America is in a death spiral


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
America in a 'Death Spiral' of Gov't Dependency?
Paul Strand — Thu, 2012

More than two-thirds of federal spending now goes to provide benefits for Americans.
In fact, more people than ever are depending on the government just to make ends meet.
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Some suggest that level of dependency could be detrimental to the nation's health.
Dangerous Dependency
Maryland resident John Sweetland is receiving three checks from government -- one for his military service, one for his time as a state employee, and one from Social Security.
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His situation is like 21 percent of his fellow Americans.
"Let's just start with the dependent population. *We have found that one out of five Americans are significantly dependent on the federal government for the basics of life," Bill Beach, director of the Heritage Foundation's Center for Data Analysis, told CBN News.
Beach puts out the annual Index of Dependence on Government. *He notes that 21 percent is way up from the less than 8 percent of Americans who were substantially dependent on government 50 years ago.
According to Beach, now "a hundred-and-fifteen million people, one out of three, are getting some kind of a check from the government."
Sending out all those checks and aid now takes up a whopping 70 percent of the federal government's budget. With the U.S. borrowing 43 cents of every dollar it spends, it's plunging the country deeper and deeper into staggering levels of debt.
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But Sweetland isn't feeling guilty about the checks he's receiving.
"For 40 plus years I put money into Social Security. *Now I just feel that I'm pulling my money back out," he told CBN News.*
Who's Footing the Bill?
But who's really paying for all this? Beach has another stunning statistic.
"Forty-nine-and-a-half percent of all the people in the United States are not paying an income tax," Beach said.*
With half the country not contributing to the general revenue and with a third getting money from Uncle Sam, Beach worries it could permanently -- and dangerously -- warp the nation's politics.
"They may be voting for people who will increase their benefits since they're not paying any of the costs involved," he explained. "We could then see this sort of death spiral of increasing dependency and increasing outlays."*
But Sweetland is like many Americans who don't like the modern entitlement state and regularly vote for the politicians promising to cut many people off from it.
"What angers me more than anything is those who sit around with the great 'give me give me give me' mentality," he said. "They think that Uncle Sam has to give them all this stuff - no, Uncle Sam is not obligated to give them anything."*
Even those who worked and contributed to the fund all their lives are likely to take far more out than they put in. **
For instance, a woman making an average income will pay about $87,000s in taxes, but government will spend $275,000 on her medical care alone.
A Tough Sell
Beach says it's tough for any politician to chop away when so many of their constituents are now so dependent.
"It just makes it really, really hard for a politician to stand up at a town hall and say 'We need to reduce everybody's benefits here because we can't afford it,'" Beach said. "One out of three people in that audience will be getting something from the federal government."*
But many Americans -- even those now receiving government checks -- worry if serious cutting doesn't start immediately, programs like Social Security and Medicare may well collapse.
"I'm very, very worried," Sweetland told CBN News. "My son right now works a 40-hour job and he's forced to pay money into something that he will probably never see."*
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Beach warns Americans, "These programs that they think are helping them, securing them from want, are all bankrupt programs."*
With a massive wave of 77 million baby boomers set to retire in the years ahead, more and more Americans will depend on these programs.*
How will the country afford all this? *A lot is at stake for both those receiving from and giving to the government. *

America in a 'Death Spiral' of Gov't Dependency? |
Too long? I know but we are spiraling to a very bad place. Some people are getting up to 6 government checks as a family. Some earned, most not earned but it can't keep going like this.
Hey now, if the government is the golden goose, I just want my share of the eggs!

What's wrong with that?

I wanna talk about me
Wanna talk about i
Wanna talk about number one
Oh my me my
What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see....................
I agree with you Misty!

America is is in a death spiral indeed!
BUT the example you gave is a military man who served his nation for 20 years minimum to get this retirement pension, then served another 20 years working for the State to get the State pension, and all the 40 years paid in to SS to receive the SS retirement....

sooooooo, what exactly is wrong with that? Do you want to take his military retirement away? Do you want to take his earned State retirement away? And in addition he paid in to SS all of those years for SS benefits....
I agree with you Misty!

America is is in a death spiral indeed!

of course it is.always will be as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats in in office.neither one of them are here to serve the people.we will contine losing more and more of our freedoms and liberties we have and be more in debt until we get a third party president in office who will serve the people instead of wall street and the zionists which is what these two clowns do.they are both puppets for the government there to do their bidding instead of following the constitution.
I agree with you Misty!

America is is in a death spiral indeed!

of course it is.always will be as long as we have this corrupt two party system of demopublicans and reprocrats in in office.neither one of them are here to serve the people.we will contine losing more and more of our freedoms and liberties we have and be more in debt until we get a third party president in office who will serve the people instead of wall street and the zionists which is what these two clowns do.they are both puppets for the government there to do their bidding instead of following the constitution.

Well, maybe Dickie Gage can start a petition for a new third party, and present it to Congress.


Notice that rw's want to stop people from earning pensions but also want to keep free health care.

Anyone surprised?
Notice that rw's want to stop people from earning pensions but also want to keep free health care.

Anyone surprised?

Is it possible for you to post something that is not a lie or distortion? Just asking.

Yes, the dependence on the gov't to solve problems and provide will drive us to ruin. It is what the founders feared.
the longer the right stays in the bubble the sooner they will sufficate.

If you keep up all the doom and gloom you will NEVER win another election
What the founders said is immaterial. They lived in the pre-industrial era that has been completely eclipsed by modern technology and communications. Government has to evolve as business and society has evolved.

We do not live in 1791.

Notice that rw's want to stop people from earning pensions but also want to keep free health care.

Anyone surprised?
Is it possible for you to post something that is not a lie or distortion? Just asking. Yes, the dependence on the gov't to solve problems and provide will drive us to ruin. It is what the founders feared.
The founders gave us the tools to adjust our government to meet our needs.

some just dont like that
Lets remember to bump these threads in a year or two.

These people will need to be reminded of just how insane they went
America is in a death spiral

People who serve in the military for 20 years deserves their pension but When you serve for Congress and the Senate you get a pension for the rest of you life after 4 years and that is your full paycheck .. Sorry that doesnt fly with me.. I also think that people in Congress and the Senate should have term limits so the power doesnt go to their heads. Most have a college degree so they can get a job in the private sector no problem. The same people who are griping to say that these people ( senate and congress or other government jobs ) should be able to double dip are the same people that says that my husband did not earn his retirement for serving 25 years in the service... People who join the military and put their life on the line for this country and could die when they go to work deserve their benefits but Obama wants to cut them . OF course you dont see him cutting into his benefits or raises for those on capital hill or has he really stopped the insider trading that goes on in Congress. I know there was a bill that Scott Brown started but now that he wont be in the Senate how far will that really go.
People who serve in the military for 20 years deserves their pension but When you serve for Congress and the Senate you get a pension for the rest of you life after 4 years and that is your full paycheck .. Sorry that doesnt fly with me.. I also think that people in Congress and the Senate should have term limits so the power doesnt go to their heads. Most have a college degree so they can get a job in the private sector no problem. The same people who are griping to say that these people ( senate and congress or other government jobs ) should be able to double dip are the same people that says that my husband did not earn his retirement for serving 25 years in the service... People who join the military and put their life on the line for this country and could die when they go to work deserve their benefits but Obama wants to cut them . OF course you dont see him cutting into his benefits or raises for those on capital hill or has he really stopped the insider trading that goes on in Congress. I know there was a bill that Scott Brown started but now that he wont be in the Senate how far will that really go.
It's a halfway decent pension for congress but they do not get a pension for the rest of their life after 4 years Lovebear....

if they only served 4 years they are not vested in the pension plan so no monies that the gvt matched for their pension is theirs....they get no pension.... they pay a percentage of their pension each year....are not vested until after 5 years and they can not draw on their pension until they are 62 years of age.....unless they too have served a minimum of 25 years...then after 25 years, they can retire whenever they want and don't have to wait until they are 62.

someone serving 5 years gets a much much much much lower percentage of their 3 years of highest annual salary at 62 years of age...then someone serving 20 years and someone serving 20 years gets about 50% of their average 3 year highest income upon retirement at 62....

Congress has a pension plan. - Jan. 20, 2006

The military can draw retirement after 20 years no matter their age and do NOT have to wait until they are 62 years old to draw it....My father retired Chief Master Sargent USAF after 22 years, at 39 years old and is now 80 years old and still kicking....that's over 40 years of retirement so far....and yes he does deserve every penny of it, he served a year in viet nam and luckily came home alive....though very sick for a few years, and later diagnosed with 3 different cancers that were related to agent orange....they were all caught early, with his good medical benefits that came with retirement Thank Goodness.

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