American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money.

American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.

Seely, you have to know that your party, as a group, wants more immigrants, especially non-white ones.

The other posters point is valid. If America is supposedly so wacist, why are you dems, as a group, inviting in minorities who would supposedly be treated badly by the supposedly systemic racist American society and people?

The rest of your post is so removed from reality as to be beneath you.

Half your party wants them too. Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

After we go after illegal employers and illegals go home then Democrats can try to make a case why we need more legal immigrants.

You would think you Republicans would like this idea. If illegal employers stopped hiring illegals then we wouldn't have so many illegals here voting illegally.

1. I am aware of the disagreement on legal immigration inside the gop.

2. Dems are not going to go after illegal employers, NOT send illegals home. They are all about amnesty and getting MORE of them.

3. Your assumption that illegal employers are republicans is not rational .
Well the person who owned the farm that Mollie Tibbetts murderer worked for was a prominent Republican in his state and Trump is an illegal employer so....
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.

Seely, you have to know that your party, as a group, wants more immigrants, especially non-white ones.

The other posters point is valid. If America is supposedly so wacist, why are you dems, as a group, inviting in minorities who would supposedly be treated badly by the supposedly systemic racist American society and people?

The rest of your post is so removed from reality as to be beneath you.

Half your party wants them too. Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

After we go after illegal employers and illegals go home then Democrats can try to make a case why we need more legal immigrants.

You would think you Republicans would like this idea. If illegal employers stopped hiring illegals then we wouldn't have so many illegals here voting illegally.

1. I am aware of the disagreement on legal immigration inside the gop.

2. Dems are not going to go after illegal employers, NOT send illegals home. They are all about amnesty and getting MORE of them.

3. Your assumption that illegal employers are republicans is not rational .
And the only people on USMB who ever defend illegal employers are Republicans so....
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.

Seely, you have to know that your party, as a group, wants more immigrants, especially non-white ones.

The other posters point is valid. If America is supposedly so wacist, why are you dems, as a group, inviting in minorities who would supposedly be treated badly by the supposedly systemic racist American society and people?

The rest of your post is so removed from reality as to be beneath you.

Half your party wants them too. Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

After we go after illegal employers and illegals go home then Democrats can try to make a case why we need more legal immigrants.

You would think you Republicans would like this idea. If illegal employers stopped hiring illegals then we wouldn't have so many illegals here voting illegally.

1. I am aware of the disagreement on legal immigration inside the gop.

2. Dems are not going to go after illegal employers, NOT send illegals home. They are all about amnesty and getting MORE of them.

3. Your assumption that illegal employers are republicans is not rational .
And I showed you a very well written op ed from Thom Hartmann from back in the 2000's. Show me a Republican ANY Republican who has ever uttered the two words


You won't find them.
It’s funny that business pander to the youth of the nation because they know they are the most likely to go out and spend a thousand plus dollars on the latest I Phone or new next big thing even though few of them can actually afford it. Clearly they have learned you can profit off the stupidity of others.
Corporations ads are looking for those with disposable income, no matter what their IQ. But there is a direct correlation with higher IQ and higher disposable income.
There is a direct correlation between low IQ and supporting Trump.
Lot of irony in that last sentence which I suspect the TDS infected would not have IQ to recognize.
The majority of the USA has TDS. TDS will wipe out Trumpism. Trump feels the end coming. Many of his supporters are too stupid to know they are on a sinking ship.
Wear a life jacket at all times, Unkore. The ship you are on is sinking
It’s funny that business pander to the youth of the nation because they know they are the most likely to go out and spend a thousand plus dollars on the latest I Phone or new next big thing even though few of them can actually afford it. Clearly they have learned you can profit off the stupidity of others.
Corporations ads are looking for those with disposable income, no matter what their IQ. But there is a direct correlation with higher IQ and higher disposable income.
There is a direct correlation between low IQ and supporting Trump.
Lot of irony in that last sentence which I suspect the TDS infected would not have IQ to recognize.
The majority of the USA has TDS. TDS will wipe out Trumpism. Trump feels the end coming. Many of his supporters are too stupid to know they are on a sinking ship.
Wear a life jacket at all times, Unkore. The ship you are on is sinking
Refill your prescription.
Corporations take the chances, invest the money, do the research and make the stuff we can't live without. The Supreme court ruled that money is speech and protected by the 1st Amendment. Corporations ain't your enemy but maybe government is.. Why can't the socialist left get that through their thick skulls?
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.

Seely, you have to know that your party, as a group, wants more immigrants, especially non-white ones.

The other posters point is valid. If America is supposedly so wacist, why are you dems, as a group, inviting in minorities who would supposedly be treated badly by the supposedly systemic racist American society and people?

The rest of your post is so removed from reality as to be beneath you.

Half your party wants them too. Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

After we go after illegal employers and illegals go home then Democrats can try to make a case why we need more legal immigrants.

You would think you Republicans would like this idea. If illegal employers stopped hiring illegals then we wouldn't have so many illegals here voting illegally.

1. I am aware of the disagreement on legal immigration inside the gop.

2. Dems are not going to go after illegal employers, NOT send illegals home. They are all about amnesty and getting MORE of them.

3. Your assumption that illegal employers are republicans is not rational .
Well the person who owned the farm that Mollie Tibbetts murderer worked for was a prominent Republican in his state and Trump is an illegal employer so....

Irrelevant shit.

1. I am aware of the disagreement on legal immigration inside the gop.

2. Dems are not going to go after illegal employers, NOT send illegals home. They are all about amnesty and getting MORE of them.

3. Your assumption that illegal employers are republicans is not rational .
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.

Seely, you have to know that your party, as a group, wants more immigrants, especially non-white ones.

The other posters point is valid. If America is supposedly so wacist, why are you dems, as a group, inviting in minorities who would supposedly be treated badly by the supposedly systemic racist American society and people?

The rest of your post is so removed from reality as to be beneath you.

Half your party wants them too. Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

After we go after illegal employers and illegals go home then Democrats can try to make a case why we need more legal immigrants.

You would think you Republicans would like this idea. If illegal employers stopped hiring illegals then we wouldn't have so many illegals here voting illegally.

1. I am aware of the disagreement on legal immigration inside the gop.

2. Dems are not going to go after illegal employers, NOT send illegals home. They are all about amnesty and getting MORE of them.

3. Your assumption that illegal employers are republicans is not rational .
And the only people on USMB who ever defend illegal employers are Republicans so....

"Defend" is a mischaracterization. Desiring them to be held accountable for any knowing lawbreaking, is a reasonable position.

Wanting to slam them for hiring people with fake papers in good faith, is not a reasonable position, and generally not a serious one either, from liberals.
American Corporations direct their advertising dollars towards individuals and culture that will make them the most money. Not only the most money now, but in the future. The largest number of individuals that have disposable wealth. The people who are the drivers of our culture.
There have never been more ads with mixed race couples and minorities. Corporate America knows where the US is moving. It is not the way of Trumpism, sexism, racism, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists.
Corporate America is signaling the end of Trumpism. They do so based on the strength of the dollar, not any political agenda.
May the evils of Trumpism continue to fade away along with those who support it. It cannot happen fast enough

Explain how that country singer said racist things and his record sales are through the roof with white America

I just want to know why progressives encourage more minorities to come here while also believing we're deeply racist.

If I truly thought America was really racist, I'd discourage non-whites from coming here.
I don't want more immigrants. Not until wages go up for blue collar Americans already here. Is corporate America saying they can't find enough workers to fill the jobs they have open?

You are deeply racist. That doesn't mean WE are.

We also believe corporate America is racist. BUT, we know there are a lot of companies who have implemented diversity programs. So while America is still very racist, it's getting better thanks to us.

Seely, you have to know that your party, as a group, wants more immigrants, especially non-white ones.

The other posters point is valid. If America is supposedly so wacist, why are you dems, as a group, inviting in minorities who would supposedly be treated badly by the supposedly systemic racist American society and people?

The rest of your post is so removed from reality as to be beneath you.

Half your party wants them too. Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)

After we go after illegal employers and illegals go home then Democrats can try to make a case why we need more legal immigrants.

You would think you Republicans would like this idea. If illegal employers stopped hiring illegals then we wouldn't have so many illegals here voting illegally.

1. I am aware of the disagreement on legal immigration inside the gop.

2. Dems are not going to go after illegal employers, NOT send illegals home. They are all about amnesty and getting MORE of them.

3. Your assumption that illegal employers are republicans is not rational .
And I showed you a very well written op ed from Thom Hartmann from back in the 2000's. Show me a Republican ANY Republican who has ever uttered the two words


You won't find them.

While the dems are more focused on Amnesty.

The dems want to make the legal, the gop wants to... I don't even know that the gop wants, they can't seem to face the issue at all.

But regardless, the dems are not going to go after illegal employers. They will try to give the illegals amnesty. Your assumption that illegal employers are republicans is not rational.

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