AMBER ALERT: 20th Anniversary of Loss of Girl who inspired life-saving program


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Amber Hagerman: The AMBER Alert System

I saw a video by the mother of Amber Hagerman, still grieving and asking for closure.

If anyone has links to stories and updates concerning AMBER ALERTS
please post here, in honor of this outreach that has saved lives nationwide.

Thank you!

Donna Whitson (Norris) has Sacrifice to save the Whole Nation, by creating the AMBER Alert, name it after her daughter, Amber Hagerman. The AMBER Alert system has save almost the whole Nation! Without it, many children or any people may have die! - But, the only thing that Amber's mother thinks that...

"I wish there was an AMBER Alert while Amber was missing. If the AMBER Alert was here when Amber went missing, she should be here right now..."
Say Donna Whitson (Norris)
Donna Whitson (Norris) has Sacrifice to save the Whole Nation, by creating the AMBER Alert, name it after her daughter, Amber Hagerman. The AMBER Alert system has save almost the whole Nation! Without it, many children or any people may have die! - But, the only thing that Amber's mother thinks that...

"I wish there was an AMBER Alert while Amber was missing. If the AMBER Alert was here when Amber went missing, she should be here right now..."
Say Donna Whitson (Norris)

Amber Hagerman: The Mother Who Sacrifice to Save the Whole Nation!

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Thank you to DONNA WHITSON NORRIS and all the loving supporters of her and AMBER for what you have done to pay this debt forward. To save so many others from pain and suffering that can never be repaired. May God more deeply bless you for loving others as he sent his son Christ Jesus to love us in this way, to pay the debts from injustice forward with love. In the spirit of compassion and wisdom, of forgiveness and correction, of peace through Restorative Justice. May Life's healing grace embrace and restore good faith relations, bringing resolution and closure this year. May all those suffering with mental illness and criminal addictions that leads to these tragedies come forward to receive help to heal their sickness before any more harm is done. If anyone knows someone related to this case or others who is SICK and in need of cure, before they hurt anyone, please contact OLIVIA REINER's healing ministry that has counseled criminals to come forward, receive healing, and become volunteers to END crime and abuse against children 713-829-0899. Or please contact other spiritual healing outreach that has been used to cure schizophrenia, suicidal depression, and other mental illness: Dr. Francis and Judith MacNutt or Dr. Phillip Goldfedder Healing is Yours. Alternative Medicine Healing Ministry. This year, let us bring healing to the nation, ask all those who know someone with a dangerous criminal illness or addiction to come forward and receive help to save lives. Thank you, God Bless Amber and God Bless America, and everyone with the love it takes to overcome the deepest roots of suffering and turn hell into heaven again. May all the Angels pour forth to bring about the transformation of society and humanity into heavenly peace and justice. IN CHRIST JESUS NAME AMEN
It's sad that it took this little girl's sacrifice for such a system to be created. I applaud her mother for her efforts, and hope she finds some closure. No matter the outcome I hope she rests easy knowing her daughter saved many parents from the same grief she has had to go through.
It's sad that it took this little girl's sacrifice for such a system to be created. I applaud her mother for her efforts, and hope she finds some closure. No matter the outcome I hope she rests easy knowing her daughter saved many parents from the same grief she has had to go through.

Thanks aaronleland From what I learned from Parents of Murdered Children, the hole in their hearts never goes away. Even when they close the case, or the person is convicted or executed, never. The parents never get over the loss, it is the worst thing in the world and just tears a huge hole. The most I have seen is people heal by forgiveness, where so much love is pouring through that hole in their heart that they focus on the love. But the hole is always there. We just need more support and understanding for families, knowing they may never get over it. It is not something I can ever understand but each parent whose been through it knows without saying.

I admire the parents of Morgan Harrington who started Save the Next Girl:

I will add the Hagerman's facebook page to my website at freespiritualhealing for research and resources to stop criminal illness by supporting people to turn themselves in and get help to contain, manage, treat and heal their addictions and sickness. Like cancer and other deadly diseases, earlier intervention increases the chance of cure; but even hardcore cases of schizophrenic voices have been cured where patients returned to normal (see Scott Peck's "Glimpses of the Devil" and "People of the Lie" where he used deliverance therapy).

Amber Hagerman's Family Not Giving Up, 20 Years Later

One of the few people reaching out from the killer's side is David Berkowitz who is trying to work with Crime Victims outreach to get to the killers before they harm anyone else. He was healed of his demons from occult activities, and once he understood the cure, he wanted to help people BEFORE they kill out of madness.
He will remain in prison for life, but is still trying to do outreach from there.

I know people with a ministry you would never believe used to be hardened criminals and gang/drug leaders. They are like little children again, gentle lambs who want to help everyone and cry if anyone is hurting. Not even the same people they were before, completely new personalities when they go through deep healing. Nobody can believe this, unless you see the same person before and after; it will need to be documented by medical and psychiatric professionals to believe it. So that's why I push for formal research studies to save lives.

I will try to start a prayer and fundraising circle around unsolved cases. And ask teams and communities to come together to uplift those in sickness and suffering, and see if people will come forward with information.
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It's sad that it took this little girl's sacrifice for such a system to be created. I applaud her mother for her efforts, and hope she finds some closure. No matter the outcome I hope she rests easy knowing her daughter saved many parents from the same grief she has had to go through.

Thanks aaronleland From what I learned from Parents of Murdered Children, the hole in their hearts never goes away. Even when they close the case, or the person is convicted or executed, never. The parents never get over the loss, it is the worst thing in the world and just tears a huge hole. The most I have seen is people heal by forgiveness, where so much love is pouring through that hole in their heart that they focus on the love. But the hole is always there. We just need more support and understanding for families, knowing they may never get over it. It is not something I can ever understand but each parent whose been through it knows without saying.

I admire the parents of Morgan Harrington who started Save the Next Girl:

I will add the Hagerman's facebook page to my website at freespiritualhealing for research and resources to stop criminal illness by supporting people to turn themselves in and get help to contain, manage, treat and heal their addictions and sickness. Like cancer and other deadly diseases, earlier intervention increases the chance of cure; but even hardcore cases of schizophrenic voices have been cured where patients returned to normal (see Scott Peck's "Glimpses of the Devil" and "People of the Lie" where he used deliverance therapy).

Amber Hagerman's Family Not Giving Up, 20 Years Later

One of the few people reaching out from the killer's side is David Berkowitz who is trying to work with Crime Victims outreach to get to the killers before they harm anyone else. He was healed of his demons from occult activities, and once he understood the cure, he wanted to help people BEFORE they kill out of madness.
He will remain in prison for life, but is still trying to do outreach from there.

I know people with a ministry you would never believe used to be hardened criminals and gang/drug leaders. They are like little children again, gentle lambs who want to help everyone and cry if anyone is hurting. Not even the same people they were before, completely new personalities when they go through deep healing. Nobody can believe this, unless you see the same person before and after; it will need to be documented by medical and psychiatric professionals to believe it. So that's why I push for formal research studies to save lives.

I will try to start a prayer and fundraising circle around unsolved cases. And ask teams and communities to come together to uplift those in sickness and suffering, and see if people will come forward with information.

Thanks. I applaud David Berkowitz for what he has done. His work with the Crime Victims outreach is nice too. :eusa_shifty:
It's sad that it took this little girl's sacrifice for such a system to be created. I applaud her mother for her efforts, and hope she finds some closure. No matter the outcome I hope she rests easy knowing her daughter saved many parents from the same grief she has had to go through.

Thanks aaronleland From what I learned from Parents of Murdered Children, the hole in their hearts never goes away. Even when they close the case, or the person is convicted or executed, never. The parents never get over the loss, it is the worst thing in the world and just tears a huge hole. The most I have seen is people heal by forgiveness, where so much love is pouring through that hole in their heart that they focus on the love. But the hole is always there. We just need more support and understanding for families, knowing they may never get over it. It is not something I can ever understand but each parent whose been through it knows without saying.

I admire the parents of Morgan Harrington who started Save the Next Girl:

I will add the Hagerman's facebook page to my website at freespiritualhealing for research and resources to stop criminal illness by supporting people to turn themselves in and get help to contain, manage, treat and heal their addictions and sickness. Like cancer and other deadly diseases, earlier intervention increases the chance of cure; but even hardcore cases of schizophrenic voices have been cured where patients returned to normal (see Scott Peck's "Glimpses of the Devil" and "People of the Lie" where he used deliverance therapy).

Amber Hagerman's Family Not Giving Up, 20 Years Later

One of the few people reaching out from the killer's side is David Berkowitz who is trying to work with Crime Victims outreach to get to the killers before they harm anyone else. He was healed of his demons from occult activities, and once he understood the cure, he wanted to help people BEFORE they kill out of madness.
He will remain in prison for life, but is still trying to do outreach from there.

I know people with a ministry you would never believe used to be hardened criminals and gang/drug leaders. They are like little children again, gentle lambs who want to help everyone and cry if anyone is hurting. Not even the same people they were before, completely new personalities when they go through deep healing. Nobody can believe this, unless you see the same person before and after; it will need to be documented by medical and psychiatric professionals to believe it. So that's why I push for formal research studies to save lives.

I will try to start a prayer and fundraising circle around unsolved cases. And ask teams and communities to come together to uplift those in sickness and suffering, and see if people will come forward with information.

Thanks. I applaud David Berkowitz for what he has done. His work with the Crime Victims outreach is nice too. :eusa_shifty:

I don't know how his offers are help are being received. People who don't think spiritual healing can really change someone that much tend to
think he's just using this to get something out of the deal.

I believe he is sincere. He has contacted Andy Kahan with the Crime Victims Rights advocacy in Houston.
I'd like to set up a program and help him reach the criminally ill to go get help.
But inmates aren't allowed to contact each other directly for obvious security reasons. Nonprofit groups would have to help organize.

Poor Amber's case was never solved.
My friend Shelley Sikes has family still grieving and wanting her body to be buried after she was declared legally dead.
What if there was an outreach for men who have come clean to reach out and help others to come forward?

These repentant killers who have changed later can't do anything about the past.
But if they can make a difference to someone else, that at least helps someone.
If I were a messed up killer not knowing where to turn, I might open up to someone I knew wouldn't judge me but sincerely
help me find a lawyer to get me the help I need, and set up meaningful restitution instead of creating more problems that doesn't help the families.

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