Americans above the law who adhere only to the Constitution


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Jan 6, 2007
Baffling beliefs mark Sovereign Citizen theories
By The Associated Press (AP) – 2 days ago
The Southern Poverty Law Center estimates the number of people who now consider themselves sovereign citizens, Americans above the law who adhere only to the Constitution and follow a revised history of the United States, grew to 300,000 during the past decade. Some of their beliefs:
_14th Amendment citizens: Belief that the 14th Amendment created a class of citizens who had no constitutional rights but were instead slaves to the government. They also believe the government tricks people into becoming 14th Amendment citizens by signing contracts for privileges such as vehicle registration, Social Security and even fishing licenses.
_The gold standard and bankruptcy: Belief that the country went bankrupt in 1933 when it suspended the gold standard and no longer had collateral to back its loans. In response, the government, with the consent of state governors, secretly pledged current and future citizens as collateral. The government also set up secret accounts at the U.S. Treasury linked to the birth certificate number of each citizen. The value of the accounts ranges from $600,000 to $20 million.
_Straw man: Under a sovereign citizen theory called redemption, the government creates a fictional identity for each citizen at birth tied to the secret accounts. The identity is represented by a person's name in all capital letters. Often referred to as an "artificial person" or a "legal fiction."
Sources: Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti-Defamation League, AP research

The Associated Press: Baffling beliefs mark Sovereign Citizen theories

So if you adhere to the constitution you believe you are "above the law " ????
well I wouldn't want my comrades thinking that of to just forget about the constitution and just be good law abiding citizens
Everybody's above the law until the law focuses its attention on you.

Much like everybody is immortal until they're not.
Baffling beliefs mark Sovereign Citizen theories
By The Associated Press (AP) – 2 days ago
The Southern Poverty Law Center estimates...


So if you adhere to the constitution you believe you are "above the law " ????
well I wouldn't want my comrades thinking that of to just forget about the constitution and just be good law abiding citizens

The fruity idea that these people are adhering to the Constitution is the issue. They are adhering to 'narrow' interpretations of the Constitution. Narrow views and interpretations which lost out in battles among the Founding fathers.

What these people want is to re-fight battles lost. It's like wanting to go back and revisit the Confederate insurrection -- you know the traitorous actions that got forgiven in the Constitution?

Jefferson believed in popular sovereignty, which some of these people claim to hold dear, but that view can be used to ignore the very Constitution these fruitcakes disingenuously claim to hold dear.
Everybody's above the law until the law focuses its attention on you.

Much like everybody is immortal until they're not.

and if that law unconstitutional ?

you do not get to individually decide what is and what is not constitutional or unconstitutional. You are entitled to your opinions, but your opinions are not constitutional rulings the states must obey or even consider.
Everybody's above the law until the law focuses its attention on you.

Much like everybody is immortal until they're not.

and if that law unconstitutional ?

you do not get to individually decide what is and what is not constitutional or unconstitutional. You are entitled to your opinions, but your opinions are not constitutional rulings the states must obey or even consider.

so is it you or the S.P..L that gets to decide if the law overrides the constitution ? or when free speech becomes spreading dangerous sovereignty or adherence to the Constitution
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and if that law unconstitutional ?

you do not get to individually decide what is and what is not constitutional or unconstitutional. You are entitled to your opinions, but your opinions are not constitutional rulings the states must obey or even consider.

so is it you or the S.P..L that gets to decide if the law overrides the constitution ? or when free speech becomes spreading dangerous sovereignty or adherence to the Constitution

naw, it's the courts. For most all of American history from the founding fathers on, we have as a nation prided ourselves on respecting the Court's decisions on constitutionality.

you're a reactionary without a clue. most true reactionaries do not hide behind bullshit arguments, they say what it is they dislike. You dislike American history. You dislike America from the first judicial ruling that set in motion American history.

You are trying to re-fight old battles lost. Go hang out with those a-hole Confederacy nincompoops, who ignore the Confederacy was an insurrection headed by traitors who had to be pardoned.
you do not get to individually decide what is and what is not constitutional or unconstitutional. You are entitled to your opinions, but your opinions are not constitutional rulings the states must obey or even consider.

so is it you or the S.P..L that gets to decide if the law overrides the constitution ? or when free speech becomes spreading dangerous sovereignty or adherence to the Constitution

naw, it's the courts. For most all of American history from the founding fathers on, we have as a nation prided ourselves on respecting the Court's decisions on constitutionality.

you're a reactionary without a clue. most true reactionaries do not hide behind bullshit arguments, they say what it is they dislike. You dislike American history. You dislike America from the first judicial ruling that set in motion American history.

You are trying to re-fight old battles lost. Go hang out with those a-hole Confederacy nincompoops, who ignore the Confederacy was an insurrection headed by traitors who had to be pardoned.

Confederacy nincompoops and the S.P.L are two sides of the same coin

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