Always Broadcasting Crap! Op/ED


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Yes, dear old stupid ABC. With Lyin Brian Ross! Rachel Madcow kicked Geraldo into the number 2 spot with her Trump taxes Horseshit and now ABC has kicked him down to 3rd with their crap. You liberals need to stop looking down the damn gun barrel as you pull the trigger. Try and remember the words of a famous liberal icon "Stupid is as stupid does".

And that washed up gaggle of freaks you have on that so called news show? " The View"? That's your idea of the four smartest women in news? Their not even the four smartest women in the room when they are the ONLY four women in the room! I look for that show to tank in the ratings and you idiots to blame female hating white males!

You keep telling folks it's the rights fault! "Watch out for the right you yell!" It's not the right you morons! It's the left kicking your ass! Your getting your ass handed to you by your own people. Hollywood, News media, Print media and liberal pollsters. As a Nixon era member I have some advice for you.

When the boat sinking, bail or swim! Even rats are smarter than you!


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