An Opinion


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009

Am I crazy, or is that just HOT!!!!!

Not a bad looking lady but she needs a shower because she appears to be sweaty and her hair looks like it hasn't been washed in quite a while.
Why else would I sit for 2-1/2 hrs for a mediocre flick.
Well that and the popcorn.
I was able to sneak a wad of tobacco in my yapper a time or two.
You can get "Legend of the Seeker" on Netflix now. But once was enough, and while the books were better than the show, I still don't count it as one of Terry Goodkind's better efforts.

All in all, I probably would kick her out of bed....

Cause there is more room on the floor!!!!:eusa_shifty::eusa_angel:
Not a bad looking lady but she needs a shower because she appears to be sweaty and her hair looks like it hasn't been washed in quite a while.
Shot right after one of sessions. hehe...
In my time I've seen women so beautiful (hot in your description) that I was driven to search the works of great poets for adequate words to distill it down to a way to convey it should I ever have the opportunity or need to do so. She doesn't reach that standard for me, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I suppose "hotness" too. How a woman handles herself physically is big part of it.

I don't fault you for asking the question; because it might be about the same profound sense of appreciation, admiration, attraction, response ... that I related it to.

Here's how Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the philosopher/poet says it:
(in his "The Sorrows of Young Werther")

“What a torment it is to see so much loveliness passing and repassing before us, and yet not dare to lay hold of it!”
In my time I've seen women so beautiful (hot in your description) that I was driven to search the works of great poets for adequate words to distill it down to a way to convey it should I ever have the opportunity or need to do so. She doesn't reach that standard for me, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I suppose "hotness" too. How a woman handles herself physically is big part of it.

I don't fault you for asking the question; because it might be about the same profound sense of appreciation, admiration, attraction, response ... that I related it to.

Here's how Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the philosopher/poet says it:
(in his "The Sorrows of Young Werther")

“What a torment it is to see so much loveliness passing and repassing before us, and yet not dare to lay hold of it!”
I am not so certain that I have ever been driven to search great literary works to express a devotion to a single beauty that I have seen. I have indeed, seen many women who would qualify as heart stopping beautiful. A few of them have even been captured in images or film.

I have found that depending upon the mood I am in when I come across beauty, be it, a woman or nature or a painting or a drawing, that at that given moment, it is the most beautiful thing in the world. There are, of course, standards that seem to be universal. For Me, hotness can best be described by the reflection of what My imagination of that moment is involved in.

When I first came across this actress, I was impressed by her beauty, but did not really think much of it because at that time, I was enamored of one, Catherine Zeta Jones. By just about anyone’s standards, Zeta Jones is one of the classical beauties of the world. However, when I did revisit this actress a few years later (and this was a few years ago), I was struck by the clarity of her eyes, the sultry poutiness' of her lips and the occasional evil glean that can transform her face to that of a true vixen. This image is just such a picture, and it stirs the blood in Me.

But as you say, to each is given a concept of what is ‘hot’. I never ask that people adapt My standard, but I do enjoy sharing what I consider a physically beautiful woman.

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