And They Condemn Israel


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Perhaps the most common theme here in one form or another from the Pali supporters is in regard to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Over & over again we see their posts regarding Israel's inhumane endless abuses. And yet has anyone ever seen a single Pali supporter complaint against the surrounding Arab country treatment of Palestinians? I for one blame Israel for their Zionist treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions that only result in more Palestinian hatred & attacks on Israel, the latest being rocket missiles for a thank you. And I for one sure hope Israel will end this Zionist agenda & start treating the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Pali's are so accustomed to --- and so well deserve. Between Israeli's & Palestinians, LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Arab discrimination and abuse against Palestinians since 1948 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
when they are starting wars with everyone of course they rightly do get condemned
when they are starting wars with everyone of course they rightly do get condemned

So, getting back to the subject, don't you agree Israel should end their Zionist agenda & treat the Palestisnians like th Arab countries do?
Perhaps the most common theme here in one form or another from the Pali supporters is in regard to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Over & over again we see their posts regarding Israel's inhumane endless abuses. And yet has anyone ever seen a single Pali supporter complaint against the surrounding Arab country treatment of Palestinians? I for one blame Israel for their Zionist treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions that only result in more Palestinian hatred & attacks on Israel, the latest being rocket missiles for a thank you. And I for one sure hope Israel will end this Zionist agenda & start treating the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Pali's are so accustomed to --- and so well deserve. Between Israeli's & Palestinians, LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Arab discrimination and abuse against Palestinians since 1948 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Elder of Ziyon. A very neutral publication no less. LOL
Perhaps the most common theme here in one form or another from the Pali supporters is in regard to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Over & over again we see their posts regarding Israel's inhumane endless abuses. And yet has anyone ever seen a single Pali supporter complaint against the surrounding Arab country treatment of Palestinians? I for one blame Israel for their Zionist treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions that only result in more Palestinian hatred & attacks on Israel, the latest being rocket missiles for a thank you. And I for one sure hope Israel will end this Zionist agenda & start treating the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Pali's are so accustomed to --- and so well deserve. Between Israeli's & Palestinians, LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Arab discrimination and abuse against Palestinians since 1948 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Perhaps the most common theme here in one form or another from the Pali supporters is in regard to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Over & over again we see their posts regarding Israel's inhumane endless abuses. And yet has anyone ever seen a single Pali supporter complaint against the surrounding Arab country treatment of Palestinians? I for one blame Israel for their Zionist treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions that only result in more Palestinian hatred & attacks on Israel, the latest being rocket missiles for a thank you. And I for one sure hope Israel will end this Zionist agenda & start treating the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Pali's are so accustomed to --- and so well deserve. Between Israeli's & Palestinians, LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Arab discrimination and abuse against Palestinians since 1948 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Elder of Ziyon. A very neutral publication no less. LOL

Well I admit it isn't the peace loving, unbiased Palestine Monitor. But hey, would you be so kind as to educate us to what is not true in the link?
I use historical archives from official or academic sources and occasionally news articles from mainstream news organizations, many times Israeli sources.
MJB, this seems to be a fave topic of yours--that other Arabs don't treat the Palestinians very well. Actually though, disregarding the civil war in 1970, most of Jordan's population is Palestinian. And Arabs are more responsible for their brothers than Israel is. The Palestinians in their National Charter, in the first sentence no less, say they part of the larger Arab Nation. So let them look out for each's not Israel's problem.
You also seem to hint that Israel is too good to the Palestinians. That's a matter of debate. I do know that Israeli Arabs, in Israel proper, are treated very well. My grandmother was treated by Arab doctors and nurses in Haifa. Many Israeli Arabs, like Mohammed Zoabi, are very grateful for the good life that they have in Israel. Now if only a solution could be found for the territories...
Perhaps the most common theme here in one form or another from the Pali supporters is in regard to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Over & over again we see their posts regarding Israel's inhumane endless abuses. And yet has anyone ever seen a single Pali supporter complaint against the surrounding Arab country treatment of Palestinians? I for one blame Israel for their Zionist treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions that only result in more Palestinian hatred & attacks on Israel, the latest being rocket missiles for a thank you. And I for one sure hope Israel will end this Zionist agenda & start treating the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Pali's are so accustomed to --- and so well deserve. Between Israeli's & Palestinians, LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Arab discrimination and abuse against Palestinians since 1948 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Palestine is the same story as Europeans settling North America. 1000 years ago, it was nobody's actual territory the way we know of things after WWI, so everybody occupied different fiefdoms. The settlement trouble is like the Cherokee removal plan, etc etc. When we use it as a simple reference source and track it as a phenomenon of expansion, we see examples of it all throughout human history. So, there's nothing particularly unusual going on here and the habitual politics of it have turned it all into a simple feud. Sooner or later, Israel's expansion is going to have to be voluntarily tempered in order for there to be a beginning of peace. Israel has to think of itself geographically as an Island with only so much room to grow. The US did the same thing with national parks and other such examples of "no build zones". So I think that Israel is going to have to face some hard truths about themselves.
The Europeans were able to exterminate most of the native people when extermination of native people was considered a normal process. Israel does not have the power nor the numbers to do that.
Perhaps the most common theme here in one form or another from the Pali supporters is in regard to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Over & over again we see their posts regarding Israel's inhumane endless abuses. And yet has anyone ever seen a single Pali supporter complaint against the surrounding Arab country treatment of Palestinians? I for one blame Israel for their Zionist treatment of Palestinians with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions that only result in more Palestinian hatred & attacks on Israel, the latest being rocket missiles for a thank you. And I for one sure hope Israel will end this Zionist agenda & start treating the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Pali's are so accustomed to --- and so well deserve. Between Israeli's & Palestinians, LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Arab discrimination and abuse against Palestinians since 1948 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

assad the dog bombed the living crap out of the fakestinians in latakia and yarmouk during his war the past few years - but of course, since no jews were involved the mass media mostly ignored it.

Palestinian refugees killed in Syria's Khan Eshieh camp

'Yarmouk is being annihilated': Palestinians in Syria are left to their fate
I use historical archives from official or academic sources and occasionally news articles from mainstream news organizations, many times Israeli sources.
That's hilarious. Your cutting and pasting of YouTube videos starring Shirley Temper can hardly be described as anything but Pallywood propaganda.
My main premise is simply that the Pali's & their supporters bitch about anything Israel does regarding Palestinians & yet NEVER a complaint over Arab country treatment of Palestinians. So I for one sure hope Israel will end their Zionist agenda of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions & start treating the Palestinians like the Arab countries do. And who knows Palestinian mentality better than they & how to deal with it?

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