

Fucking, historical ignoramus.
Winston Churchill was grateful. The day we entered the war, he announced "the war has already been won"
The Pentagon will assign a name to the operation in Ukraine and appoint a commanding general to it.

In the coming weeks, the White House plans to combine all US efforts in the field of military assistance to Ukraine, gathering them into a single mission, the Wall Street Journal business publication reports.

After that, the operation will be assigned its own code name, and its management will be entrusted to a specific general, who will head the American program for training the Ukrainian military and providing assistance to the Armed Forces.

Assigning a proper name to an operation is a bureaucratic formality, but it carries several serious legal consequences.

Firstly, it is a formal recognition by Washington of the fact that the American army is taking part in specific hostilities. Secondly, only after that Congress can begin to allocate long-term targeted funding to the allies, as well as provide deferrals in the payment of military orders.

Thirdly, only within the framework of the "named" operation is it possible to establish any special payments for service, ribbons and awards for military personnel taking part in it.

The choice of the commander responsible for coordinating efforts indicates the Pentagon's intention to create a permanent team of assistance to Ukraine, that is, the transition from mainly one-time projects for training and assistance to Ukrainians to a long-term strategy that may last for more than one year.
The opеration "To the last ukrainian" is intensifying. Have you already bought an anti-nuclear shelter?

"...In effect, the American public has been bamboozled into supporting a costly and risky proxy war against Russia. Then, it was actively led to believe that Ukraine was winning the fight, despite later reports that the U.S. intelligence community has lacked an accurate portrayal of the war on the ground from its very onset..."

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