Americans v. Internationalists


Sep 23, 2010
Everything is connected to everything else. Vladimir Lenin

Especially when it comes to betraying the country with destructive trade agreements and immigration. Let’s take the Trans-Pacific Partnership first:

The TPP is an awful treaty and is one of the few issues that liberals and conservatives in America actually agree on. Only a handful of elitist politicians support it and they are about to resurrect Fast Track Authority, which expired in 1997, so that the TPP can sail through the House and Senate without opposition.

Chalk up another one for Hillary Clinton:

The Trans-Pacific Partnership was drafted in secret by Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and a few other insiders in the regime.

John Kerry is a traitor who will sellout this country in a heartbeat. Every leader and diplomat in the world knows what Kerry is, while few Americans realize that Hillary Clinton is no slouch when it comes betraying the country. Her participation in the TPP combined with this brief video where she thanks Walter Cronkite for handing America over to International law proves Lenin’s observation:

[ame=]Walter Cronkite receives "Global Governance Award" from WFA - YouTube[/ame]​

Only a handful of the Members of Congress even know what is in this deal.

The others have to pass it to find out what’s in it.

Liberals hate the TPP because it will destroy union jobs and ship them overseas to countries like Vietnam and Peru. Conservatives hate it because it will place our nation into a conglomeration of outside trade control, just as the European Union has done with nations on that continent. If they pass “Fast Track” legislation for Obama, no Senator or Representative will be allowed to offer any amendments to it. It cannot be blocked in Committee under Fast Track Authority and if a Committee Chair were to try to stall the bill, it would automatically be discharged to the House floor for an immediate vote.

RINO House Speaker John Boehner has already stated that he supports giving Obama Fast Track Authority and Rep.

To no one’s surprise the ugly hand of multi-national corporations is deeply involved with American quislings in the REPUBLICAN PARTY. Jerome Corsi provides a nice chart as well as this gem:

As WND has reported, Republicans under the leadership of House Speaker John Boehner, with the willing cooperation of Reps. Mark Cantor and Paul Ryan, have given way to multi-national corporate interests backing the party and are preparing to support the White House on passage of the TPP.

On Jan. 9, in a little-noticed statement, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont, together with ranking member Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., announced they were introducing “fast-track” trade promotion authority.


And who could have guessed that UN-loving Democrats would have a falling out with Vietnam War traitor John Kerry?

The last line of congressional resistance to TPP appears to be coming from House Democrats concerned that more U.S. union jobs will be lost.

Kerry signals advance of 'North American Union' plan
Agreement announced at last year's SOTU drew little notice
Published: 2 days ago

Kerry signals advance of ?North American Union? plan


Amnesty for illegal aliens is connected to the TPP:

As House Republicans prepare to sell out the country on immigration this week, Phyllis Schlafly has produced a stunning report on how immigration is changing the country. The report is still embargoed, but someone slipped me a copy, and it's too important to wait.

The stats in Ann Coulter’s piece are astounding:

While 67 percent of native-born Americans believe our Constitution is a higher legal authority than international law, only 37 percent of naturalized citizens agree.

There’s International law again. I’d just like to know how immigrants can possibly prefer International law over American law since they never lived under either one until they got here.

No wonder they vote 2-1 for the Democrats.

The two largest immigrant groups, Hispanics and Asians, have little in common economically, culturally or historically. But they both overwhelmingly support big government, Obamacare, affirmative action and gun control.

According the 2012 National Asian American Survey, as well as a Kaiser Foundation poll, only 40 percent of the general public holds a favorable opinion of Obamacare, 42 percent unfavorable. Meanwhile, 51 percent of Asians have a favorable opinion of Obamacare, 18 percent an unfavorable one. Even Koreans support Obamacare by 57 percent to 17 percent.

Overall, 69 percent of immigrants like Obamacare, according to a 2010 Cooperative Congressional Election Study.

GOP Crafts Plan to Wreck the Country, Lose Voters
Ann Coulter | Jan 29, 2014

GOP Crafts Plan to Wreck the Country, Lose Voters - Ann Coulter - Page 1

There is no better proof than HillaryCare II that America is attracting parasites. They come with an eye on getting something for nothing; whereas, immigrants that came before the welfare state was built on the income tax came to work for themselves. Whether or not Taqiyya helped his aunt get a spot at the public trough she is the poster child for the modern immigrant’s attitude:

[ame=]Obama's Illegal Aunt: "You Have The Obligation to Make Me a Citizen" - YouTube[/ame]​

Parenthetically, the Supreme Court is always guided by Winston Churchill when it comes to cases involving government revenues. No Supreme Court will ever vote to deny, reduce, or eliminate government revenues. HillaryCare II was the High Court’s Battle of Britain and they rose to the challenge:

Never in the field of human conflict must so many pay so few. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duty and so bear ourselves that, if the income tax last for a thousand years, parasites will still say: 'This was their finest hour'.

Since 1945 those people who swear to:

“. . . support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;. . .”

successfully justified acts of treason under the myth of Isolationism vs. Internationalism. That definition of the issue must change. Americans must begin thinking in terms of Americans and Internationalists rather than Republicans and Democrats. It won’t change in the mainstream media ——they are the very people who believe in abandoning America’s sovereignty —— but it can change on the Internet.

Also, Americans must stop blaming the president for everything. That’s a media con job designed to take the spotlight off of Congress. Our current president is an America-hater to be sure, but every Democrat and RINO is just as guilty for everything that is in the hopper as is Taqiyya the Liar .

I’ll close by repeating something I’ve been saying for years. Conservatives must concentrate on winning seats in Congress. Internationalists from both parties must be defeated. In simple terms there is not a whit of difference between John Boehner and Harry Reid when it comes to the Internationalist agenda. If they are not voted out of office they must be removed from power in Congress.
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You desperately need a class in communications. If you think people are going to read all that and be convinced you're sadly mistaken.
You desperately need a class in communications. If you think people are going to read all that and be convinced you're sadly mistaken.

It's partisan bullshit.

Personally? I actually AGREE that the TPP is a tremendously BAD IDEA.

Had a thread on it.

But to Flanders? It's a vehicle to condemn people he doesn't like.

And the hyperbole turns people off.
You desperately need a class in communications.

To Delta4Embassy: And you need a course in minding your own business.

If you think people are going to read all that

To Delta4Embassy: I don’t post messages for sound bite mentalities.

and be convinced you're sadly mistaken.

To Delta4Embassy: What makes you think I am trying to convince halfwits? In fact, I am not trying to convince anybody of anything.

It's partisan bullshit.

To Sallow: Just what the hell do you think Internationalists are? My OP was clearly meant to be partisan in opposition. Your response is pure bullshit.

Personally? I actually AGREE that the TPP is a tremendously BAD IDEA.

To Sallow: You just proved that even a dim bulb can light up a dark room.

Had a thread on it.

To Sallow: I looked it up. My OP is better for those who read. You mastered the art of being dull in a few words.

But to Flanders? It's a vehicle to condemn people he doesn't like.

To Sallow: And to expose them!

And the hyperbole

To Sallow: How about an example in the OP:

hyperbole (noun)

A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.

turns people off.

To Sallow: First time readers only. Hopefully, they don’t come back for seconds.
If everything is connected to everything else, then New START is surely connected to Internationalism:

There have been repeated rumors over the last year that Russia may have violated some of the provisions of the 1987 treaty. But the nature of that violation has not previously been disclosed, and some news reports have focused on the wrong system: a new two-stage missile called the RS-26. The Russians have flight-tested it at medium range, according to intelligence assessments, and the prevailing view among Western officials is that it is intended to help fill the gap in Russia’s medium-range missile capabilities that resulted from the 1987 treaty. The treaty defines medium-range missiles as ground-launched ballistic or cruise missiles capable of flying 300 to 3,400 miles.

But because Russia has conducted a small number of tests of the RS-26 at intercontinental range, it technically qualifies as a long-range system and will be counted under the treaty known as New Start, which was negotiated by the Obama administration. So it is generally considered by Western officials to be a circumvention, but not a violation, of the 1987 treaty.

U.S. Says Russia Tested Missile, Despite Treaty

And this from 2010:

WASHINGTON — The Senate gave final approval on Wednesday to a new arms control treaty with Russia, scaling back leftover cold war nuclear arsenals and capping a surprisingly successful lame-duck session for President Obama just weeks after his party’s electoral debacle.

The 71-to-26 vote sends the treaty, known as New Start, to the president for his signature, and cements what is probably the most tangible foreign policy achievement of Mr. Obama’s two years in office. Thirteen Republicans joined a unanimous Democratic caucus to vote in favor, exceeding the two-thirds majority required by the Constitution.

December 22, 2010
Senate Passes Arms Control Treaty With Russia, 71-26

I’d hardly call it a foreign police achievement!

Now that the folly of ratifying New START is becoming apparent it offers one more reason to stop saying Democrats and Republicans.

Let’s take a close look at New START in relation to the Affordable Care Act and the coming midterm elections.

Every Democrat in the Senate voted for the ACA. Not one Republican in either House voted for it.

Every Democrat, and 12 Republicans, voted to ratify New START. How’s that for bipartisan? A few big time RINO are no longer in the Senate. Ditto Democrats.

Here’s how the ratification vote went:

Grouped By Vote Position
YEAs ---71

Akaka (D-HI)
Alexander (R-TN)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Begich (D-AK)
Bennet (D-CO)
Bennett (R-UT)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Brown (R-MA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Cochran (R-MS)
Collins (R-ME)
Conrad (D-ND)
Coons (D-DE)
Corker (R-TN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Franken (D-MN)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagan (D-NC)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Kohl (D-WI)Landrieu (D-LA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (ID-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Lugar (R-IN)
Manchin (D-WV)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Snowe (R-ME)Specter (D-PA)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Tester (D-MT)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (D-VA)
Webb (D-VA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)

NAYs ---26

Barrasso (R-WY)
Burr (R-NC)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Kirk (R-IL)
Kyl (R-AZ)
LeMieux (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Thune (R-SD)
Vitter (R-LA)
Wicker (R-MS)

Not Voting - 3

Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

Here’s the interesting part:

Susan Collins is the only RINO up for reelection who voted for New START.

Democrat Chris Coons took office November 15, 2010. So he was not there in March to vote for HillaryCare II.

Every Democrat up for reelection voted for New START, and for Hillarycare II earlier in 2010. Here’s the names of those Democrats who are up for reelection this year:

Mark Begich
Mark Pryor
Mark Udall
Dick Durbin
Mary Landrieu
Al Franken
Jeane Shaheen
Tom Udall
Kay Hagen
Jeff Merkley
Jack Reed
Mark Warner

Conservatives have an opportunity to tie the ACA, and New START, around the necks of at least 12 Democrats —— 13 if they throw in Coons for his New START vote.

I did not work it out for 2016, but I am confident Americans will find a few double-whammy Internationalists when the time comes.
What was this thread about again?

To Unkotare: The title is a clue. It’s over your head if the OP did not tell you.

Soooo, Flanders, which far right "militia group" do you belong to?

To Ringel05: The one that defends America’s sovereignty, thinks the Constitution is law, and defends individual liberties against the parasite class.
What was this thread about again?

To Unkotare: The title is a clue. It’s over your head if the OP did not tell you.

Soooo, Flanders, which far right "militia group" do you belong to?

To Ringel05: The one that defends America’s sovereignty, thinks the Constitution is law, and defends individual liberties against the parasite class.

Yup, just as I thought. Shouldn't you be "survival" training in the swamps and planning on blowing up innocent people in government buildings instead of huffing and puffing on the internet?
Yup, just as I thought. Shouldn't you be "survival" training in the swamps and planning on blowing up innocent people in government buildings instead of huffing and puffing on the internet?

To Ringel05: You’re confusing my group with the people who murdered over 80 men, women, and children in Waco.

[ame=]9/13 United States Gov murdered their own - Waco Texas - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]WACO SIEGE EXPOSED: What REALLY Happened and WHY? 20th anniversary of the Branch Davidians MASSACRE! - YouTube[/ame]​
Corporations are pushing all the Free Trade pacts in the USA and the world. Do you think they care about a nation or a country and the ends results from these pacts, no. All they are want is a bigger profit.
Yup, just as I thought. Shouldn't you be "survival" training in the swamps and planning on blowing up innocent people in government buildings instead of huffing and puffing on the internet?

To Ringel05: You’re confusing my group with the people who murdered over 80 men, women, and children in Waco.

[ame=]9/13 United States Gov murdered their own - Waco Texas - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]WACO SIEGE EXPOSED: What REALLY Happened and WHY? 20th anniversary of the Branch Davidians MASSACRE! - YouTube[/ame]​

No, I'm associating you and your group with the nutjobs who murdered 168 people in Oklahoma City.
Oh yeah, your sources only prove my assessment....... You should check yourself in to a psych ward before you end up following the path of your fellow American "jihadists".......
Corporations are pushing all the Free Trade pacts in the USA and the world. Do you think they care about a nation or a country and the ends results from these pacts, no. All they are want is a bigger profit.

To Moonglow: I prefer the term multinationals. Internationalists in government do the dirty work for multinational corporations. In my OP premise they all come under the heading of Internationalists as opposed to being American.

No, I'm associating you and your group with the nutjobs who murdered 168 people in Oklahoma City.
Oh yeah, your sources only prove my assessment....... You should check yourself in to a psych ward before you end up following the path of your fellow American "jihadists".......

To Ringel05: Timothy McVeigh’s group retaliated for the Branch Davidian Massacre. Right or wrong, had there been no military assault on the Branch Davidian Compound there would have been no Oklahoma City bombing.

And let’s not lose sight of the fact that the siege in Waco was embarrassing the Clintons. Ending the siege was the one and only reason for the attack.

David Koresh (nee Vernon Wayne Howell) was nothing more than a hustling preacher. He was accused of child abuse and statutory rape. Janet Reno lied through her teeth when she said she had specific information that infants were being beaten. Guilty or not he never got a trial. Local police could and would have made an arrest by waiting him out. Instead, the Clintons were so angry about the siege they lowered themselves and went after a two-bit hustler. The irony is that another hustler trying to become the nation’s spiritual leader, Barack Taqiyya, beat them at their own game.

There was no legal justification for a military strike. The coverup and the lies told by the likes of Senator Schumer only made it worse just as the lies told by Suzy Five Shows to protect Hillary Clinton made Benghazi worse.

Incidentally, if asked about it I’m certain co-president Hilary Clinton would say:

[ame=]SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube[/ame]​

The ongoing tragedy of Waco is that Internationals hail the Clintons as great heroes because they “worry about the world” but fail to acknowledge they did not hesitate one second when it came to murdering Americans.

You’d never know it from the way the government media reported both stories, but more Americans cried for the 28 murdered children found in Waco than ever shed a tear for the victims in Oklahoma City.

Finally, if you want to defend murderers make an effort to identify all of the players accurately.
Corporations are pushing all the Free Trade pacts in the USA and the world. Do you think they care about a nation or a country and the ends results from these pacts, no. All they are want is a bigger profit.

To Moonglow: I prefer the term multinationals. Internationalists in government do the dirty work for multinational corporations. In my OP premise they all come under the heading of Internationalists as opposed to being American.

No, I'm associating you and your group with the nutjobs who murdered 168 people in Oklahoma City.
Oh yeah, your sources only prove my assessment....... You should check yourself in to a psych ward before you end up following the path of your fellow American "jihadists".......

To Ringel05: Timothy McVeigh’s group retaliated for the Branch Davidian Massacre. Right or wrong, had there been no military assault on the Branch Davidian Compound there would have been no Oklahoma City bombing.

And let’s not lose sight of the fact that the siege in Waco was embarrassing the Clintons. Ending the siege was the one and only reason for the attack.

David Koresh (nee Vernon Wayne Howell) was nothing more than a hustling preacher. He was accused of child abuse and statutory rape. Janet Reno lied through her teeth when she said she had specific information that infants were being beaten. Guilty or not he never got a trial. Local police could and would have made an arrest by waiting him out. Instead, the Clintons were so angry about the siege they lowered themselves and went after a two-bit hustler. The irony is that another hustler trying to become the nation’s spiritual leader, Barack Taqiyya, beat them at their own game.

There was no legal justification for a military strike. The coverup and the lies told by the likes of Senator Schumer only made it worse just as the lies told by Suzy Five Shows to protect Hillary Clinton made Benghazi worse.

Incidentally, if asked about it I’m certain co-president Hilary Clinton would say:

[ame=]SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube[/ame]​

The ongoing tragedy of Waco is that Internationals hail the Clintons as great heroes because they “worry about the world” but fail to acknowledge they did not hesitate one second when it came to murdering Americans.

You’d never know it from the way the government media reported both stories, but more Americans cried for the 28 murdered children found in Waco than ever shed a tear for the victims in Oklahoma City.

Finally, if you want to defend murderers make an effort to identify all of the players accurately.

So one justifies the other....... Got it. American Jihadists like yourself will always find justification, doesn't make you any less in need of psychiatric help.
Of course you'll ignore the full facts of the Waco incident because they don't support your conspiracy beliefs........ But don't let that stop you from posting your extremist propaganda. :thup:
So one justifies the other....... Got it.

To Ringel05: Nor does one excuse the other as you tried to do by bringing up Oklahoma City.

American Jihadists like yourself will always find justification, doesn't make you any less in need of psychiatric help.

To Ringel05: You’re justifying the murders in Waco. If anybody needs time in a rubber room it is you for defending brutal murders because they were committed by the people you admire. You better take care of that mental defect before you end up on an assault team killing Americans the government tells you to kill.

Of course you'll ignore the full facts of the Waco incident because they don't support your conspiracy beliefs........

To Ringel05: I’ve offered facts along with my interpretations and opinions. You were free to offer your “full facts.” Instead, you’ve offered nothing but personal attacks.

But don't let that stop you from posting your extremist propaganda. :thup:

To Ringel05: What happened to conspiracy beliefs? Which one is it?

conspiracy (noun)
plural conspiracies

1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.

2. A group of conspirators.

3. Law. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design: a conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas.


belief (noun)

1. The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in another.

2. Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something.

3. Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons.

Or are you simply agreeing with Cass Sunstein?

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
Sunstein wants agents to 'undermine' talk in chat rooms, message boards
by Aaron Klein

Obama czar proposed government ?infiltrate? social network sites

To Unkotare: Sovereign nations have engaged in trade for thousands of years. What does the topic of free trade have to do with Internationalists handing America’s sovereignty to the UNIC (United Nations/International community). Better you should worry about Americans getting a level playing field.
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To Unkotare: Sovereign nations have engaged in trade for thousands of years. What does the topic of free trade topic have to do with Internationals handing America’s sovereignty to the UNIC (United Nations/International community). Better you should worry about Americans getting a level playing field.

Get a handle on your paranoia, read the link, then read your own post again.
There may be some nuggets worth a second look in that unrefined tailing dump your post resembles. However it's so chaotic I can't be bothered sifting through the overburden.

I'll just mention one fact. Globalization is a great democratic (small d) ideal. Not protecting the American worker to some degree from the inevitable leveling, forcing him to slide downward to meet the rising economic status of the underdeveloped world was short sighted and more devastating than it should have been. I tend to agree with you that more attention was paid to the Multinational corporation's potential benefits than to the downward gravitational pull the vast majority of the population was vulnerable to. It's Reagan and Thatcher economics in it's purest most virulent manifestation.
There may be some nuggets worth a second look in that unrefined tailing dump your post resembles. However it's so chaotic I can't be bothered sifting through the overburden.

To SmedlyButler: Now that you know what to expect you don’t have to read my threads in the future.

Globalization is a great democratic (small d) ideal.

To SmedlyButler: No it’s not. The word “Globalization” is a major component in a public relations campaign driving the world toward a global government administered by the United Nations.

Not protecting the American worker to some degree from the inevitable leveling, forcing him to slide downward to meet the rising economic status of the underdeveloped world was short sighted and more devastating than it should have been.

To SmedlyButler: It’s called equal distribution of poverty.

I tend to agree with you that more attention was paid to the Multinational corporation's potential benefits

To SmedlyButler: Where did I say that!?

than to the downward gravitational pull the vast majority of the population was vulnerable to.

To SmedlyButler: The thing you call a downward gravitational pull is a scheme for a Socialist economy. American Socialist/Communists realized that equal distribution of wealth would not work in a society of free people so they came up with equal distribution of poverty. Karl Marx wanted to impoverish the wealthy, but he gave the world equal distribution of poverty:

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
Internationalists are working day and night to implement the most malevolent collectivist creed ever devised. Naturally, they will decide what everybody needs.
So one justifies the other....... Got it.

To Ringel05: Nor does one excuse the other as you tried to do by bringing up Oklahoma City.

American Jihadists like yourself will always find justification, doesn't make you any less in need of psychiatric help.

To Ringel05: You’re justifying the murders in Waco. If anybody needs time in a rubber room it is you for defending brutal murders because they were committed by the people you admire. You better take care of that mental defect before you end up on an assault team killing Americans the government tells you to kill.

To Ringel05: I’ve offered facts along with my interpretations and opinions. You were free to offer your “full facts.” Instead, you’ve offered nothing but personal attacks.

To Ringel05: What happened to conspiracy beliefs? Which one is it?

Or are you simply agreeing with Cass Sunstein?

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
Sunstein wants agents to 'undermine' talk in chat rooms, message boards
by Aaron Klein

Obama czar proposed government ?infiltrate? social network sites

To Unkotare: Sovereign nations have engaged in trade for thousands of years. What does the topic of free trade have to do with Internationalists handing America’s sovereignty to the UNIC (United Nations/International community). Better you should worry about Americans getting a level playing field.

Well you obviously don't have a problem with self justification, deflection or delusion.
Then you link an obvious far right conspiracy (nutjob) site referring to Cass Sustein and his alleged proposal with an paranoid interpretation.
Yup, confirmed, you seriously need to see a shrink.

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