Americans shrug off environmental issues as partisan divide deepens


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Hey Skooks, here's another article on your favorite subject: how Americans don't care about global warming. In fact, the don't care about environmental issues in general. That's because the environment in this country is pretty damn clean:

Americans shrug off environmental issues as partisan divide deepens - Kendall Breitman - POLITICO

Republicans and Democrats have become increasingly polarized when it comes to environmental issues, according to a new poll.

A Gallup poll released Wednesday shows that Americans overall are less worried about environmental issues — pollution in drinking water, pollution to bodies of water, air pollution, extinction of plant and animal species, loss of tropical rain forests and global warming or climate change — than they were this time last year.

Overall, concerns over all six environmental issues mentioned have lessened since 2000.

But the poll also shows that the partisan divide on environmental issues has only grown wider in the last 15 years.

In 2000, 66 percent of Democrats and 50 percent of Republicans and worried “a great deal” about air pollution, a difference of 16 percentage points. Today, that partisan gap has almost doubled, to 31 percentage points.

The growing partisan divide is most evident when Americans were asked about global warming and climate change. In 2000, the number of Democrats who “worried a great deal” about climate change was only 19 percentage points more than Republicans who answered similarly. Now, 52 percent of Democrats and only 13 percent of Republicans worry a great deal about climate change — a 39 point difference.

Environmental issues have been a focus of President Barack Obama’s tenure at the White House, particularly in his second term. The poll comes as the White House is quietly working to achieve the farthest-reaching global agreement deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in history.

This Gallup poll was conducted between March 5-8 among 1,025 adults and has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.
Americans are among the dumbest people on this planet. If you curdle your atmosphere and can't breath any more what does anything else matter?

Enviroment should be the number 1 concern people have. Not the economy.
Americans are among the dumbest people on this planet. If you curdle your atmosphere and can't breath any more what does anything else matter?

Enviroment should be the number 1 concern people have. Not the economy.

Horseshit. Our environment is clean. It's only a concern for commies who want to use it as an excuse to destroy capitalism.
Pattycake, when you start that dumb commie bullshit you automatically brand yourself as an idiot.

You're wrong about that because a large chunk of the public is fully aware of the radical motives of environmentalists. Eco-nutburgers like you are all commies. Ever heard the expression "green on the outside. Red on the inside?" The environmental movement has become nothing more than a propaganda meme for attacking capitalism. The hardcore supporters are all died-in-the-whool commies.
Oh yeah, yappety-yap-yap. All willfully ignorant asses like you have.

We know that the burning of coal has been environmentally bad for all of us. And we know that wind and solar produces power without pollution. And now the cost of both is less that that of dirty coal. Those of you that desire to poison the rest of us have lost.
Oh yeah, yappety-yap-yap. All willfully ignorant asses like you have.

We know that the burning of coal has been environmentally bad for all of us. And we know that wind and solar produces power without pollution. And now the cost of both is less that that of dirty coal. Those of you that desire to poison the rest of us have lost.

Wind and solar have only become cheaper than coal (if they are in fact cheaper than coal) because Obama has regulated coal industry out of existence. Your posts on this issue only serve to demonstrate that you're a lying hosebag
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In Texas, Austin Energy signed a deal this spring for 20 years of output from a solar farm at less than 5 cents a kilowatt-hour. In September, the Grand River Dam Authority in Oklahoma announced its approval of a new agreement to buy power from a new wind farm expected to be completed next year. Grand River estimated the deal would save its customers roughly $50 million from the project.

And, also in Oklahoma, American Electric Power ended up tripling the amount of wind power it had originally sought after seeing how low the bids came in last year.

“Wind was on sale — it was a Blue Light Special,” said Jay Godfrey, managing director of renewable energy for the company. He noted that Oklahoma, unlike many states, did not require utilities to buy power from renewable sources.

“We were doing it because it made sense for our ratepayers,” he said.

According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firm’s analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents.

See, little twink, instead of flap-yap, we give you lazy asses actual information.
Americans are among the dumbest people on this planet. If you curdle your atmosphere and can't breath any more what does anything else matter?

Enviroment should be the number 1 concern people have. Not the economy. are a mental case......fringe sentiments are ghey.[URL=][/URL] Tens of millions all over the country are struggling like hell to make it and you think they are going to give a rats ass about half a degree increase in the temperature in the past 100 years??? 93 million people not working.............and your biggest concern is banning barbeques and getting the planet to drive Smartcarsfortwo??:coffee:

Holy fuck....:spinner::spinner::spinner:.......not for nothing s0n, but your avatar tells me you were likely the last picked for the team........thus have had to find something meaningful in life to hang your hat on. A cause. All you oddballs are the outcast and proud of it too!!!

Thank God for the rest of us your sentiments reflect a tiny majority of the population!!!:bye1:
Pattycake, when you start that dumb commie bullshit you automatically brand yourself as an idiot.

You're wrong about that because a large chunk of the public is fully aware of the radical motives of environmentalists. Eco-nutburgers like you are all commies. Ever heard the expression "green on the outside. Red on the inside?" The environmental movement has become nothing more than a propaganda meme for attacking capitalism. The hardcore supporters are all died-in-the-whool commies.

It is all about their radical motives Bri.....always has been. These cheesedicks read too much Plato in their formative years and think uptopia's are achievable. Dictatorship via science.............its right out there in the progressive playbook. Saul Alinsky wrote the manifesto for these people.

These people never grew up.:2up:

Saul Alinsky - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Oh yeah, yappety-yap-yap. All willfully ignorant asses like you have.

We know that the burning of coal has been environmentally bad for all of us. And we know that wind and solar produces power without pollution. And now the cost of both is less that that of dirty coal. Those of you that desire to poison the rest of us have lost.

Wind and solar have only become cheaper than coal (if they are in fact cheaper than coal) because Obama has regulated coal industry out of existence. Your posts on this issue only serve to demonstrate that you're a lying hosebag

LOL..........if China could do what they do with solar and no coal, they'd be doing it. Bri.....go look at any graph of China's coal use over the next 40 years!!! Through the roof!!! Ive posted the graph many times in here. And coal, of course, because it is dependable and cheap.

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