

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Late afternoon yesterday, perfect weather, in the center of town between the old town hall and the largest Catholic church there are five well-kept diamonds surrounded by chain link fences sporting faded ads from local sponsors (a legendary local ice cream place, an insurance company owned by an old town family, the best pizza joint around, etc.). Under darkening blue skies three games (championship games for the three Little League divisions) are being played simultaneously.

Cheers rise and fall at varying intervals as the families gathered around the fields sitting in lawn chairs brought from home and snacking on goodies brought to share with friends and neighbors root for their young sons (and a few daughters) or nephews or grandchildren.

There are lots of other kids there not playing in the games. Seems like half the town’s school-aged kids are there riding bikes around, climbing on the bleachers, or cheering on friends on the field.

As dusk takes hold the lights come on around the fields and the scoreboards are illuminated. The baseball being played isn’t the greatest in the history of the game, but the kids are having fun and the families are cheering on everyone - even the kids on the opposing teams.

Just a simple, pleasant early summer night in a small New England town, but it might as well be heaven.
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What makes it Americana is ii happens all around the country. The NFL and Big Time College Football is the dark side of America. The big money, the agents, media, television, commerce has the NFL has been a corrupting cancer.
The baseball and softball fields of America is where our souls are.

I think George Carlin was a real dick but his bit about baseball vs. football, baseball, the slow paced pastoral game of the 19th century (not to get all George Will or Doris Kearns Goodwin on you) as opposed to the violent, militaristic, commercialized hyped up whore that is the NFL. He sure got that one right.
Football is great! But it’s baseball season.
Baseball is the girl in your home town that you love. Football is the whore with the fake tits, tan, teeth, hair and
lips that will do you for a price.
This is not a hate football thread. If you want to start one of those, be my guest. I will happily ignore it.
I only hate football in principle and compared to baseball, in principle. I played in high school and college, a bit.
And my brother was a long time coach and regional All-American, back when they had such things (they may still have them). In addition my nephew was a starting defensive lineman at a Mountain West Conference university.

I'm sorry I seem to have upset you.
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I might have gotten carried away, a little.

me too.


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