And now Biden is conducting airstrikes which are killing innocent civilians


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
So it seems that the idiot is killing civilians now...

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3 kids killed in US drone strike targeting Kabul suicide bombers – reports
29 Aug, 2021 20:54
3 kids killed in US drone strike targeting Kabul suicide bombers – reports
People gather at the site of a drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan, August 29, 2021 © Global Look Press / Xinhua / Saifurahman Safi
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A US drone strike targeting would-be suicide bombers in Kabul also killed at least three children, an Afghan official told the Associated Press. The strike hit a residential area of the Afghan capital, near the city’s airport.
Three children were killed in the Sunday evening strike, the official told AP, and while overall casualty figures are still unclear, unconfirmed reports suggest that as many as nine people, most of whom were apparently from the same family, perished in total.

The strike obliterated a vehicle and sent smoke rising from a residential area of Kabul, a short drive from the city’s airport. Initial reports suggested that the strike took place shortly after a rocket attack on a residential building, but these incidents turned out to be the same.

So it seems that the idiot is killing civilians now...

No, that isnt Bidens fault. He didnt draw up the military plans or conduct the bombing himself. Shit happens in war. A car packed with explosives is bound to hurt people when it goes off. There would have been many more dead people, had they not bombed it when they did.
No, that isnt Bidens fault. He didnt draw up the military plans or conduct the bombing himself. Shit happens in war. A car packed with explosives is bound to hurt people when it goes off. There would have been many more dead people, had they not bombed it when they did.
So it seems that the idiot is killing civilians now...

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HomeWorld News
3 kids killed in US drone strike targeting Kabul suicide bombers – reports
29 Aug, 2021 20:54
3 kids killed in US drone strike targeting Kabul suicide bombers – reports
People gather at the site of a drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan, August 29, 2021 © Global Look Press / Xinhua / Saifurahman Safi
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A US drone strike targeting would-be suicide bombers in Kabul also killed at least three children, an Afghan official told the Associated Press. The strike hit a residential area of the Afghan capital, near the city’s airport.
Three children were killed in the Sunday evening strike, the official told AP, and while overall casualty figures are still unclear, unconfirmed reports suggest that as many as nine people, most of whom were apparently from the same family, perished in total.

The strike obliterated a vehicle and sent smoke rising from a residential area of Kabul, a short drive from the city’s airport. Initial reports suggested that the strike took place shortly after a rocket attack on a residential building, but these incidents turned out to be the same.

That's ok with me. You guys had ample time to glass the place and did nothing.
Now you blame Biden for wanting to stop more American deaths. Do you ever think.
That's ok with me. You guys had ample time to glass the place and did nothing.
Now you blame Biden for wanting to stop more American deaths. Do you ever think.
Actually, some people DO think...

We still have people that the Fucktard abandoned there...

And your fool gave the Taliban their IDs...

So how about if we think about targets and avoid innocent casualties, instead of bombing civilians after we pull our troops out???
No, that isnt Bidens fault. He didnt draw up the military plans or conduct the bombing himself. Shit happens in war. A car packed with explosives is bound to hurt people when it goes off. There would have been many more dead people, had they not bombed it when they did.
Don't call yourself Godboy when you rationalize like a total atheist.
Actually, some people DO think...

We still have people that the Fucktard abandoned there...

And your fool gave the Taliban their IDs...

So how about if we think about targets and avoid innocent casualties, instead of bombing civilians after we pull our troops out???
How about you learn a little about the situation, before you speak? Is that asking too much?
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So it seems that the idiot is killing civilians now...

RT News


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HomeWorld News
3 kids killed in US drone strike targeting Kabul suicide bombers – reports
29 Aug, 2021 20:54
3 kids killed in US drone strike targeting Kabul suicide bombers – reports
People gather at the site of a drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan, August 29, 2021 © Global Look Press / Xinhua / Saifurahman Safi
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A US drone strike targeting would-be suicide bombers in Kabul also killed at least three children, an Afghan official told the Associated Press. The strike hit a residential area of the Afghan capital, near the city’s airport.
Three children were killed in the Sunday evening strike, the official told AP, and while overall casualty figures are still unclear, unconfirmed reports suggest that as many as nine people, most of whom were apparently from the same family, perished in total.

The strike obliterated a vehicle and sent smoke rising from a residential area of Kabul, a short drive from the city’s airport. Initial reports suggested that the strike took place shortly after a rocket attack on a residential building, but these incidents turned out to be the same.

Yeah, I figured there would be payback for those drone strikes. Now they're taking pot shots at the airport. I hope all the planes make it out okay. They say a rocket can take out a plane during takeoff.
So it seems that the idiot is killing civilians now...

RT News


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HomeWorld News
3 kids killed in US drone strike targeting Kabul suicide bombers – reports
29 Aug, 2021 20:54
3 kids killed in US drone strike targeting Kabul suicide bombers – reports
People gather at the site of a drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan, August 29, 2021 © Global Look Press / Xinhua / Saifurahman Safi
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A US drone strike targeting would-be suicide bombers in Kabul also killed at least three children, an Afghan official told the Associated Press. The strike hit a residential area of the Afghan capital, near the city’s airport.
Three children were killed in the Sunday evening strike, the official told AP, and while overall casualty figures are still unclear, unconfirmed reports suggest that as many as nine people, most of whom were apparently from the same family, perished in total.

The strike obliterated a vehicle and sent smoke rising from a residential area of Kabul, a short drive from the city’s airport. Initial reports suggested that the strike took place shortly after a rocket attack on a residential building, but these incidents turned out to be the same.

I really doubt that prez Biden has any idea of what is happening on the international scene. Prez Biden appears to me @ least to be exhibiting symptoms of mental incompetence. Prez Biden is most likely nothing more than a front man for the deep state.

". . . Although these numbers are staggering, much of U.S. investment did not stay in Afghanistan. Because of heavy reliance on a complex ecosystem of defense contractors, Washington banditry, and aid contractors, between 80 and 90 percent of outlays actually returned to the U.S. economy. Of the 10 to 20 percent of the contracts that remained in the country, the United States rarely cared about the efficacy of the initiative. Although corruption is rife in Afghanistan, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction repeatedly identifies bewildering corruption by U.S. firms and individuals working in Afghanistan.

In many cases, U.S. firms even defrauded Afghans. In 2010, one military official with the International Security Assistance Force explained to New York Times journalist Carlotta Gall that “without being too dramatic, American contractors are contributing to fueling the insurgency.” As it neglected to tackle Pakistan and tried to do security on the cheap, Washington also strongarmed the Afghan government it into so-called “peace talks” with the Taliban. More than anyone, the Afghan government understood the Taliban and their Pakistani handlers could not be trusted to honor their commitments, such as they were.

The spectacle of the peace talks was important in Washington, which hoped to create a fiction of power transition to cover the process of a negotiated U.S. defeat. There was genuinely nothing to discuss: The Afghan government was committed to constitutional rule of law—including elections, howsoever problematic—while the Afghan Taliban were committed to overturning the constitution and opposed elections as non-Islamic. The Taliban used the spectacle of the peace process as a recuperative retreat to revivify and emplace their forces while stashing weapons as they awaited U.S. withdrawal.. . ."

Yeah, I figured there would be payback for those drone strikes. Now they're taking pot shots at the airport. I hope all the planes make it out okay. They say a rocket can take out a plane during takeoff.
The Russia Today article is loaded with negative propaganda...

It says he fired on a neighborhood, but the military did not fire on a neighborhood....they fired on a car, loaded with explosives.

The drone strike hit perfectly in to the car, which their intelligence said was loaded with did not strike the civilians killed by missing their target or anything like that.... Which implies sloppiness and a carelessness of our targets imo...

It took out the car, then subsequently, the car's bombs exploded, and killed 9 civilians....the people were not next to the drone strike, but the car bomb meant for Americans and those escaping was huge, and it reached that family at a little distance away, from what I heard on the news....
The Russia Today article is loaded with negative propaganda...

It says he fired on a neighborhood, but the military did not fire on a neighborhood....they fired on a car, loaded with explosives.

The drone strike hit perfectly in to the car, which their intelligence said was loaded with did not strike the civilians killed by missing their target or anything like that.... Which implies sloppiness and a carelessness of our targets imo...

It took out the car, then subsequently, the car's bombs exploded, and killed 9 civilians....the people were not next to the drone strike, but the car bomb meant for Americans and those escaping was huge, and it reached that family at a little distance away, from what I heard on the news....
Where did they get the explosives?

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