American traitor lectures us from Russia

I take it no one gives a shit about Snowden anymore? Bad enuf being lectured by we have to listen to traitors?
Ironic is the fact that republicans who gloat about freedom of speech can't handle the speech, can't handle the truth. Can't handle a negro in the white house and can't handle even a gun - dick Cheney went shooting and we all know what happened.
Snowden fucked up giving up all of our secrets and weakening us in front of our enemies. I hope this piece of shit fries.
He made MY America stronger, he weakened international banker's version of America
Why is it so hard to understand that the POINT IS...he can out and whistleblow the government to the citizens all he wants and will be seen as a hero. What he CANNOT DO is go to our ENEMIES and spill his guts and expect kudos. Well, except by idiots.
When Russia or any other country wanting us all DEAD or be subjects to THEM when they take us down due to inside info by one of our own...what are ya gonna do then, eh?
What makes Snowden any different than the asshole McVeigh? McVeigh killed his own with his own hands. SNOWDEN is going to kill his own, compliments of Russia.

So lets hear a big WOOT for Snowden when the first nuke hits us and WHERE it hits us, shall we?
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I thought you was talking about some politician. Snowden is a great person and did what needed to be done.
That is too kind....a beating to death via a baseball bat is better.

Or a chainsaw cutting him into pieces as he sees and feels himself being mutilated.

This will not be very nice or PC but I wouldn't shed a tear if someone put a bullet in his head.
I take it no one gives a shit about Snowden anymore? Bad enuf being lectured by we have to listen to traitors?

Snowden is a traitor. There is no debate about that. Anyone who supports what he has done is a quisling. Anyone who characterizes President Obama as Obabble is no less a traitor to America - both give aid and comfort to those who wish us harm.
I think Obama sucks. And yes, I voted for him. Stupid me. But he is still our president..sucky though he is. I don't give a shit about him, actually. I DO care about the USA and those who inhabit it. Snowden is no different than McVeigh. Just different methods of trying to kill us.
I thought you was talking about some politician. Snowden is a great person and did what needed to be done.

Then thank him when one of those missiles or nukes lands on your family, k?

You mean like the drone strikes on civilians in foreign countries? Anyone who thinks Snowden is a traitor needs to look in the mirror. Course these are the SAME morons who think small government is a good thing but whine and complain when its strong arm tactics and KGB like tactics are exposed. Republicans are fucking dangerous...
The same people who hate Snowden also LOVE Bush,The "patriot act",G bay,Iraq invasion,etc and Hate Obama and him ending the war in Iraq.
I think Obama sucks. And yes, I voted for him. Stupid me. But he is still our president..sucky though he is. I don't give a shit about him, actually. I DO care about the USA and those who inhabit it. Snowden is no different than McVeigh. Just different methods of trying to kill us.

:lol::lol::lol: Snowden is trying to SAVE us you twit.He exposed the illegal and UNCONSTITUTIONAL acts of the government. Good little boot licker.
The same people who hate Snowden also LOVE Bush,The "patriot act",G bay,Iraq invasion,etc and Hate Obama and him ending the war in Iraq.

Does that big brush get heavy? Bush embarassed me every time he opened his yapper. As far as the rest of your big brush slop....stuff it.
Shitstain...he also stole classified information that had nothing to do with "spying" on anyone. He stole classified info for Russia and China because is an enemy of the US.

The same people who hate Snowden also LOVE Bush,The "patriot act",G bay,Iraq invasion,etc and Hate Obama and him ending the war in Iraq.

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