America has spoken, and Obama has flipped them the bird


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"The American people don’t want President Barack Obama to take the lead on enacting policy, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll out Wednesday…By a clear 56% to 33% margin, those surveyed don’t want Mr. Obama to take the lead role in setting policy, preferring that Congress take the lead role…The 56% who now want Congress to take the lead role in policy making is a high water mark in the poll’s history. The WSJ/NBC poll found Americans are pleased that the Republican victories in this month’s midterm elections were broadly viewed as a rebuke to the president – 53% said they feel positive about the idea that “fewer people were elected who support President Obama’s legislative agenda.”

"The American people have spoken, and the White House is flipping them the bird. The administration’s surreal talking points actually try to cast this move as a law enforcement initiative that’s all about security and accountability:"

“Taxes and background checks aren’t amnesty. That’s accountability. Doing nothing—that’s amnesty. We need to focus on deporting felons, not families; criminals, not children.”

"The children line is incredibly disingenuous. Obama’s 2012 executive action shielded the so-called DREAMers from deportation. And how has this administration performed on the whole “deporting felons” thing?

"New records contradict the Obama administration’s assurances to Congress and the public that the 2,200 people it freed from immigration jails last year to save money had only minor criminal records. The records, obtained by USA TODAY, show immigration officials released some undocumented immigrants who had faced far more serious criminal charges, including people charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, drug trafficking and homicide.


Americans Don 8217 t Want Obama Leading on Policy 8212 WSJ NBC Poll - Washington Wire - WSJ

NBC WSJ poll By large margin Americans want GOP not Obama leading on policy Hot Air

Here's what the prez said about executive authority, back when he was still lying to the people about who he was and what he had planned:

"The American people have spoken, and the White House is flipping them the bird.
Funny how the Right said not listening to the will of the people was leadership and listening to the people was "pandering" after the 2008 election, but now suddenly what the Right says the people say is mandatory.

As I have shown so mant times before, the Right are ALWAYS on BOTH sides of EVERY issue depending on which way the wind blows at the moment!

May 4, 2009
RUSH: I maintain when a politician says, "We have to listen to the American people and learn," we are pandering. We're not leading.
what else is new? the last time we had a president who served the people instead of the bankers and the war mongrels was back in the 60's and he paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.The president is just a puppet doing what his puppetmasters tell him to do,if he doesnt,he suffers the same fate.

Obama is just being the willing puppet they want him be to do doing what they have told him.from here on out every single president will be worse than the previous one as long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats who both serve the bankers instead of the people.
what else is new? the last time we had a president who served the people instead of the bankers and the war mongrels was back in the 60's and he paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.The president is just a puppet doing what his puppetmasters tell him to do,if he doesnt,he suffers the same fate.

Obama is just being the willing puppet they want him be to do doing what they have told him.from here on out every single president will be worse than the previous one as long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats who both serve the bankers instead of the people.
Rubbish. He was taken out by a lone crazed gunman with a mail ordered rifle with no ties to any banking organization, mob or any government entities.
what else is new? the last time we had a president who served the people instead of the bankers and the war mongrels was back in the 60's and he paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.The president is just a puppet doing what his puppetmasters tell him to do,if he doesnt,he suffers the same fate.

Obama is just being the willing puppet they want him be to do doing what they have told him.from here on out every single president will be worse than the previous one as long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats who both serve the bankers instead of the people.
Rubbish. He was taken out by a lone crazed gunman with a mail ordered rifle with no ties to any banking organization, mob or any government entities.
Now I KNOW you are being sarcastic and trying to be funny here.I know your not trying to be serious.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: oswald had no ties to the bankers correct,but every seriosu JFK reseacher knows that oswald and ruby were pals and ruby had ties to the mob and CIA,that oswald had an uncle who was in the mob and worked for the CIA and navy intelligence.that he was a patsy-"just like he said he was." a patsy for the government.If your actually serious about everything you have rambled on here about,you have been seriously brainwashed and programmed and have only gone by the textbooks what they have told you in our corrupt school system which is controlled by the government.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

oh and hate to break your heart,but the warren commission failed miserably to prove that oswald was in the 6th floor window in did the shooting.that he had anything to do with it where there is plenty of hard core facts that prove him innocet,that he was exactly a patsy just like he said he was and there were multiple shooters.:lmao::lmao: you obviously have never seen the movie JFK.It has never been debunked despite several failed attempts by many people.:lmao:
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what else is new? the last time we had a president who served the people instead of the bankers and the war mongrels was back in the 60's and he paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.The president is just a puppet doing what his puppetmasters tell him to do,if he doesnt,he suffers the same fate.

Obama is just being the willing puppet they want him be to do doing what they have told him.from here on out every single president will be worse than the previous one as long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats who both serve the bankers instead of the people.
Rubbish. He was taken out by a lone crazed gunman with a mail ordered rifle with no ties to any banking organization, mob or any government entities.
Now I KNOW you are being sarcastic and trying to be funny here.I know your not trying to be serious.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: oswald had no ties to the bankers correct,but every seriosu JFK reseacher knows that oswald and ruby were pals and ruby had ties to the mob and CIA,that oswald had an uncle who was in the mob and worked for the CIA and navy intelligence.that he was a patsy-"just like he said he was." a patsy for the government.If your actually serious about everything you have rambled on here about,you have been seriously brainwashed and programmed and have only gone by the textbooks what they have told you in our corrupt school system which is controlled by the government.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

oh and hate to break your heart,but the warren commission failed miserably to prove that oswald was in the 6th floor window in did the shooting.that he had anything to do with it where there is plenty of hard core facts that prove him innocet,that he was exactly a patsy just like he said he was and there were multiple shooters.:lmao::lmao: you obviously have never seen the movie JFK.It has never been debunked despite several failed attempts by many people.:lmao:
oh and also hate to break your heart again but the ONLY post on this thread so far that is rubbish is the lies of the government that you have swallowed and are telling for them now.stick your obama is not a citizen thread.a topic of something you actually know something on what you are talking about.:rolleyes-41:

you're in the big leagues now,you cant stand toe to toe with the likes on me on this.I have read over a hundred books so without trying to be arrogant,I think its safe i have far greater knowledge about the truth on how he was killed and who did it than most if not all posters here at this site do.:rolleyes-41:
"The American people have spoken, and the White House is flipping them the bird.
Funny how the Right said not listening to the will of the people was leadership and listening to the people was "pandering" after the 2008 election, but now suddenly what the Right says the people say is mandatory.

As I have shown so mant times before, the Right are ALWAYS on BOTH sides of EVERY issue depending on which way the wind blows at the moment!

May 4, 2009
RUSH: I maintain when a politician says, "We have to listen to the American people and learn," we are pandering. We're not leading.
You conveniently gloss over 'politician says'.
what else is new? the last time we had a president who served the people instead of the bankers and the war mongrels was back in the 60's and he paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.The president is just a puppet doing what his puppetmasters tell him to do,if he doesnt,he suffers the same fate.

Obama is just being the willing puppet they want him be to do doing what they have told him.from here on out every single president will be worse than the previous one as long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats who both serve the bankers instead of the people.
Rubbish. He was taken out by a lone crazed gunman with a mail ordered rifle with no ties to any banking organization, mob or any government entities.
Now I KNOW you are being sarcastic and trying to be funny here.I know your not trying to be serious.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: oswald had no ties to the bankers correct,but every seriosu JFK reseacher knows that oswald and ruby were pals and ruby had ties to the mob and CIA,that oswald had an uncle who was in the mob and worked for the CIA and navy intelligence.that he was a patsy-"just like he said he was." a patsy for the government.If your actually serious about everything you have rambled on here about,you have been seriously brainwashed and programmed and have only gone by the textbooks what they have told you in our corrupt school system which is controlled by the government.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

oh and hate to break your heart,but the warren commission failed miserably to prove that oswald was in the 6th floor window in did the shooting.that he had anything to do with it where there is plenty of hard core facts that prove him innocet,that he was exactly a patsy just like he said he was and there were multiple shooters.:lmao::lmao: you obviously have never seen the movie JFK.It has never been debunked despite several failed attempts by many people.:lmao:
oh and also hate to break your heart again but the ONLY post on this thread so far that is rubbish is the lies of the government that you have swallowed and are telling for them now.stick your obama is not a citizen thread.a topic of something you actually know something on what you are talking about.:rolleyes-41:

you're in the big leagues now,you cant stand toe to toe with the likes on me on this.I have read over a hundred books so without trying to be arrogant,I think its safe i have far greater knowledge about the truth on how he was killed and who did it than most if not all posters here at this site do.:rolleyes-41:
Dude, I was actually joshing you being sarcastic. No, I do agree with you.
And I don't blame him one damn bit. He should use both hands and shoot them a double-fuck-you.

what else is new? the last time we had a president who served the people instead of the bankers and the war mongrels was back in the 60's and he paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.The president is just a puppet doing what his puppetmasters tell him to do,if he doesnt,he suffers the same fate.

Obama is just being the willing puppet they want him be to do doing what they have told him.from here on out every single president will be worse than the previous one as long as we have this corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats who both serve the bankers instead of the people.
Rubbish. He was taken out by a lone crazed gunman with a mail ordered rifle with no ties to any banking organization, mob or any government entities.
Now I KNOW you are being sarcastic and trying to be funny here.I know your not trying to be serious.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: oswald had no ties to the bankers correct,but every seriosu JFK reseacher knows that oswald and ruby were pals and ruby had ties to the mob and CIA,that oswald had an uncle who was in the mob and worked for the CIA and navy intelligence.that he was a patsy-"just like he said he was." a patsy for the government.If your actually serious about everything you have rambled on here about,you have been seriously brainwashed and programmed and have only gone by the textbooks what they have told you in our corrupt school system which is controlled by the government.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

oh and hate to break your heart,but the warren commission failed miserably to prove that oswald was in the 6th floor window in did the shooting.that he had anything to do with it where there is plenty of hard core facts that prove him innocet,that he was exactly a patsy just like he said he was and there were multiple shooters.:lmao::lmao: you obviously have never seen the movie JFK.It has never been debunked despite several failed attempts by many people.:lmao:
oh and also hate to break your heart again but the ONLY post on this thread so far that is rubbish is the lies of the government that you have swallowed and are telling for them now.stick your obama is not a citizen thread.a topic of something you actually know something on what you are talking about.:rolleyes-41:

you're in the big leagues now,you cant stand toe to toe with the likes on me on this.I have read over a hundred books so without trying to be arrogant,I think its safe i have far greater knowledge about the truth on how he was killed and who did it than most if not all posters here at this site do.:rolleyes-41:
Dude, I was actually joshing you being sarcastic. No, I do agree with you.

I was going to say,you are more awake on governemnt corruption that a lot of people with how you are aware of obama not being a us citizen and everything so you had me going there for a minute.hee hee.
glad you said that cause i would have had to take you off my friends list if you were serious,not cause of what you believe, but its my experience that people on the NET who disagree with you,never look at the facts and can ever admit they have been proven wrong is why so gald to hear that. never have i ever seen someone who actually believed what you posted before,have i ever seen them change their minds,they just ignore everything you post every single time.
helpful hint,next time use a smiley so i know you're not being serious.hee hee. just wondering,i assume you have seen the obama deception video? i have it in my link under must see video because it explains everything i said to be true with alot of credible experts on it.:beer:
kosher girl,steve,have you seen the obama decption by chance? very informative video wouldnt you say?

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