Am I Stoopid or What?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
What would it cost to vaccinate every player and coach on all the remaining NFL football teams?

Ditto basketball, baseball, hockey, tennis, golf, bowling?

If you add all of these up you are looking at a couple thousand doses. These players make and generate BILLIONS in revenue.

I realize that many Leftist wankers would whine that "Why should these privileged, rich MoFo's get all these doses when there are orderlies in nursing homes who haven't been vaccinated yet?"

Get a grip. There are MILLIONS and MILLIONS of these doses just sitting around in state refrigerated storage areas because the bureaucracy is too incompetent to have them distributed. Send a couple dozen to all the major league sports teams. Jesus. Biden says he will send out a hundred million doses over the next hundred days. We can't afford a couple thousand for professional athletes?

Better yet, have the teams buy them directly from the Pharma-Mfgrs.

Is this too obvious or what? Jesus what's a couple thousand doses to millionaires? Let them pay a huge amount for each dose. Who cares? Why should they still going through these Chinese fire drills when some player catches cooties and thirty seven others just happened to come into contact with him?

End it! Vaccinate the players!

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