American people finally finding out what's in Obamacare -and that's bad news for Dems

It is unbelievable.
No one could possibly spin this into anything but an abysmal failure.
They won't pay for it...just like you were told from the start.
One sure indicator of American exceptionalism is the absolute and total refusal of Americans to learn from the examples and mistakes of other countries in the world, who may not be as rich and successful as the United States, but have smart scientists, politicians, artists and general population of their own.

A 10-15% raise in taxes paid by EVERYONE and a 10-15% tax on the free loaders who don't pay any federal income tax now, would have comfortably pay for a single payer medical insurance system, without the hassle and ridiculous obligations imposed on innocent middle class tax payers and sickening exceptions and favoritism granted to Obama ball suckers.

Change the numbers, if you must, but argue the idea, if you can.

BTW, if that was the law, everyone could nave read it before passing it, and it certainly would not have been 1,200 pages long.
What's not to love about higher premiums, worse coverage and a $10,000 deductible?

I tend to agree.

Once Americans get a load of those high deductables the 21 tax increases and all the subsidizing the taxpayer will be doing I doubt anyone is going to like it one little bit.

Oh those being subsidized will think its great. After all. Its easy to spend someone elses money.

Anyone think those young folks will sign up?? Not me. I think they will pay the fine and not bother with Obamacare. When your young you think you will never need health care coverage.

Once folks get a real good luck at what the Dems have foisted on the American taxpayer I doubt any of them will be voting Dem.
One sure indicator of American exceptionalism is the absolute and total refusal of Americans to learn from the examples and mistakes of other countries in the world, who may not be as rich and successful as the United States, but have smart scientists, politicians, artists and general population of their own.

A 10-15% raise in taxes paid by EVERYONE and a 10-15% tax on the free loaders who don't pay any federal income tax now, would have comfortably pay for a single payer medical insurance system, without the hassle and ridiculous obligations imposed on innocent middle class tax payers and sickening exceptions and favoritism granted to Obama ball suckers.

Change the numbers, if you must, but argue the idea, if you can.

BTW, if that was the law, everyone could nave read it before passing it, and it certainly would not have been 1,200 pages long.

Not sure about your numbers here...but besides that, I have looong said that no one should ever have a NEGATIVE tax liability. The whole EIC business is nothing else but a way for welfare payouts to increase without being tracked.
The IRS should never issue checks for anyone that is greater than they paid in.
One sure indicator of American exceptionalism is the absolute and total refusal of Americans to learn from the examples and mistakes of other countries in the world, who may not be as rich and successful as the United States, but have smart scientists, politicians, artists and general population of their own.

A 10-15% raise in taxes paid by EVERYONE and a 10-15% tax on the free loaders who don't pay any federal income tax now, would have comfortably pay for a single payer medical insurance system, without the hassle and ridiculous obligations imposed on innocent middle class tax payers and sickening exceptions and favoritism granted to Obama ball suckers.

Change the numbers, if you must, but argue the idea, if you can.

BTW, if that was the law, everyone could nave read it before passing it, and it certainly would not have been 1,200 pages long.

Not sure about your numbers here...but besides that, I have looong said that no one should ever have a NEGATIVE tax liability. The whole EIC business is nothing else but a way for welfare payouts to increase without being tracked.
The IRS should never issue checks for anyone that is greater than they paid in.

oh they are tracked last year

27 million individuals with negative tax rates received nearly $62 billion in eitc
So, what happens when half the people do not sign up for ACA? The other half are fined and we are basically where we were without Obamacare except people are paying more? Except Congress of course.
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So, what happens when half the people do not sign up for ACA? The other half are fined and we are basically where we were without Obamacare except people are paying more?

The system, if you can call it that, will cave. And it's not a fine, it's a tax because Roberts says so. That pesky Constitutional thing....

If the healthy, young folks who don't have jobs, don't sign up, then there is nobody there to pay the insurance for the dregs of society who are in the minority but vote Democrat

Sounds legit to me

So, what happens when half the people do not sign up for ACA? The other half are fined and we are basically where we were without Obamacare except people are paying more?

The system, if you can call it that, will cave. And it's not a fine, it's a tax because Roberts says so. That pesky Constitutional thing....

If the healthy, young folks who don't have jobs, don't sign up, then there is nobody there to pay the insurance for the dregs of society who are in the minority but vote Democrat

Sounds legit to me


So, they don't sign up, don't pay the "tax", go straight to jail without passing "Go." We feed them and house them. Good plan, Dems. But none of that will happen because their website doesn't work.

Come on, November 2014.