"American" Jews are disappearing!

The storms of change are raging around us. The current is getting stronger and stronger and sweeping more and more people away. The only way to stay safe, and remain true to our values, our traditions and our obligations, is to make a commitment to not only hold on to Torah, but to demonstrate a willingness to swim upstream at times, to go against the tide, to dare to be different and to be willing to stand out. This is no easy task and takes great courage, but we have it within our very DNA because our great patriarch Avraham planted it there.

HA! If a white man said this he would be accused of being WACIST!
Oliver Stone: an attempt to find Russian interference in US elections is true witch hunting: a lot of smoke but no fire. You better look at Israel and Mr. Netanyahu who comes to USA and talks to the Congress just before the elections. Or look at our billionaires like Soros who donate millions to certain candidates. Or look at Israeli Lobby who works with our Congressmen so close. This is the real interference. Don’t talk about Russian interference: Russians are not pouring their money into US political processes.

Interview to a Russian TV channel
Yup, I've pointed it out to Guano many times, but he won't acknowledge it. He keeps claiming with glee that whites are dying off. But Jews have the lowest birth rate, and negroes have the highest abortion rates, murder rates, crime and incarceration rates, homosexual and HIV rates, illiteracy rates, and unemployment rates. Whites aren't going anywhere.
Even when Jews mix they remain Jews. Which means their numbers are increasing. Same goes with blacks.

Whites are the only race who are truly recessive, in the sense that any mixing will result in fewer numbers.
Not quite what is seems there were articles 50 years ago along the same lines and yet here we still are....People are always going up and down Jacobs ladder..Besides I am sure much to some of your chagrin there is Jewish blood in most of your families if you go back far enough that is why I find your comments laughable.. If I remember correctly there are a number of people who have hated Jews there whole lives only to find out that they were either one or had significant traces in their background...There are liberal Jews, there are conservative Jews there is every spectrum just like anybody else try not to paint a whole group with one brush it shows a lot of ignorance...
Odious is disappointed that we can't get rid of the Jews in a more efficient way.


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