Anger towards media


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

yes, we do have several out there who *are* inflammatory. CNN certainly leads the pack. almost every talk show "journalist" also feeds the fire to cater to their own side at the expense of the other. the problem is, once there is blood in the water, people simply attack *all* journalists and that is 100% wrong.

hell attacking any of them in my opinion is wrong. i hated it when obama called out fox news on a daily basis and he made them the whipping boy for the left. FAUX LOL TEE HEE HEE. fox is no worse than most out there and yes, they do have a conservative spin on things. if you laugh at that and hate it then you god damn well better hate what CNN does as well or you're a hypocrite. same for the view and many other of the ONLY MY OPINION MATTERS hollywood based news.

but the local affiliates for the most part are doing what they've always done. yet, they're now getting caught in the crossfire of these head games and do not deserve it.

so trump out there fighting "fake news" is great but now he's also expanded the problem and made life hell for people who never participated in this and are just trying to do their jobs.

i do in fact like a lot of what trump is doing but his war on media is so very counter productive. yes obama started it but trump simply said "hold my beer". while i agree CNN, maddow and others are pretty "fake" then i simply don't watch or reference them. my call. same as the left can do for fox i suppose. yay us. but in the meantime this "war" on media is simply a spillover from people who will not compromise because "the other side won't, why should i"?

makes you wonder who's going to be the first to grow up and cut this shit out.
Most of those who constantly criticize CNN rarely actually watch CNN. I would imagine the same is true about FOX and MSNBC.

The difference however, by today's standard is that every news outlet in the world knows Trump is an amateurish liar of mega proportions who clearly has zero respect for the office, the nation, decency etc.

Case in point...did he fuck Stormy? The response will be from the right... "I don't care". Which is fine. Neither do I. What I do care about is that there is a denial on one hand and concrete proof that he did in the form of hush money. So then the argument moves one degree away from the evidence pro and con. You dolts offer up "Rich people just pay people off whether they deserve it or not!!!" and "What about ____________". CNN and every other media outlet cover the rationalization and then it becomes "you're against us". CNN isn't against you...they are against your bullshit story and the "what about _________" spin.
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

yes, we do have several out there who *are* inflammatory. CNN certainly leads the pack. almost every talk show "journalist" also feeds the fire to cater to their own side at the expense of the other. the problem is, once there is blood in the water, people simply attack *all* journalists and that is 100% wrong.

hell attacking any of them in my opinion is wrong. i hated it when obama called out fox news on a daily basis and he made them the whipping boy for the left. FAUX LOL TEE HEE HEE. fox is no worse than most out there and yes, they do have a conservative spin on things. if you laugh at that and hate it then you god damn well better hate what CNN does as well or you're a hypocrite. same for the view and many other of the ONLY MY OPINION MATTERS hollywood based news.

but the local affiliates for the most part are doing what they've always done. yet, they're now getting caught in the crossfire of these head games and do not deserve it.

so trump out there fighting "fake news" is great but now he's also expanded the problem and made life hell for people who never participated in this and are just trying to do their jobs.

i do in fact like a lot of what trump is doing but his war on media is so very counter productive. yes obama started it but trump simply said "hold my beer". while i agree CNN, maddow and others are pretty "fake" then i simply don't watch or reference them. my call. same as the left can do for fox i suppose. yay us. but in the meantime this "war" on media is simply a spillover from people who will not compromise because "the other side won't, why should i"?

makes you wonder who's going to be the first to grow up and cut this shit out.

Actually, Fox news was called out daily long before Obama. It was essentially a ratings faux war between CNN and Fox. These are conglomerates and all of the extra shows are entertainment. They don't have to be honest and they don't have to have the public's interest at heart.

We have relatively few independent media sources and that includes local news. If you have local news that likes to play gotcha--and some do--then there will be a backlash.

The mistake was having media personalities run the presidential debates. They dumbed it down.
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

yes, we do have several out there who *are* inflammatory. CNN certainly leads the pack. almost every talk show "journalist" also feeds the fire to cater to their own side at the expense of the other. the problem is, once there is blood in the water, people simply attack *all* journalists and that is 100% wrong.

hell attacking any of them in my opinion is wrong. i hated it when obama called out fox news on a daily basis and he made them the whipping boy for the left. FAUX LOL TEE HEE HEE. fox is no worse than most out there and yes, they do have a conservative spin on things. if you laugh at that and hate it then you god damn well better hate what CNN does as well or you're a hypocrite. same for the view and many other of the ONLY MY OPINION MATTERS hollywood based news.

but the local affiliates for the most part are doing what they've always done. yet, they're now getting caught in the crossfire of these head games and do not deserve it.

so trump out there fighting "fake news" is great but now he's also expanded the problem and made life hell for people who never participated in this and are just trying to do their jobs.

i do in fact like a lot of what trump is doing but his war on media is so very counter productive. yes obama started it but trump simply said "hold my beer". while i agree CNN, maddow and others are pretty "fake" then i simply don't watch or reference them. my call. same as the left can do for fox i suppose. yay us. but in the meantime this "war" on media is simply a spillover from people who will not compromise because "the other side won't, why should i"?

makes you wonder who's going to be the first to grow up and cut this shit out.
I have boycotted all of them because they can't do a decent job..
Degrading the media, attacking our intelligence aparatus, and feeding off conspiracy theories is the MO of a wishful authoritarian....that would be the cancer on this nation named trump.
Degrading the media, attacking our intelligence aparatus, and feeding off conspiracy theories is the MO of a wishful authoritarian....that would be the cancer on this nation named trump.
when a fucktard comes along and says trump started the media war, i solidify my opinion of them being a fucktard.
Degrading the media, attacking our intelligence aparatus, and feeding off conspiracy theories is the MO of a wishful authoritarian....that would be the cancer on this nation named trump.
when a fucktard comes along and says trump started the media war, i solidify my opinion of them being a fucktard.

No he didn't start it. It took a small brush fire and turned it into a full fledged forest fire. He is complicit to violent actions every time he makes his inflammatory speeches about the media being the enemy of the people.

Putin Love It! The Kremlin celebrates!
Degrading the media, attacking our intelligence aparatus, and feeding off conspiracy theories is the MO of a wishful authoritarian....that would be the cancer on this nation named trump.
when a fucktard comes along and says trump started the media war, i solidify my opinion of them being a fucktard.

No he didn't start it. It took a small brush fire and turned it into a full fledged forest fire. He is complicit to violent actions every time he makes his inflammatory speeches about the media being the enemy of the people.

Putin Love It! The Kremlin celebrates!
i notice you left out obama's treatment of the media.

i wonder why. must be your *nazi* ways in action.
Most of those who constantly criticize CNN rarely actually watch CNN. I would imagine the same is true about FOX and MSNBC.

The difference however, by today's standard is that every news outlet in the world knows Trump is an amateurish liar of mega proportions who clearly has zero respect for the office, the nation, decency etc.

Case in point...did he fuck Stormy? The response will be from the right... "I don't care". Which is fine. Neither do I. What I do care about is that there is a denial on one hand and concrete proof that he did in the form of hush money. So then the argument moves one degree away from the evidence pro and con. You dolts offer up "Rich people just pay people off whether they deserve it or not!!!" and "What about ____________". CNN and every other media outlet cover the rationalization and then it becomes "you're against us". CNN isn't against you...they are against your bullshit story and the "what about _________" spin.

I use CNN's website as a barometer for the opposition. I used to use Daily Kos, but they have gone completely off the deep end, and are unreadable.

This is for my daily reading of the opposition, i still click on links for places like Kos and Huffpo when used here as a reference.
Degrading the media, attacking our intelligence aparatus, and feeding off conspiracy theories is the MO of a wishful authoritarian....that would be the cancer on this nation named trump.
when a fucktard comes along and says trump started the media war, i solidify my opinion of them being a fucktard.

No he didn't start it. It took a small brush fire and turned it into a full fledged forest fire. He is complicit to violent actions every time he makes his inflammatory speeches about the media being the enemy of the people.

Putin Love It! The Kremlin celebrates!

Ah, "complicit", the term used when prog twats like you want to link Trump to something as if it was a crime, but can't do it.

Nice attempt, Hacky McHack-douche.
Degrading the media, attacking our intelligence aparatus, and feeding off conspiracy theories is the MO of a wishful authoritarian....that would be the cancer on this nation named trump.

No, shutting down media outlets, completely taking over the intelligence apparatus and filling it with political hacks, and not conspiring but actually playing out authoritarian actions are the MO of actual authoritarians.

If Trump was the fascist you say he is, why are you still out and about?

People like you are the first to get put in "protective custody" or nacht und nebel'ed when the goons take over.
Degrading the media, attacking our intelligence aparatus, and feeding off conspiracy theories is the MO of a wishful authoritarian....that would be the cancer on this nation named trump.
when a fucktard comes along and says trump started the media war, i solidify my opinion of them being a fucktard.

No he didn't start it. It took a small brush fire and turned it into a full fledged forest fire. He is complicit to violent actions every time he makes his inflammatory speeches about the media being the enemy of the people.

Putin Love It! The Kremlin celebrates!
i notice you left out obama's treatment of the media.

i wonder why. must be your *nazi* ways in action.

I MISSED IT! When did Obama call the media the "enemy of the people?"

The mainstream media needs to be reclassified as an advocacy group and forced to register as a political action committee.
The mainstream media needs to be reclassified as an advocacy group and forced to register as a political action committee.

With FOX in the front of the line. When trump sees facts in the free media that do not make him look royal....he calls it fake news....enemies of the people....bad people....trump is a cancer on this country...
Anger toward media spreads into local communities

yes, we do have several out there who *are* inflammatory. CNN certainly leads the pack. almost every talk show "journalist" also feeds the fire to cater to their own side at the expense of the other. the problem is, once there is blood in the water, people simply attack *all* journalists and that is 100% wrong.

hell attacking any of them in my opinion is wrong. i hated it when obama called out fox news on a daily basis and he made them the whipping boy for the left. FAUX LOL TEE HEE HEE. fox is no worse than most out there and yes, they do have a conservative spin on things. if you laugh at that and hate it then you god damn well better hate what CNN does as well or you're a hypocrite. same for the view and many other of the ONLY MY OPINION MATTERS hollywood based news.

but the local affiliates for the most part are doing what they've always done. yet, they're now getting caught in the crossfire of these head games and do not deserve it.

so trump out there fighting "fake news" is great but now he's also expanded the problem and made life hell for people who never participated in this and are just trying to do their jobs.

i do in fact like a lot of what trump is doing but his war on media is so very counter productive. yes obama started it but trump simply said "hold my beer". while i agree CNN, maddow and others are pretty "fake" then i simply don't watch or reference them. my call. same as the left can do for fox i suppose. yay us. but in the meantime this "war" on media is simply a spillover from people who will not compromise because "the other side won't, why should i"?

makes you wonder who's going to be the first to grow up and cut this shit out.
For what it's worth I have despised the lying media since the early 90's. Look what they tried to do to GM by planting an incendiary device close to a chevy truck gas tank so it would explode on impact. Ever since then, they can suck it.

The mainstream media needs to be reclassified as an advocacy group and forced to register as a political action committee.

With FOX in the front of the line. When trump sees facts in the free media that do not make him look royal....he calls it fake news....enemies of the people....bad people....trump is a cancer on this country...

The LMSM is the Cancer, we need more politicians with real world experience in office, instead we have leeches that do nothing. If you had ANY common sense to begin with you would recognize the accomplishments President Trump has made in less than 2 years in office. You suffer from a lack of self confidence and the Liberal Tit is a safe zone for you and your counterparts.
The mainstream media needs to be reclassified as an advocacy group and forced to register as a political action committee.

With FOX in the front of the line. When trump sees facts in the free media that do not make him look royal....he calls it fake news....enemies of the people....bad people....trump is a cancer on this country...

The LMSM is the Cancer, we need more politicians with real world experience in office, instead we have leeches that do nothing. If you had ANY common sense to begin with you would recognize the accomplishments President Trump has made in less than 2 years in office. You suffer from a lack of self confidence and the Liberal Tit is a safe zone for you and your counterparts.

Well said Comrade. Now if Vladimir can teach you how to separate sentences into paragraphs....please don't ask Donnie. He prefers his picture book.
The mainstream media needs to be reclassified as an advocacy group and forced to register as a political action committee.

With FOX in the front of the line. When trump sees facts in the free media that do not make him look royal....he calls it fake news....enemies of the people....bad people....trump is a cancer on this country...
Funny, I didn't see where I excluded anyone. How very liberal of Me.
If you don’t fight back against the media and their dim cohorts, they’ll bury you six ways from Sunday. See George W. Bush’s unresponsive ways of dealing with it and the ensuing results. Fight or flight are the only options and it’s good to know president Trump will always come out swinging against the cabal of lying scumbags.

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