America's Immigration System Is NOT Broken


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
America's Immigration System Is NOT Broken
By John Lillpop on (Apr 21, 10)

Those who advocate on behalf of illegal aliens have concocted yet another dismal argument to oppose secure borders, the enforcement of the law, and the deportation of invading criminals. The latest leftist lunacy is: “America’s immigration system is broken. We cannot stop illegal immigration without comprehensive immigration reform.” Phooey!

That silly argument is used by President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and other out-of-touch liberals to justify their mindless refusal to protect America from the massive wave of third-world humanity that threatens to destroy our once great nation.

Nonsensical argument is also the weapon of choice for Felipe Calderon and Vicente Fox, present and past presidents of Mexico, who would love to shove even more of Mexico’s intractable problems across the border for American taxpayers to deal with.

Of course, America’s immigration system is not broken at all! Existing immigration laws would work fine, if enforced.

What IS broken is the rule of law by millions of illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico, who ignore our borders and immigration statutes.
CapitolHillCoffeeHouse: America's Immigration System Is NOT Broken by John Lillpop - Apr 21, 10

How many immigrate to the U.S. ever year?
The numbers vary, but a recent government study said over 1 million people became legal residents of the U..S in 2009. And over 1 million legal residents of the U.S. became naturalized U.S. citizens in 2009. – Immigration Law BlogHow Many Immigrate to the U.S. Every Year And Why? » - Immigration Law Blog

800,000 immigrants arrive legally each year and that is not a broken immigration system.
Of course, America’s immigration system is not broken at all! Existing immigration laws would work fine, if enforced.

And that's where the problem lies. While you have states like Arizona willing to enforce the law by arresting every illegal within arms reach, you have states like The Socialist Republic of California that shelters illegals.
800,000 immigrants enter into the american soil because of of the invitation that we called skilled migrants. They have the talent to work at certain levels and American companies couldn't find that talent that's why they have to bring in the force from other countries.
800,000 immigrants enter into the american soil because of of the invitation that we called skilled migrants. They have the talent to work at certain levels and American companies couldn't find that talent that's why they have to bring in the force from other countries.

I have no problem with this. I have a problem with jose and maria taking jobs from low skilled or unskilled Americans. And we have million of them and they will not go away with educations. we will alway have a large unskilled labor force. some one has to do the dirty work and Americans has always done them.
We need doctors and nurses and other skilled workers but importing is not the answer, we need to make education more affordable for our own. Skilled foreign labor is still cheap labor.
Simple solution, make a two mile wide exclusion zone between us and mexico declaring it a free fire zone. Seed it with anti-personnel mines and mechanical ambushes then allow US Infantrymen to patrol the zone as part of their training, meaning no new funding required. They can practice their patrolling and ambush techniques and also practice with calling in artillery, air strikes and naval gunfire on live targets. Allow helicopter gunships to patrol areas not being patrolled by our infantry with orders to fire on anyone in the exclusion zone, also to better train. Less than 3 months, the illegal flow of criminals across our borders would dry up to a tiny, tiny, tiny trickle.
Simple solution, make a two mile wide exclusion zone between us and mexico declaring it a free fire zone. Seed it with anti-personnel mines and mechanical ambushes then allow US Infantrymen to patrol the zone as part of their training, meaning no new funding required. They can practice their patrolling and ambush techniques and also practice with calling in artillery, air strikes and naval gunfire on live targets. Allow helicopter gunships to patrol areas not being patrolled by our infantry with orders to fire on anyone in the exclusion zone, also to better train. Less than 3 months, the illegal flow of criminals across our borders would dry up to a tiny, tiny, tiny trickle.

Don't forget alligators and pirahnas in the Rio Grande. That'll reduce things a little more too.

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