Amazon's..HUNTERS. Al Pacino. Dayum!


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Anyone watching this show? At first, I was not impressed but kept going anyway. Now I am hooked. It reminds me of a dorky Tarentino film,'s really well done. Yeah, there are corny parts, stupid parts, humorous parts, but there is also history, 4th Reich and plots/plans to get that going which COULD possibly be something that could happen. Especially with the Coronavirus crap going on. Not saying that is what IS going on, but it very well could happen just not necessarily by Nazi's. Pollute the water, food supply, medicines (in this story, its corn syrup) and there goes a buttload of people dying. Corn syrup. Its in medicines too, ya know. To make cough syrup and stuff taste better for kids and adults as well.

Then there is the conspiracy theory of the USA sneaking Nazi's in because they have smarts...sticking them in NASA and other government scientific fields, etc. Did that happen? Who knows?

Point is...this series makes ya say "hmmmmmmmmmmm".
I watched the first ten minutes, but when it turned out the main hero was a drug dealer who gets beaten up by his customers, I kind of lost interest.
Anyone watching this show? At first, I was not impressed but kept going anyway. Now I am hooked. It reminds me of a dorky Tarentino film,'s really well done. Yeah, there are corny parts, stupid parts, humorous parts, but there is also history, 4th Reich and plots/plans to get that going which COULD possibly be something that could happen. Especially with the Coronavirus crap going on. Not saying that is what IS going on, but it very well could happen just not necessarily by Nazi's. Pollute the water, food supply, medicines (in this story, its corn syrup) and there goes a buttload of people dying. Corn syrup. Its in medicines too, ya know. To make cough syrup and stuff taste better for kids and adults as well.

Then there is the conspiracy theory of the USA sneaking Nazi's in because they have smarts...sticking them in NASA and other government scientific fields, etc. Did that happen? Who knows?

Point is...this series makes ya say "hmmmmmmmmmmm".

I've been enjoying it too. Until recently, there was at least one group that did hunt escaped Nazi war criminals but the captured them and brought them to trial in Israel.
Then there is the conspiracy theory of the USA sneaking Nazi's in because they have smarts...sticking them in NASA and other government scientific fields, etc. Did that happen? Who knows?
It certainly did happen.

Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program to Bring Nazi Scientists to America — Central Intelligence Agency

Werner von Braun is well known to those who remember the Apollo moon landing. During the Ford administration, von Braun was almost awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom—until one of Ford’s senior advisors, David Gergen, objected to his Nazi past.

Less well known is that another 120 fellow German scientists, engineers, and technicians developed the Saturn V launch vehicle, or that the Launch Operations Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida, was headed by Kurt Debus, an ardent Nazi. The Vertical Assembly Building—bigger in volume than the Pentagon and almost as tall as the Washington Monument—was designed by Bernhard Tessmann, former facilities designer at the German missile launch facility at Peenemuende.

Other prominent Nazis hired under Operation Paperclip included:

  • Dr. Hubertus Strughold, who played an important role in space medicine by developing space suits and other life-support systems. In June 1948, he put a rhesus monkey named Albert in the pressurized nosecone of a V-2 rocket in a pressurized nose cone, the first step in the effort to send humans to space.
  • General Reinhard Gehlen, former head of Nazi intelligence operations against the Soviets, was hired by the US Army and later by the CIA to operate 600 ex-Nazi agents in the Soviet zone of occupied Germany. In 1948, CIA Director Roscoe Hillenkoetter assumed control of the so-called Gehlen Organization.
  • German biologist Dr. Kurt Blome was hired to develop offensive and defensive capabilities to counter Soviet biological warfare activities.
  • Thanks
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I've watched the first three eps and will continue with it. I like Tarantino movies, too---lol. I have to be in the right mood though for all the carnage. This story intrigues me because it is based on our history---however, loosely. :eusa_think:
I watched the first ten minutes, but when it turned out the main hero was a drug dealer who gets beaten up by his customers, I kind of lost interest.
Keep going. I almost turned it off because of pussy boy. But..I kept going. Glad I did.

Usually..I can write the movies I watch and know what happens before it did. Only two movies have fooled me up to the very end. The movie Sixth Sense...and this one. It really gets good. Try it again.
In other words..I watched the whole season. Glad I did. Can't wait for season 2! I could say more...but I'll wait awhile cuz y'all are still watching and may watch and I don't want to do spoilers.
In other words..I watched the whole season. Glad I did. Can't wait for season 2! I could say more...but I'll wait awhile cuz y'all are still watching and may watch and I don't want to do spoilers.

That last scene in episode 10...damn.

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It was a little nod to The Boys From Brazil, I think. Kinda like Gary Oldman in Dracula did a little nod to Anthony Hopkins sessssffffffffffffffft as Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs.

If you haven't ever seen Boys From Brazil with gregory Its on Amazon, if you have Prime.
In other words..I watched the whole season. Glad I did. Can't wait for season 2! I could say more...but I'll wait awhile cuz y'all are still watching and may watch and I don't want to do spoilers.

That last scene in episode 10...damn.

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It was a little nod to The Boys From Brazil, I think. Kinda like Gary Oldman in Dracula did a little nod to Anthony Hopkins sessssffffffffffffffft as Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs.

If you haven't ever seen Boys From Brazil with gregory Its on Amazon, if you have Prime.

I do have prime. I’ll check it out.

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Up to Episode 3. Thanks for this thread!

Al Pacino is like what Neil Simon said about Meryl Streep in his play "Rumors" she plays anything but you still know its Meryl Streep.
I'm going to try to ask my question without giving away any spoilers, lol.

How did Ruth NOT know about Meyer? She saw him that one last time when she asked him why he left her and their daughter so long ago and never returned to her even though he lived in the same city. That one has me scratching my head. Those who have seen all episodes will know what I am referring to. ;)

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