Amazing interview of Palestinian Americans by Fox News. Palestinian Americans support the police and make very well thought out points


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Did anybody see this interview? It’s like they kept on looking for gotcha moments and it never happened. And right away these beautiful Palestinian people you can actually see a very attractive Palestinian lady making a point that won me over. You can almost immediately hear as the interview starts a a Palestinian American woman saying we need to pay our Police more money. That’s something that resonates with Trump supporters. She backs the blue.

She goes on to say how she can condemns the killing of civilians by Hamas . And then they keep on trying to ask her gotcha moment questions. Never works out, and I think eventually Sean Hannity admired this Palestinian American woman who supports the police.

“Islam condemns the killing of innocent people”

“All religions condemn the killing of innocent people”

4:45 mark you can see this wonderful Palestinian, American saying we’re sending billions of dollars away to foreign countries and we’re not paying our cops enough.
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The Palestinians simply deny that the slaughter of Israelis happened.

The Israelis always overreact with US furnished bombs and missiles destroying Gaza.

The Palestinians keep calling Israelis "occupiers", they needed to get over the fact that Israel exists. Too late now.

Terrorism never wins. Leveling Gaza is as bad as what Hamas does.

Gaza should have been systematically depopulated and then leveled. Shipping Pals all over the ME.
Israeli government officials are under immense pressure, not like the IDF obviously but they are feeling the heat. I watched on Indian news three separate angry confrontations with Ministers, two incidents were in hospitals where they were thrown out by staff, one doctor or nurse yelling at the top of his lungs, "you are incompetent, YOU started this war" as they sheepishly left the hospital.

In another instance a bunch of Israeli citizens went up to a Ministers car with him in it and threw paint all over his car.

Israel is a true democracy and people are expressing themselves in excessive ways. It was tough to watch, but not as difficult as watching war unfold. Hamas needs to go but I can't see Bibi lasting too long.
I am intrigued with the claim that ISLAM PROHIBITS KILLING OF CIVILIANS (for the record--READ THE KORAN) So far a very
THE AYATOLLAH ALI KHAMENEI congratulated Hamas for its
Right now the Palestinians people are evil filthy creatures that need to be destroyed.

If any Palestinians is good, they will join Israel and destroy the evil amongst themselves
Yeah, peaceful bunch huh.

"When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (Sura 9:5). "When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads" (Sura 47:4). "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate" (Sura 9:73). "The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan" (Sura 4:76). Who are these idolaters and unbelievers and infidels? Those who are not strict Muslims. "Muhammad is God's Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" (Sura 48:29).
Did anybody see this interview? It’s like they kept on looking for gotcha moments and it never happened. And right away these beautiful Palestinian people you can actually see a very attractive Palestinian lady making a point that won me over. You can almost immediately hear as the interview starts a a Palestinian American woman saying we need to pay our Police more money. That’s something that resonates with Trump supporters. She backs the blue.

She goes on to say how she can condemns the killing of civilians by Hamas . And then they keep on trying to ask her gotcha moment questions. Never works out, and I think eventually Sean Hannity admired this Palestinian American woman who supports the police.

“Islam condemns the killing of innocent people”

“All religions condemn the killing of innocent people”

4:45 mark you can see this wonderful Palestinian, American saying we’re sending billions of dollars away to foreign countries and we’re not paying our cops enough.

You claim you are neutral and yet you make a hundred anti-Israeli threads. Can you point me to one of your threads where you attack Hamas? A thread, not a post.
And so the Op continues the Psychological Warfare that Hamas wanted in the World.

In the video, Israel should turn services back on. Israel should let them go to Egypt.

Egypt and Jordam have sealed their borders. They want them sealed up to use as Cannon Fodder.

But these people blame Israel, and ignore Hamas slaughtered unarmed women and children.

Israel has NO REASON to supply their enemies with food and water. If the 2 million there want it.... Capture or kill Hamas. If not oh well.

Israel has a right to fight a War that Hamas started. The people of Gaza knew and know who they are. They live with them. They aid and comfort them. Now they must sleeo in the bed they made.
The Palestinians simply deny that the slaughter of Israelis happened.

The Israelis always overreact with US furnished bombs and missiles destroying Gaza.

The Palestinians keep calling Israelis "occupiers", they needed to get over the fact that Israel exists. Too late now.

Terrorism never wins. Leveling Gaza is as bad as what Hamas does.

Gaza should have been systematically depopulated and then leveled. Shipping Pals all over the ME.
So your solution is ethnic cleansing....
Ethnic Cleansing Definition:
“… a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas.”

Your Comment:
Gaza should have been systematically depopulated and then leveled. Shipping Pals all over the ME.

Yep, looks like you are looking for Ethnic Cleansing..
Now if the Gaza Citizens didn't leave and you continue with your plan to 'depopulated and then leveled'.. That looks like it would be Genocide as well...

Which shows you don't want peace, you want more conflict... Do you seriously think that Ethnic Cleansing (and possibly commiting Genocide ) in Gaza will deescalate this conflict.

One of the reasons this problem continues is escalation... Escalation creates money from both side to keep fighting... Isreal gets it from the US and Palestine gets it from the Arab world...
Did anybody see this interview? It’s like they kept on looking for gotcha moments and it never happened. And right away these beautiful Palestinian people you can actually see a very attractive Palestinian lady making a point that won me over. You can almost immediately hear as the interview starts a a Palestinian American woman saying we need to pay our Police more money. That’s something that resonates with Trump supporters. She backs the blue.

She goes on to say how she can condemns the killing of civilians by Hamas . And then they keep on trying to ask her gotcha moment questions. Never works out, and I think eventually Sean Hannity admired this Palestinian American woman who supports the police.

“Islam condemns the killing of innocent people”

“All religions condemn the killing of innocent people”

4:45 mark you can see this wonderful Palestinian, American saying we’re sending billions of dollars away to foreign countries and we’re not paying our cops enough.

Well, they must all be good, right?

Are you for taking a million Pali’s here Frank?
Did anybody see this interview? It’s like they kept on looking for gotcha moments and it never happened. And right away these beautiful Palestinian people you can actually see a very attractive Palestinian lady making a point that won me over. You can almost immediately hear as the interview starts a a Palestinian American woman saying we need to pay our Police more money. That’s something that resonates with Trump supporters. She backs the blue.

She goes on to say how she can condemns the killing of civilians by Hamas . And then they keep on trying to ask her gotcha moment questions. Never works out, and I think eventually Sean Hannity admired this Palestinian American woman who supports the police.

“Islam condemns the killing of innocent people”

“All religions condemn the killing of innocent people”

4:45 mark you can see this wonderful Palestinian, American saying we’re sending billions of dollars away to foreign countries and we’re not paying our cops enough.

Thanks for sharing this, FR. :)
The Palestinians simply deny that the slaughter of Israelis happened.

The Israelis always overreact with US furnished bombs and missiles destroying Gaza.

The Palestinians keep calling Israelis "occupiers", they needed to get over the fact that Israel exists. Too late now.

Terrorism never wins. Leveling Gaza is as bad as what Hamas does.

Gaza should have been systematically depopulated and then leveled. Shipping Pals all over the ME.
Shades of Hitler.
Shades of Hitler.
after the typical age old islamo nazi libels----the
islamo nazi dogs always like to throw the "LIKE HITLER"
thing at jews-----way back in the 1950's when I read the
islamo nazi literature that drifted in the breeze all over
my Methodist, Presbyterian Episcoplian town---the
islamo nazis even decided that Hitler was "REALLY" a jew.
Stalin too.

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