America Not to Blame for Mexico's Problems


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
As someone who has extensively studied California and Mexican history, I find this to be an interesting and very factual article. This opening part is quite telling:

Regarding the current border crisis and problems in Mexico, if you ask many Latinos who come over to the U.S., and those who advocate on their behalf, they will tell you with a straight face that their country was ruined by the Mexican-American War of 1846-48, and that it was American Imperialism that destroyed Mexico and its economy. While we know that this is an excuse, the fact is, they believe the propaganda and both Mexicans and now Americans are now taught this propaganda. But facts are stubborn things, and history is on our side. These lies are being taught in our universities and we need to combat them with the truth. While the truth is not pretty, it justifies the Polk Administration in going to war with Mexico in 1846.

Tejas was underpopulated and Mexico begged Americans to settle there. It was only when the Gringos made a good deal of it that the Mexican government closed the borders. One failed government after another led President Herrera to sell Alta California and New Mexico (the present-day states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and part of Colorado) for a whole lot more than the USA paid France for the Louisiana Purchase.

Here's something else Mexicans won't tell you - The Mexicans had very few underpaid and under-supplied soldiers to control that vast territory. In Upper California, many of those soldiers were criminals exiled from the main part of the country.

If you really want the truth about this, I highly recommend you read this article @ America Not to Blame for Mexico's Problems
I agree with the thread title.


But I find problematic the assertion that the United States was right to take the Southwest from Mexico.

A young Congressman named Abraham Lincoln opposed the war against Mexico.


I believe that unbelievable corruption is at the heart of Mexico's problems.

I have read that it is necessary to give "gifts" to get anything done (including getting your mail delivered).


I am personally terrified that corruption may become more widespread here as more people from our southern neighbor take up residence in this country.

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