Amnesty>>another End-run Around Congress...and The Constitution!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Obama is ruling the country single-handedly...he needs nothing but his pen!

Neither the Democrat or Republican incumbents deserve to keep their jobs. It's time to clean house in the Senate!

Don t Give the Masters of the Universe Their Amnesty National Review Online

The planned amnesty would include work permits, photo IDs, and Social Security numbers for millions of people who illegally entered the U.S., illegally overstayed their visas, or defrauded U.S. immigration authorities.


How did we get to the point where the Democratic party is prepared to nullify and wipe away the immigration laws of the United States of America?


Just yesterday Majority Leader Reid wrote in a tweet something that was shocking. He said: “Since House Republicans have failed to act on immigration, I know the President will. When he does, I hope he goes Real Big.”

Let this sink in for a moment. The majority leader of the Senate is bragging that he knows the president will circumvent Congress to issue executive amnesty to millions, and he is encouraging the president to ensure this amnesty includes as many people as possible. And the White House has acknowledged that 5 to 6 million is the number they are looking at.

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