Americans died and the president went to Vegas


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Maybe the mainstream media wants to keep some semblance of credibility so it seems at least CBS is addressing the monumental dishonesty and/or gross criminal incompetence that led to the deaths of the Libyan ambassador and three other people. Nothing goes unnoticed in the shrinking world of political intrigue including a 7 hour battle for a US Embassy. Barry Hussein and his merry men had a play-by play real time account of the battle from about 4 PM (on 9/11) (US time) through 11 PM and they did freaking....nothing. At least two deaths occurred during the last two hours of the battle and the Hussein administration played cards and planned the visit to Vegas the next day. They did nothing while a part of the US was being attacked and they lied about it for the next month.
Maybe the mainstream media wants to keep some semblance of credibility so it seems at least CBS is addressing the monumental dishonesty and/or gross criminal incompetence that led to the deaths of the Libyan ambassador and three other people. Nothing goes unnoticed in the shrinking world of political intrigue including a 7 hour battle for a US Embassy. Barry Hussein and his merry men had a play-by play real time account of the battle from about 4 PM (on 9/11) (US time) through 11 PM and they did freaking....nothing. At least two deaths occurred during the last two hours of the battle and the Hussein administration played cards and planned the visit to Vegas the next day. They did nothing while a part of the US was being attacked and they lied about it for the next month.

No one attacked a part of the U.S. you moron.
Not only did he go to VEGAS.. Less than 480 miles away was a US AIR BASE in Sicillia Italy.. It housed fighter jets and Special Forces troops.. This CLUSTERFUCK AMATEUR didn't do a damn thing to save our people..Fighter Jet speeds range average around 1200 to 1800 miles per hour. We could have saved our people.. Not only did he not call in reinforcements.. HE WENT BACK TO BED............ AMERICANS DIED.
Obama goes around bragging for weeks after the Bin Laden raid, "I made the call, I killed Bin Laden." We all watched him take all of the glory and OUT SEAL TEAM 6 who MOST ARE DEAD TODAY because of that TREASON... MR. PRESIDENT, what call did you make when Americans in Benghazi were under attack?? THE 3AM CALL MR. PRESIDENT????
Maybe the mainstream media wants to keep some semblance of credibility so it seems at least CBS is addressing the monumental dishonesty and/or gross criminal incompetence that led to the deaths of the Libyan ambassador and three other people. Nothing goes unnoticed in the shrinking world of political intrigue including a 7 hour battle for a US Embassy. Barry Hussein and his merry men had a play-by play real time account of the battle from about 4 PM (on 9/11) (US time) through 11 PM and they did freaking....nothing. At least two deaths occurred during the last two hours of the battle and the Hussein administration played cards and planned the visit to Vegas the next day. They did nothing while a part of the US was being attacked and they lied about it for the next month.

No one attacked a part of the U.S. you moron.

Maybe you need to be on Hillary's staff. Ignorance like that is cherished in the Hussein administration. FYI moron, US Embassies are considered to be part of the United States.
Not only did he go to VEGAS.. Less than 480 miles away was a US AIR BASE in Sicillia Italy.. It housed fighter jets and Special Forces troops.. This CLUSTERFUCK AMATEUR didn't do a damn thing to save our people..Fighter Jet speeds range average around 1200 to 1800 miles per hour. We could have saved our people.. Not only did he not call in reinforcements.. HE WENT BACK TO BED............ AMERICANS DIED.

How would we have saved them with fighter jets?
Maybe the mainstream media wants to keep some semblance of credibility so it seems at least CBS is addressing the monumental dishonesty and/or gross criminal incompetence that led to the deaths of the Libyan ambassador and three other people. Nothing goes unnoticed in the shrinking world of political intrigue including a 7 hour battle for a US Embassy. Barry Hussein and his merry men had a play-by play real time account of the battle from about 4 PM (on 9/11) (US time) through 11 PM and they did freaking....nothing. At least two deaths occurred during the last two hours of the battle and the Hussein administration played cards and planned the visit to Vegas the next day. They did nothing while a part of the US was being attacked and they lied about it for the next month.

No one attacked a part of the U.S. you moron.

Maybe you need to be on Hillary's staff. Ignorance like that is cherished in the Hussein administration. FYI moron, US Embassies are considered to be part of the United States.

By whom?

Anyone but the ignorant?
Maybe the mainstream media wants to keep some semblance of credibility so it seems at least CBS is addressing the monumental dishonesty and/or gross criminal incompetence that led to the deaths of the Libyan ambassador and three other people. Nothing goes unnoticed in the shrinking world of political intrigue including a 7 hour battle for a US Embassy. Barry Hussein and his merry men had a play-by play real time account of the battle from about 4 PM (on 9/11) (US time) through 11 PM and they did freaking....nothing. At least two deaths occurred during the last two hours of the battle and the Hussein administration played cards and planned the visit to Vegas the next day. They did nothing while a part of the US was being attacked and they lied about it for the next month.

No one attacked a part of the U.S. you moron.

Every embassy is considered us soil, you loon.
"Because an embassy represents a sovereign state, any attack on an embassy is considered an attack on the country it represents. "

What is a U.S. embassy?

Fucking anti-American ignorami. Someone should bitch slap your teachers.
Not only did he go to VEGAS.. Less than 480 miles away was a US AIR BASE in Sicillia Italy.. It housed fighter jets and Special Forces troops.. This CLUSTERFUCK AMATEUR didn't do a damn thing to save our people..Fighter Jet speeds range average around 1200 to 1800 miles per hour. We could have saved our people.. Not only did he not call in reinforcements.. HE WENT BACK TO BED............ AMERICANS DIED.

How would we have saved them with fighter jets?

You're a true DUMBASS.. Air strikes outside the Consulant where all of these ISLAMIC NUTS were setting fire to our embassy.. Our Ambassador wouldn't have had to fled a burning building you ASSHOLE.. BUt you don't care about that.. Fuck it.. all that matters is OBAMA. protect OBAMA..
Holy shit these republicans are becoming some of the dirtiest people I have ever seen. Fuck Israel
Not only did he go to VEGAS.. Less than 480 miles away was a US AIR BASE in Sicillia Italy.. It housed fighter jets and Special Forces troops.. This CLUSTERFUCK AMATEUR didn't do a damn thing to save our people..Fighter Jet speeds range average around 1200 to 1800 miles per hour. We could have saved our people.. Not only did he not call in reinforcements.. HE WENT BACK TO BED............ AMERICANS DIED.

It takes 48 minutes to fully load a jet up with all of it's payload.

You can't do much when there are only special fighter troops on a specific agenda and support moving based on that.
Not only did he go to VEGAS.. Less than 480 miles away was a US AIR BASE in Sicillia Italy.. It housed fighter jets and Special Forces troops.. This CLUSTERFUCK AMATEUR didn't do a damn thing to save our people..Fighter Jet speeds range average around 1200 to 1800 miles per hour. We could have saved our people.. Not only did he not call in reinforcements.. HE WENT BACK TO BED............ AMERICANS DIED.

It takes 48 minutes to fully load a jet up with all of it's payload.

You can't do much when there are only special fighter troops on a specific agenda and support moving based on that.

You IDIOT.. we have jets on stand-by .. SURGES flying MAD SORTIES, always ready in forward deployed locations.. STFU making a FOOL of yourself!
Obama is a sociopath. The Vegas fundraiser was more important than an Ambassador's and 3 other Americans deaths.

Plain and simple.
How long were the drones circling for? I know it was hours during the attacks. And they still did not attempt a rescue.
The firefight lasted 7 FUCKING HOURS so even on your time table of 48 minutes--- SO???? You liberal pukes will stoop to any level to protect this man who got 4 Americans slaughtered.. IT'S disgusting .
We have strategically located Aircraft carriers as well.. NO EXCUSE, NONE.... That this AMATEUR in the WH did NOTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG but go back to sleep.

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