And what color was that speeding Lambo?

And by 2025 ALL Lambo's will be electric powered!

It's fake.

"It was all CGI, apparently
One Reddit user asked if the YouTube video was real as he wondered if the technology that permits such advancement exists. Those who cared enough to respond to his question were quick to say that it is Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI), and no one above the age of 10 should be that naive to believe whatever they see on the internet. Another quipped that Lamborghini would never refer to its product as “Lambo,” which should be a clue that the video was not from the car manufacturing company. A person shared the sentiments on Quora, saying that the color-changing Lamborghini was a conceptual CGI video by Iskander Utebayev, a digital artist who goes by the name “bad.not.bad.""

It's fake.

"It was all CGI, apparently
One Reddit user asked if the YouTube video was real as he wondered if the technology that permits such advancement exists. Those who cared enough to respond to his question were quick to say that it is Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI), and no one above the age of 10 should be that naive to believe whatever they see on the internet. Another quipped that Lamborghini would never refer to its product as “Lambo,” which should be a clue that the video was not from the car manufacturing company. A person shared the sentiments on Quora, saying that the color-changing Lamborghini was a conceptual CGI video by Iskander Utebayev, a digital artist who goes by the name “bad.not.bad.""

/——/ Yesterday, I saw a gold colored Mercedes that had a dull paint job that changed hue as it drove by depending on how the sun light hit it, but it didn’t change color.
It's fake.

"It was all CGI, apparently
One Reddit user asked if the YouTube video was real as he wondered if the technology that permits such advancement exists. Those who cared enough to respond to his question were quick to say that it is Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI), and no one above the age of 10 should be that naive to believe whatever they see on the internet. Another quipped that Lamborghini would never refer to its product as “Lambo,” which should be a clue that the video was not from the car manufacturing company. A person shared the sentiments on Quora, saying that the color-changing Lamborghini was a conceptual CGI video by Iskander Utebayev, a digital artist who goes by the name “bad.not.bad.""

That was my first thought.
To cool to be real.

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